Chapter 696: Nonsense

"This time, you should keep walking eastward. That is the road to the Baishi royal family. Behind a city called the Foreign King's City, it is next to the Ghost Face Valley. Always remember to pay attention to safety on the road.

"Yes. Chen Fan remembers the teachings." Chen Fan bowed his hand towards Liu Shen. Looking up. Liu Shen has disappeared.

"We seem to have new hope. If I can really break this body of ten thousand curses, what else can stop me?"

"Then let's set off. If you can unlock the body of ten thousand curses as soon as possible, you can break through as soon as possible." Yanyan looked at Chen Fan who seemed to be alive again, and her heart was filled with gratitude.

As long as there is hope, even if the journey is long, you can go all the way without fear of dangers. But it was much better than the previous situation of walking blindly and not knowing where to go. Obviously Yanyan is extremely happy now.

If Chen Fan really gets rid of this cursed body and recovers again. With Chen Fan's potential, it will definitely be a great help in the future. Then the hatred in the clan is just around the corner.

"The old locust tree in Ghost Face Valley, wait for me."

Chen Fan hugged Yanyan and walked out of the barrier.

When Chen Fan stood up again, there was more determination in his eyes, and he no longer had the despair he had when he heard that he would never be able to break through his innateness.

"Let's go to the foreign royal city." Chen Fan shouted, holding Yanyan in his arms and walking away without looking back.

"Aren't we going to a foreign royal city?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"Shouldn't we keep walking towards the east?"

"Yes. Yanyan, what's wrong with you? Do you have any questions?"

"But we are always facing west."

"Really?" Chen Fan looked up and felt that he understood very well.

"Well, I did go in the wrong direction. I didn't expect that your sense of direction is so good. If I'm no longer with you in the future, you won't lose yourself. I feel relieved.

Yanyan looked at Chen Fan talking nonsense beside him in a serious manner, and gave Chen Fan a big roll of his eyes.

Naturally, Chen Fan knew that there was no way to hide this from Yanyan, so he could only treat it as a joke. He also scratched his head in embarrassment and walked in the opposite direction.

"It's really hard to bear the two little guys leaving."

"Who says otherwise? I don't know if they can find the old locust tree. I heard that he has a bad temper."

"This is Chen Fan's fate. Should I tell Chen Fan about the rumors about the Body of Ten Thousand Curses?"

"That is Chen Fan's own path, so let's not interfere with Chen Fan. No matter what, this child's innocent heart will not change. As for the rumors, they are just rumors after all.

"Yes. That's right. Now that we have reached this stage, we believe more and more in the so-called destiny of 007. But who can tell clearly what this destiny is?" Standing behind Chen Fan is naturally Willow God and Dragon God. The two of them kept watching Chen Fan go away. When he realized that his back was blurred, he disappeared again.

"Brother Huang Feng, I have finally broken through to Xiantian. The realm has finally stabilized. When Chen Fan breaks through to Xiantian, we can go out." Looking along, I saw this young man with a jade-like face and eyes like beads. She is dressed in white and has long flowing hair.

There was always an evil smile on his lips. The strangest thing is his dark eyes. As a result, his facial features always had an evil look. And he was dressed in white. .

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