Cut! So it is. If you go to the bidding case, go to the bidding case. I told you earlier!

Tang Qianqian is a little lost... Eh? It's not lost. I think this guy is so annoying that he dares to make fun of her.

The car was flying on the street. The value of the car was too high. For safety, the drivers nearby accidentally ran into it and couldn't afford to pay for it. They spontaneously gave way one way. Therefore, they were full of cars, but they were not affected. They soon arrived at the bidding site.

An open space, plus several half demolished communities, handsome turned the steering wheel, threw the car into the parking grid, and Beigong got off.

Tang Qianqian opened the door, and immediately, an evil spirit surged up that made her chest stuffy and irritable.

Her eyebrows twisted into a twist, and she pinched the formula in her hand, ready to be used at any time.

"If you say there is a problem here, prove it to me!" beigongluo didn't feel the bad atmosphere here. He walked directly to the open space. Tang Qianqian was afraid of his accident, so he had to follow him with a dignified face.

"Walk slowly." Tang Qianqian complained, "you take one step, others have to take two steps, you know?"

Beigong turned his head and saw her struggling to walk. He slowed down his pace. The moonlight pulled his figure slender, and the light and shadow shone on his face, setting off the invisible beauty between his eyebrows and eyes in the daytime.

They passed through the open space and walked into a community that had moved. After passing here, Tang Qianqian determined the location of the problematic locust tree.

Along the way, Tang Qianqian's nervous collapse can't be any tighter. She hasn't shot in the mortal world, and she doesn't know what it will look like. At first, she would have a few words with beigongluo. Later, when she entered the community, she began not to speak.

The uninhabited community is very quiet. Only a few cats are heard faintly. The shabby environment makes people feel flustered.

"Have you found the problem you said?" Beigong stopped at the other end of the community and looked at Tang Qianqian.

Tang Qianqian glared at him. He wasn't repairing anything. Can he find it?

However, it is true that it is difficult for them to believe if there is no event to prove it.

Or create something that looks like a monster to scare this guy? If not, I don't know where his psychological tolerance is. It's bad if he's scared.

She doesn't want to visit beigongluo in the mental hospital.

While she was thinking, suddenly, a low cry for help came from the other side of the community. Tang Qianqian's ears stood up and tried to hear it clearly.

That sound sounds like a woman. In addition to asking for help, there is the sound of fingernails knocking on the ground

Without any consideration, Tang Qianqian rushed to the source of the sound.

Beigongluo's hearing was not as sharp as her. She suddenly ran away like a little rabbit, "where are you going?"

"Save people!" Tang Qianqian kept looking for the source of his voice.

Why do you have to save people all of a sudden? Beigongluo doesn't understand.

But Tang Qianqian ran away quickly. He was worried that the little girl would get lost here. After all, the lane in the community was a little complicated. At least she was a woman. If something happened to a tramp with brain problems, it would be bad.

"Wait!" he shouted in the back, but Tang Qianqian ignored it and accelerated her speed. Fortunately, her clothes were obvious enough not to lose them.

Finally, Tang Qianqian stopped in front of an alley. She looked serious and listened to the movement around.

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