Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0615 Corpse King Thunder

Meng Liang didn't care at all how many people died.

Give Wang Peggy to Shiigugu and ask her to protect her. Of course, the team mode is on.

"They are all high-level zombies. People haven't gathered yet. You can easily get surrounded now. Be careful."

Shiitake still reminded him loudly.

"Well, don't worry, just help me protect Peggy Wang."

Hearing what Meng Liang said, Wang Peiji certainly felt very warm.

At this time, Shiitake held an umbrella so that both of them were covered by the umbrella and would not be exposed to the heavy rain.

Seeing Meng Liang walking away, Xianggu smiled and said:

"This man is really nice to you. I heard that your husband is locked up by him? Does he like you and want to take you as his own?"

"He is just naughty. Of course, he is indeed a man and wants to take advantage of me, but it shouldn't be about possession. He also has a wife."

Wang Peiji was not sure and her words were a little messy.

"Well, this is indeed a cunning bad guy. He can use his child's body to do many bad things. As for us women, we usually have maternal feelings. Even if this child does some bad things, we don't think it's true. It’s really hard to guard against being violated. Girl, as a person who has been there, I can’t give you any advice. I can only say that everything goes as it comes, just follow your heart.”

Wang Peiji didn't speak, and finally there were some waves in her heart.

At this time, Meng Liang had already rushed into the zombie group.

There were 50-70 zombies in front of him. Meng Liang punched out, and a fan spread out to 500 meters. A powerful energy wave vibrated within this range. All ordinary zombies died, and the low-level zombie king also died, leaving only level 70. The regimental corpse king could still walk and continued to rush towards Meng Liang.

Wang Peiji couldn't help shouting.

"Oh my God! I have reached level 100! It reminds me that I need to break through the bottleneck before I can continue to level up!"

Shiitake couldn't help but sigh and shook her head.

It's so fierce. This kind of macho man does have his charm, even though he looks like just a kid now.

At this moment, suddenly,

A thunder flashed across the sky.

In the void eighty meters above the ground, a cloud of fog appeared accompanied by lightning, and thunder sounded from time to time.

Soon the clouds dispersed, and a ten-meter-tall giant appeared inside, standing in the air.

This man looks a bit like the Bull Demon King. Anyway, he has a human body, the head of an old cow, and horns on his forehead.

"Whoa! I smell them! Human! You have a thunder suit on you? Did you kill my children?"

It spoke in the sky, and Meng Liang had read out his parameters.

Level 90 Division Corpse King, Thunder!

Holy shit, it’s really a surprise. This is the highest level zombie king I’ve ever seen.

Meng Liang killed Lei Shan, Lei Dian, Lei Heng, and Lei Hai. Unexpectedly, he met their father here.

"Oh my God! It's the Level 90 Division Corpse King! Meng Liang, retreat quickly. This thing is so powerful. The most important thing is that he can summon corpse soldiers! I'm leaving first!"

After Shiigugu finished speaking, he picked up Wang Peggy and ran away.

Meng Liang hesitated, should he run?

Isn't it the purpose of him to fight monsters and upgrade?

It would be better to be able to summon zombie soldiers. The zombies in front of me probably don't exceed 10,000, which is not enough to kill.

In fact, I really don’t blame Meng Liang, because Meng Liang just hesitated for a moment, and suddenly a white light flashed around him, and there were all zombies within a kilometer nearby. They were all refreshed, and they were all level 50 zombie kings from the small camp.

At this time, even Shiitake didn't leave the range, even though she ran fast.

Meng Liang did not hesitate to take out the Five Gods Demonic Sword and slashed it towards him. The blade rotated in a circle and affected a radius of 300 meters. All the zombies died instantly.

This kind of zombie killing speed is very fast.

But the zombies were refreshed very quickly. Just after killing them, a large number of them appeared around him. Meng Liang could only draw his sword again and circle again to kill the surrounding zombies again.

As Shiigugu ran out with Wang Peggy, she looked back and was shocked to see the speed with which Meng Liang killed the zombies.

It’s not that this kind of group killing ability has never been seen before.

I've seen it before, but it's usually the release of skills, and as long as the skills are released, there is a cooling time. It doesn't mean that if you release a skill once, you can release the next skill immediately. If that is the case, then the battle will not be too difficult. It was easy, so in Shiitake's mind, this was simply impossible.

At this moment, she witnessed a miracle. Meng Liang was the one who could use this kind of mass killing attack. There was no time limit at all. As long as he had time to swing around, he could kill a circle of zombies.

One characteristic of the refreshed zombies is that the corpses disappear instantly after being killed and there will be no accumulation. This is a good thing for Meng Liang.

Xianggu was completely shocked by what she saw. She actually wanted to stop and take a good look at Meng Liang's battle, but there were many zombies around her now, and he didn't have the speed to kill zombies like Meng Liang, so he could only kill zombies while moving outward. run.

He also had one person with him, and almost fell into crisis several times.

Wang Peiji was timid. She was very afraid that she would die suddenly, and because of this emotion, a dungeon suddenly opened.

Wang Peiji entered her bottleneck copy, and Shiitake was also transferred to her at the same time. The two people disappeared in this world and went to other different worlds.

Meng Liang didn't notice all this. In his eyes, the two men had already run far away. Meng Liang could only focus on what was in front of him. He was madly slaughtering zombies, and then watching his level soaring up at a very fast speed.

There were not only level 50 zombies, but also level 60 zombies and zombie kings, as well as level 70 zombie zombie kings.

He killed like this, and watched himself reach 1300, 1400, and 1500 from level 1200.

And now he has been fighting for more than 6 hours.

The level 90 lion king Lei Ting kept summoning small zombies, and Meng Liang kept killing them.

Finally, Lei Ting stopped summoning small zombies and came down himself.

This is like the kind of entering a dungeon to fight a boss. If you don't kill all the small monsters, the big boss will not come out at all, but this big boss summoned too many small monsters, which made Meng Liang sweat all over and almost vomited blood.

"Good boy, you are really awesome. Well, since I can't kill you with my corpse soldiers, I have to do it myself, hahahaha!"

After saying this arrogant sentence, the corpse king burst into laughter. This line is so stupid, I don't know who designed it.

At this time, a prompt sound rang in his ears, saying a series of parameters of this corpse king, which shocked Meng Liang. This is too awesome, is it sure it's only level 90?

It seems that this battle will not be easy, and it will be a fight for life. But if he kills him, I don't know if there will be a generous reward.

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