Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0725: Can't lose face

The Meng family couldn't understand Meng Liang.

When he came back, he was covered in blood and looked like he was dying, but now he was unscathed and looked like a good guy.

So another version of the story began to circulate.

In fact, Meng Liang was not injured in the first place.

It's just that he couldn't hang out outside anymore and was too embarrassed to come back, so he thought of this way, pretending to be injured and then return.

This statement is still accepted by most people.

Even Meng Liang's father felt that he might have been deceived.

Because someone told him that Meng Liang and Shen Mengting went to the amusement park last night and had a lot of fun.

Isn't there something wrong with being half-dead before and then full of life again?

Meng Deyang was so angry that he simply didn't go to see Meng Liang.

Continue to call and ask about Lao Qujia.

Unexpectedly, the news she received was that Qu Jiaolan took the counterfeit and bought a ticket to the north, the provincial capital of Mengjia Town, but she didn't know where she was going. Someone from the detective agency had already followed her on the plane.

Meng Deyang was very surprised, what are you doing here? Why does it seem like you are coming to your home?

Very strange, very strange.

Meng Deyang was restless, walking around the room as the days passed.

Finally, when the call came, Qu Jiaolan got off the plane and directly got into a private car, and was now on her way to Mengjia Town.

This is an exaggeration. Are you really here for your own home?


You have to be prepared.

Meng Deyang is very chauvinistic.

I have always felt that I am a child of an aristocratic family, and what I want is face and appearance. This cannot be changed in my life.

The son became a new son-in-law, which was a disgrace to his ancestors.

I came back covered in blood, and I still don’t know why, which is also embarrassing.

Now the daughter-in-law may have been found, or she brought a fake.

There's something weird about this.

But Meng Deyang doesn't think about this now.

Since my daughter-in-law is coming to visit, I must have this kind of appearance.

Aren't you a rich second generation?

I will show you what kind of stuff the Lao Meng family is!

There is almost no one in the Lao Meng family who is not arrogant. This may be inherited by blood.

So when Meng Liang pretended to be an honest man in front of Qu Jiaolan for two years, he really lost his family.

But this is enough to prove how much Meng Liang loves Qu Guerlain.

There is no shame in a man doting on the one he loves.

After all, the Lao Meng family also has this tradition.

At that time, Meng Deyang also doted on his wife. If his wife was really angry, Meng Deyang would be so stupid that he would kneel on the washboard for his wife.

Anyway, Qu Jiaolan's visit is a big deal.

Meng Deyang didn't want to take it lightly.

He immediately held a family meeting to talk about the matter and brainstormed for fifteen minutes. After that, the family helicopter took off and headed straight to the highway to bring Qu Jiaolan back.

The Meng family is not rich, and certainly not poor. What is great is their interpersonal relationships.

The second son of the country's richest man once learned martial arts from Meng Deyang.

That boy was already a loser when he entered the house at the age of twelve, and was a spoiled playboy.

He studied medicine in the Meng family for eight years, returned home at the age of twenty, and became the pillar of the family.

The one who killed him was sent to Meng Deyang with a helicopter and a small airport was built.

Therefore, there has always been such a helicopter in the Meng family's stronghold. It is lent to the hospital as an ambulance aircraft on weekdays. It can fly four or five times a month, which is very popular.

Meng Deyang thought about it, he must shock the girl named Qu and give her a showdown.

All the little moves were heard by Meng Liang.

At this time, Shen Mengting was beside Meng Liang's bed, holding a plate of dumplings and feeding them to Meng Liang one by one.

This was Shen Mengting's favorite thing to do in the past, treating Meng Liang like a waste.

Of course Meng Liang didn't dare to do it before. He was not a child, and Shen Mengting was not his mother.

How come she can be used to feed horses when there is such a thing as eating?

However, many years later, Shen Mengting came to feed Meng Liang again, and Meng Liang only felt that he was enjoying it.

"Hey, after two years of absence, my temperament has changed. Hmm, is it because of your wife?"

Shen Mengting was obviously jealous.

Meng Liang smiled slightly and answered the question inappropriately:

"I'm very busy at home right now, I'm cleaning."

"How do you know? You didn't get up this morning."

"That's what I heard."

"Ears are still open to thieves."

"Meng Ting, I have arranged something for you, can you do it?"

"Is there anything you arranged that I can't do? Tell me."

"I heard that you manage part of the family's money?"

"Well, mom was originally in charge. Last year, she was annoyed, so she asked me to take charge first. What's the matter?"

"how many?"

"More than thirty million."

"so much?"

Meng Liang was really shocked. He didn't expect his family to be so rich. He had never known it.

"This is not much. It is accumulated by the whole family for several generations and hundreds of years. This money cannot be touched casually. It can only be used when the family is in crisis."

"Well, now is the crisis. I'll ask you to get some food and store it for me. The more, the better."

"Ah? Store food?"

Shen Mengting obviously didn't quite understand.

"Well, if you believe me, then help me handle this matter. Use 10 million to buy grain and store it in a warehouse in the city first."

"Ten million! That won't work. I have to tell my mother."

"Hey, Shen Mengting, have you changed after two years of not seeing me? You used to obey my words."

"Meng Liang, it's not that I don't want to listen to you. The key point is that this money doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the family. I'm just managing it on your behalf. I can still make the final decision on the entry and exit of hundreds of thousands. You want me to use ten million to buy food." , I can’t do this, and neither can you!”

Meng Liang was speechless, but he didn't expect Shen Mengting to be quite assertive.

Well, since this can't be done for the time being, it can wait.

After all, Qu Jiaolan is coming, so let’s settle this matter first.

I was thinking about whether to save them too.

Unexpectedly, Chen Meier and Qu Jiaolan were already by his side, leaving only Luo Yuhuan.

There is nothing to say, just let them become his protection objects.

Then the family members of the three women will also be picked up. The three of them are rich, and they can use their money to sell food.

Meng Liang had a new idea, so he stopped forcing Shen Mengting and continued to open his mouth to let her feed dumplings, enjoying this moment of leisure. Now that he was older, he felt more and more that a woman like Shen Mengting was really suitable to be a wife, and Shen Mengting This woman is only suitable to be his wife.

On the highway, Chen Meier's rented car and driver picked up Qu Jiaolan and the counterfeit goods.

As soon as she saw Meng Liang, Chen Meier started to pull his face.

Fake Meng Liang is a little afraid of Chen Meier because he is often bullied by her.

Don't dare to resist.

Qu Jielan smiled and said:

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it before? Okay, okay, it's out of character. My dear girl, stop making trouble."

"Wow! They are really exactly the same!"

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