Chapter 697: Crush and Defeat

Such a temperament must be able to make countless girls fall in love. The person opposite him had bright eyes. The fiery red hair is very short and casually styled on the back of the head. The eyebrows are extremely thick and the face has sharp edges. These two people are Yang Yitan and Huang Feng.

"I think Chen Fan should be in retreat now, right?"

"I don't know where Chen Fan has gone now." The two chatted for a few words and then walked towards the secret room where Chen Fan was.

"Chen Fan. Are you there?" Huang Feng knocked on the door and shouted again. There was not a single reply in the secret room.

"Chen Fan, are you there?" Huang Feng asked again. But still no reply.

"You didn't run out to eat game, did you?" Yang Yitan said half-jokingly.

"No, Chen Fan is definitely not such a careless person. Let's go in and have a look." After that, Huang Feng opened the door and walked in. But how could Chen Fan be there in the secret room?

"Where is Chen Fan?" Yang Yitan also realized that something was wrong. After all, Chen Fan rarely has time to run out. During the retreat period, almost ten levels of fruit were in the secret room. Chen Fan is no less proud than the two of them. You can know this from your efforts to win the first place in the clan ratio. The two walked in. Song saw a letter lying on the table. Dong Feng hurriedly opened it.

"I have left, there is no need to look for ""." These eight simple characters shocked Huang Feng and Yang Yitan for a long time.

"Chen Fan is gone?"

"Seems to be."

"Why did Chen Fan leave? Where did he go? Go find the elder." Huang Feng was also a little incredulous. Why did Chen Fan, who had not yet reached the innate level, run out secretly? There must be some hidden secret in this. At this time, Elder Long Batian and Elder Long Lin were sipping tea in the ancestral hall as they had long ago.

"Two elders, something serious has happened." Huang Feng and Yang Yitan were seen running over in a panic. Holding a piece of paper in his hand, he shouted loudly when he saw the two elders.

"Why are you so panicked? What does it look like? The sky is falling." Seeing Yang Yitan and Yang Yitan running over in a panic, Elder Long Batian was also a little angry. Thinking about it, Huang Feng and Yang Yitan were in such a bad state.

"Chen Fan is gone, Chen Fan is gone." Huang Feng still shouted loudly, because he was a little anxious when he ran over, and he was also panting when he spoke.

"Where did Chen Fan go? Have you found the cave in the back mountain?" Elder Long Batian looked at Huang Feng and Yang Yitan being so rude, and when he heard Huang Feng say this, he thought it was a farce. That's what he asked rhetorically.

"Grandpa, look at it quickly." After saying that, Huang Feng sent Chen Fan's letter to Elder Long Batian. Elder Long Batian just looked at it. The eight characters above "I have left, there is no need to look for me." are extremely conspicuous.

"Where did Chen Fan go?" After Elder Long Batian saw this piece of paper, he suddenly became extremely anxious from his calm state. Elder Long Lin was a little surprised when he saw that the three of them were so eager.

A piece of paper actually made the usually calm Elder Long Batian so impulsive. After all, Elder Long Batian was always so calm when he nearly crushed and defeated the three (Zhao's) warriors next door in a one-on-three fight.

"Let me see what's written on it." After speaking, Elder Yang Yitan took Chen Fan's letter into his hand. When Elder Yang Yitan saw "I have left, there is no need to look for me."

The four of them went to find the clan leader in a panic. When the four of them walked out of the patriarch's retreat, they saw that the door of the patriarch's retreat was wide open, and the patriarch seemed to have already known that the four people were coming. Looking at the panicked four people, they waved with a smile. .

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