Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 99

"Do you want to limit Raticate's range of activities?"

Ashu, who was standing beside him, saw Taiji's intention after a while.

Because the Raticate's appearance is already damaged, as long as it is accidentally contaminated with Stun Spore, the speed will definitely decrease.

"However, I just need to get rid of Bellsprout before the scope shrinks! Raticate! Sucker Punch +Crunch!"

Ashu looked at the distance and felt that this could no longer be done. Going down, Spark can't be used continuously in a flash, then use Sucker Punch to pull in the distance.

"Bellsprout, the whip of thorns resist!"

"pa!" Bellsprout raised two stout vines and made a close contact with the incoming Raticate.

Because it wasn't a flash of Spark, and the distance was not too close, Bellsprout still had time to respond.

"Da~" Raticate, who was pushed back by the impact, rolled twice on the ground, and was inevitably contaminated with Stun Spore.

"This formidable power! And that Bellsprout vine has thorns!"

The audience next to it was completely taken aback by Bellsprout's Vine Whip!

"This boy is the great family younger generation, otherwise how could the ordinary Vine Whip move be developed like this!"

"Sure enough, it is good that the great family younger generation has inheritance. "

"Yeah yeah, it's not like we can only rely on Pokémon's bloodline inheritance, alas ╯﹏╰"

Taiji still doesn't know that the audience next to him has regarded him as a family Child, he is commanding Bellsprout, attack again.

"Bellsprout, whip of thorns, do it again!"

"xiu! Huh!" The two vines with wooden thorns attacked Raticate again in an instant!

"didn't expect Taiji-kun, you are still a member of the family, but I won't lose."

Ashu looked down at the vine with the thorns and muttered to himself Two sentences were spoken.

"Raticate, dodge!"

"pa!" A vine was dodge by Raticate and thrashed heavily on the Ground.

"Da!" But the other one temporarily changed direction, and the Raticate, which had Stun Spore in effect, didn't respond, and was beaten again on the ground where Stun Spore was sprinkled.

"This little devil named Taiji has even learned how to use both minds!"

A Ordinary Level Trainer who was watching the game was a little surprised!

What he said is that Bellsprout can manipulate the vines to change moves, which is actually the same as changing the circle with the left hand and the square with the right hand in the previous life

Although the left hand and the right hand are both his own hands, but Letting the two hands do different things requires special training.

He has a Weepinbell himself, but the Vine Whip used by Weepinbell can only attack in one direction. He also listened to others' instructions before training Weepinbell's ability to manipulate vines.

didn't expect to see it on a Bellsprout today!

"Not bad!" Ah Shu was also a little surprised, didn't expect this new player to be quite strong!

"Raticate, stand up, Focus Energy!" But he didn't intend to throw in the towel, and immediately ordered Raticate on the field.

"Da!" Raticate, who heard the order, felt pain in her body, but she still obeyed the order and began to explode the energy of her body.

“shua!” Raticate’s body surface violently burst out with a circle of white energy

“Don’t admit defeat yet?” Taiji originally thought that Ashu should admit defeat , after all, this Raticate has now hit Stun Spore, the speed of the strongest amount has been abolished, and it has suffered two whips of thorns!

"Then go on, Bellsprout, the whip of thorns whips it!"

"xiu! Huh!"

"Raticate, bear it! Continue Focus Energy!"

"Da!" Raticate, who accompanied the Trainer to death and bloody battles for many times, obeyed the order without the slightest hesitation and closed Close your eyes and focus on Focus Energy.

"pa! pa!" is another two deep welts, and there are also many tiny blood holes, which are caused by the wood thorns on the Vine Whip!

"It's time for us, Raticate, Spark adds Hyper Fang in a flash!"

Seeing the miserable state of his own Raticate, Ashu flashed a hint of distress in his eyes, but he couldn't lose, if The strongest Raticate has lost, so how can he be Captain!

Samson definitely wants to give this new player a little bit more, because it's about his team status, so he's ready to fight!

"shua ~" I saw Raticate staring with red eyes, flashing quickly, and immediately biting towards Bellsprout!

"Not good, Bellsprout, the whip of thorns is in front of you!"

Raticate after Focus Energy, and then use Spark to flash is obviously faster!

Taiji had to let Bellsprout defend with the obvious possibility of relying on Vine Whip to block midway.

"ka-cha ~ka!" The sharp teeth snapped off the vines blocking the front in an instant, and bit Bellsprout's head heavily.

"Moo! (✘_✘)↯" was hit by the enhanced version of Hyper Fang. Even if there were vines in front of it, Bellsprout still lost the combat capability!

Fortunately, after Bellsprout fell, Raticate wobbled and fell too.


Mainly because Focus Energy broke out a bit, but after the outbreak, Raticate’s injury and Stun Spore’s effect became more serious .

The referee looked at it and raised his flag.

"Bellsprout and Raticate lost their combat capability at the same time, but Hirakawa Ki had a Pokémon, and Taiji lost both Pokémons.

So I declare the game the winner Fang is the Hirakawa tree player!"

"pa pa pa ~" Following the referee's announcement, the onlookers gave a round of applause to the face.

"Hu~" He breathed a sigh of relief, and Ah Shu still waved at Taiji, as well as at the audience all around.

"I still lost, but when Bellsprout evolves, I should be able to win."

As the loser, Taiji silently came down from the opposing battle stage and put Bellsprout's Poké Ball was handed over to paramedics and then went outside to wait.

On the other side, after enjoying the applause of the winner, Ah Shu also handed over Raticate to the medical staff, and then walked towards Taiji.

"Taiji-kun, your Pokémon are all breed very well, you won't be a child of the Great Family!"

Ashu patted Taiji's shoulder and asked.

"Ashu, you can just call me by my name. I'm also a commoner, not a child of a family."

Taiji waved his hand, indicating that he was just a commoner.

"Then you special Vine Whip, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to inquire, I'm just a little curious, it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for you to say."

See Taiji denied it, Ashu asked curiously, but immediately added the next two sentences.

"Oh, you mean the whip of thorns, that was developed by myself and Bellsprout through day after day exploration and hard training!"

Since It has been shown in front of people, and Taiji doesn't care to tell the truth, and it's not that he has developed some huge might secret skills.

Since I heard from Sam Uncle that Pidgey's pecks and claws were developed by people from the family faction.

He knew Bellsprout's whip of thorns. Those families or gyms who are proficient in Grass Type must have similar combos, and even more secret skills with formidable power!

Then it doesn't matter if he is exposed, it can also add some aura of genius to him, and maybe attract some people's investment.

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