She could not refuse. Shao Quan and Lin Wu had already started the car. At this time, Tang Qianqian thought of another way to solve the problem.

"Grandpa, it's not good for me to go home so late?" Tang Qianqian tried his tricks.

"It's really not good, young master Beigong. It's so late now -"

"It doesn't matter. I'll take her back."

Damn, it doesn't work! Tang Qianqian glared at Beigong mercilessly. Didn't he just say he was not superstitious? Now suddenly want to try, is simply looking for trouble.

With his mind moving very fast, Tang Qianqian came up with another reason.

"But there are only two cars here. You can't take a taxi as you are."

Sooner or later, I just told Lin Wu to send Tang Rui home. Lin Wu has quickly arranged the next steps, and the speed of light is not comparable!

"Young master, I've asked the driver of my family to drive here. I'll be there in ten minutes."

If she hadn't been a good man in the forest house, she really wanted to seal her mouth with magic

All the reasons were used up. Seeing the look of expectation from Beigong Yue, Tang Qianqian was really embarrassed to refuse and could only promise.

"Who's afraid of who? I have no intention to you. If some miscellaneous fish see me and make trouble with me, I'm not responsible... Moreover, this is a reward for you to repair he Shuimeng today, but not in the future."

Reward? Reward? Beigongluo wanted to laugh. All the people in the city who wanted to go out alone with him could row all the way to other counties and cities. Tang Qianqian even said that he looked like he suffered a loss?

But he was also worried. What if Tang Rui's statement was wrong and hurt Tang Qianqian?

Having made a decision, he didn't think so much. Now he just wanted to prove the bid. Therefore, when the car came, he immediately got into the driver's seat and waved Tang Qianqian to get on the bus.

The more Beigong saw this scene, his tears would fall down. His son actually took the initiative to date a woman!

He can form a group with Lin Wu to contrast the cute girl's heart.

Tang Rui thinks differently from Shao Quan. Tang Rui is not afraid of Tang Qianqian's ability, but Shao Quan follows Beigong all the way. He is a little worried.

I hope Tang Qianqian can see the sun tomorrow

After getting on the car, Tang Qianqian looked at the equipment in the car and made a great effort. He was really a rich man. Any car was so high-grade.

In her sigh, beigongluo had pressed down the accelerator and drove forward.

After driving for some distance, Tang Qianqian thought of a very important question that he had to ask before getting on the bus.

"Where do you want to take me? Shouldn't you..." although you are an immortal, you don't know anything about mortals. It seems that this North Palace has never been close to a woman alone. You shouldn't want to take Tang Rui as the first practice object after listening to Tang Rui's words?

Many pictures unsuitable for children came to mind one after another. She quickly covered the collar of her dress.

Aiming at her movements, although she thought too much in her heart, she was too angry with this woman today. Of course, she can't let go of the opportunity to revenge.

"What are you worried about? Didn't you say you wanted to warm my bed? I'm afraid?"

"Obscene!" Tang Qianqian blushed and purple, purple and red, and his ears were hot.

The North Palace smiled, "I'm also very selective. Don't put gold on your face."

Hey! There's something wrong with that. Don't you think she's qualified?

But it's not a rebuttal. It's not a rebuttal. It's better to be a beautiful girl quietly! She cast her eyes out of the window.

The red ears fell into Beigong's ears, and the small earlobes made him unconsciously move his Adam's apple.

Finding that he was also affected, he hurried to his destination and reduced the temperature in the car.

"I'm going to the bidding site and put away those strange ideas in your mind."

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