More than a hundred times?

Half a year?

Damn it.

This woman is on the way to exchange.

What a pity.

Meng Liang immediately curled his lips.

This is an oriental man.

If it were a western man, he would think this is a treasure, and he is experienced, but oriental men are all mysophobic in this regard.

Meng Liang waved his hand and planned to leave with Xianggu.

At this time, Su Xiaolu, who was originally sitting on the ground with an expressionless face, suddenly spoke.

"You will all die. There are no good people in this map. My husband and my father set up the Zhenlongcheng base to help all the survivors, but what was their final outcome? Humph! In a world where good people are not rewarded, what hope is there? You will all die, believe me, you will not die well!"

I don't know what triggered Su Xiaolu's fragile nerves and made her say such a thing.

However, people's hearts are too cold.

Meng Liang, Xianggu, the market owner, no one had any mood swings.

Realizing this, Meng Liang sighed a little.

Ten years ago, when the doomsday had not yet broken out, when he was only twenty years old, it was not like this at all.

Is it that time has made people grow old mercilessly, or is it that people’s hearts are inherently cold?

I don’t understand.

“Meng Liang, do you want to be a hero and save the beauty? After all, she is a stunning beauty?”

“It’s just so-so, let’s go, go back.”

Meng Liang finally thought it was better to mind his own business. The indifference of the end of the world was like a virus, and he was also infected. He didn’t have the passion to be a saint all the time.

However, Meng Liang contacted Qu Jiaolan in his heart.

“Oh, I’m so tired. It’s so difficult for the three forces to merge. Fortunately, I have your eldest brother. Zhong Zhenshan is really a good person. The princess of the giant sword race is also very good. Anyway, things are very messy. When will you come back? I have become a member of the joint meeting now. If there is anything, we can discuss it together. I just got back to bed after finishing my work and I am suffering from insomnia.”

It can be heard that this woman is really tired, and things are too busy, and she may be a little mentally disordered.

Meng Liang hesitated, and finally told Qu Jiaolan what he was going through, and then asked for her opinion.

"That woman looks a lot like you, and what she said does sound quite pitiful. It's just a piece of cake for me to save her, but I don't want to meddle in other people's business. Tell me, should I go and help her?"

"Looks a lot like me? Does that mean she's very beautiful? Is she very pleasing to your eyes?"

"Normally, I'm not a young man, and I look at women the way a pig looks at cabbages. Don't change the subject, this is not the point. I just want to ask you, do you want to help her?"

Qu Jiaolan smiled over there.

I think Meng Liang's metaphor is quite funny, the way a pig looks at cabbages is quite vivid.

"No, there are so many poor people, how can I help them?"

"Qu Jiaolan, I really didn't expect you to be such a selfish person."

"Meng Liang! Don't show off to me, I'll tell you clearly, if you dare to flirt with me, I'll cheat on you! Anyway, I'm a complaining woman now, and I'm tossing around in bed with you. You can't do anything serious, you just know how to stir up fire, but you can't get rid of it. I'm absolutely unsatisfied. If you show off outside, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Meng Liang was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but recall the past, ten years ago, the main world timeline is less than three years ago.

At that time, Qu Jiaolan was so cold and arrogant, pure and innocent, and she didn't care about the world.

Alas, now she has become a fake young woman, and she is like this, it's really... a bit sighing.

After listening to Qu Jiaolan's ink-stained warning for a while, Meng Liang no longer had the mind to meddle in other people's business.

After returning to Xianggu's home, he hugged Wang Peiji and went to sleep. At night, he had a dream that he was running around on the street with a green hat on, and a group of zombies chased him. Finally, he woke up. It was stormy outside. Although there was no sun, it was bright. Wang Peiji was sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her hair.

Meng Liang turned over and sat up, making a sound for Wang Peiji to hear.

She looked sideways, and then said with a worried face:

"Just now, Xianggu Grandma came over and said that when you get up, you should eat something. There is a zombie well in a place, and some people will go to kill zombies. She asked if you want to go. Now those who have reached the bottleneck level will not go, but many people will form a team to go every time they reach the bottleneck. After all, killing a zombie may give you several times or even dozens of times the experience outside, so no matter how dangerous it is, someone will go."

Meng Liang nodded when he heard it. What was he hesitating about? Just go.

So Meng Liang got up directly, took a piece of cake and ate a few bites, and went to find Xianggu.

Unexpectedly, Wang Peiji said she wanted to go too.

"It must be very dangerous over there. It's dangerous to go there."

"I'm not afraid. I also want to become stronger!"

Wang Peiji expressed her thoughts.

"Well, very good. You have such a backbone. You are a good woman. Then I will take you there and try my best to protect you. However, life and death are determined by fate. If you encounter an accident, don't blame me."

Wang Peiji nodded hurriedly, looking a little nervous.

Meng Liang finished his meal, Wang Peiji packed herself up, and the two went to find Xianggu.

Xianggu looked outside and said:

"It's raining too hard, and it's more difficult to fight zombies.

There are some characteristics of rain here. If it rains in the morning, it will basically rain all day. I think there will be many people gathering to kill zombies tomorrow, so you can go tomorrow.

When the Tiandisha was formed, the zombies here were teleported away. Occasionally, a zombie well would appear, usually in other people's camps, and many zombies would quickly crawl out of the well.

When a zombie well appears, a camp is basically finished.

I got a message when I woke up this morning. This camp is quite close to us. If we run in that direction for two hours, we will probably reach it.

Meng Liang, I see that you have given so many things yesterday and you haven't reached the bottleneck yet, so I don't know if you want to go there to have a look. If you want to go, I can accompany you. "

Xianggu is really a nice old woman, very enthusiastic. I guess she saw Meng Liang's super potential, so she wanted to have more contact with him. On the one hand, she wanted to get to know each other better, and on the other hand, she wanted to see how good Meng Liang is.

"Then let's go now? Isn't it raining? We are all supermen with such strong bodies. Are we still afraid of rain? "

Meng Liang's words were true, but women still don't like to get wet in the rain.

But Meng Liang wanted to go, Wang Peiji was willing to accompany him, and the old lady naturally had no objection.

So the three of them left the family residence and ran wildly in the heavy rain, without stopping all the way, and reached their destination in just one and a half hours.

Wang Peiji was carried on the old lady's back, so the speed was much faster.

After arriving here, I saw that all the zombies were walking around in the heavy rain. There was a small town surrounded by walls in the center, and now it was also full of zombies.

The old lady stood on the hillside and looked down, sighing:

"I have been to this place before. There are more than 3,000 people in the city huddled together for warmth. There are four leaders, all of whom are ranked in the top 100. Do you smell the blood in the rain? I estimate that a big battle has been fought, and at least thousands of people have died.

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