Qu Jiaolan was completely awake.

After thinking about it, she finally felt that this was a big deal.

The key is that it is too bizarre, and she must figure it out.

She immediately called her secretary and asked her to book a plane ticket for tomorrow at noon.

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She had to deal with the company's affairs in the morning.

After hanging up the phone and sitting there for a while, Qu Jiaolan got up and went to find Meng Liang.

Meng Liang was already asleep at this time. When he opened the door, he looked sleepy and was dumbfounded when he saw Qu Jiaolan outside.

"Ah! Jiaolan? Why did you come to see me?"

He looked like a pig brother, very excited.

Qu Jiaolan frowned when she saw it.

This is indeed not the state she likes.

It feels very strange. She looks good, but I just can't like her.

I originally had a lot of questions to ask, but now I am not in the mood.

"Well, it's okay. I'll tell you that I'm going home with you tomorrow. Get ready."

"Home? Which home?"

"Your hometown in the north, Mengjia Town."

Meng Liang's eyes widened when he heard it, and he couldn't believe it.

On the other side,

the real Meng Liang and Shen Mengting went home after ten o'clock.

Shen Mengting wanted to live with Meng Liang, so she was naturally rejected.

It's not two years ago. I'm not a human being now. I might sleep with her.

I can sleep, but the timing is not right. His emotional world is already very complicated. Any more women will only add trouble.

Living in his own room again, alone, Meng Liang is in a good mood.

Opening the drawer, taking out the photo album, and looking at it one by one.

On it is the green onion-like self, from childhood to adulthood, this is his growth trajectory.

Everything, everything, seems to be a dream.

Putting away the photo album, Meng Liang did not sleep, and called his sister-in-law.

Meng Xiaojie has a very good relationship with Meng Liang.

She is not too old now, it is normal for her not to sleep at this time.

The cell phone Meng Liang used was Shen Mengting's.

Very convenient.

Because Shen Mengting's contacts include almost all of Meng Liang's friends and family.

After the call was connected, the aunt on the other end said directly:

"What's the matter? Have you dealt with my nephew?"

"Aunt, I'm your nephew. Come to my room and tell you something."

"Ah? Liangzi, why are you holding Shen Mengting's cell phone? Okay, wait for me."

They are all in the mansion, but it takes ten minutes to get here from Meng Xiaojie's place.

Meng Liang boiled a pot of tea, and Meng Xiaojie poured her a cup when she came.

"Haha, it's really my nephew. You seemed to be seriously injured before, but now you are full of energy?"

"Haha, I'm not injured. I was just a little tired at that time."

"Oh, I want to ask you, what's going on?"

"I called you here to tell you this. Sit down."

Meng Xiaojie sat down, drank a sip of water, and waited for Meng Liang to continue.

"Aunt, do you believe that the end of the world is coming?"

"Liangzi, are you kidding your aunt?"

"Really, I'm a time traveler. You can think of it as me traveling back from the doomsday world three years later."


Meng Xiaojie laughed dryly and rolled her eyes.

Meng Liang didn't care about her expression and said:

"There are only two things to prepare. I originally wanted to make our old house a safe place. After checking my things, I should be able to make the whole town a safe place. By then, no one in this town will become a zombie.

So the two preparations are, first, call all the people who should be taken care of to the town, including our relatives and friends. Anyway, you can arrange the details.

The second preparation is to stockpile supplies. I want Shen Mengting to do it tomorrow. She will unconditionally follow my arrangements anyway."

"Liangzi, why don't we go see a doctor? Why are you like this?"

Meng Xiaojie was a little worried, because Meng Liang looked really serious, and the more serious he was, the more abnormal he was. This topic was a topic of insanity.

"Haha, you don't believe me, right? Okay, it seems I have to show you some real skills, auntie, I mutated in the doomsday and gained many superpowers. I'll show you and you'll believe it."

"It sounds like a real thing. Okay, show me, I want to see if you can fly or run, can you be invisible?"


As Meng Liang spoke, his body went directly underground and disappeared.

The earth escape ability is either to make a big hole in the soil or to go directly underground. The underground space allows the body to move, and it seems that there is no soil around the body.

This is obviously not in line with scientific principles.

However, in the data world, data is the truth, and soil is just data. When these data are changed by the ability, people can enter and walk inside. At this time, the soil is like air to Meng Liang.

"Oh my God! Liangzi? Liangzi, where are you? Don't scare me!"

Meng Xiaojie was really scared. Everything she saw was beyond her understanding.

Meng Liang appeared behind her silently.

"Auntie, how are you?"

"Ah! Liangzi, don't scare me, this is too scary."

"What's scary? Me?"

"No, no, I mean the ability you showed, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. I'll show you another ability. Don't be surprised."

While he was talking, a beautiful woman appeared next to Meng Liang.

Meng Xiaojie hiccupped when she saw it.

Beauty is a rock.

Panshi looked at Meng Xiaojie and smiled slightly.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

She and Meng Liang are one, so she naturally follows Meng Liang's call.

"Okay, okay, this is it"

"This is my fighting partner. Come on, Panshi, come back."

"Just let me out for a moment, and then it's over, right?"

After being with Meng Liang for a long time, Pan Shi became more humane and pouted at Meng Liang.

Meng Liang chuckled, and the rock disappeared.

His eyes fell on Meng Xiaojie again.

"Sister-in-law, do you believe it this time?"

"I still can't believe it, but... I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Of course not, everything is true. You can go back tonight to understand and digest it, and don't forget to do what I arranged tomorrow. Remember, there are still 27 days until the end of the world. I hope you can inform all of us. The children of the family, please bring them back as soon as possible. I will form a personal guard army by then, and I wonโ€™t be afraid of too many people.โ€

Meng Liang believed that Meng Xiaojie would do this well.

But for her, she really needs to understand it, things are really unimaginable.

Meng Xiaojie didn't even know how he left Meng Liang's room.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for her.

In fact, many people couldn't sleep that night, including Meng Liang's parents, Shen Mengting, and of course Qu Gueran.

Qu Gueran in the first world and the 250th world both tossed and turned and couldn't sleep all night.

Meng Liang had a good sleep, and it was noon the next day.

At this time, Qu Jiaolan in the 250 world had already boarded the plane and headed to Mengjia Town.

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