Each impact was like breaking a door.

Under such a situation, Li Tian could clearly feel that the power in his body began to become different. At this moment, he was really satisfied.

Only in this way can we truly make a change that makes us very satisfied.

That's what's needed now.

"We are about to succeed. Although these restrictions are powerful and they really control me completely, it is impossible for me to give up. Since you want to become a strong person, of course you must do it right. I have been prepared to face these troubles all the time. I have been prepared for this a long time ago, and of course this time is the same. I believe in my heart that I can easily complete such a task!" Li Tian Thinking like this in my heart, the current situation is not very good for me, but I can already see hope of victory.

This is really important. If I continue to fight in this state, I will soon be able to break through these prohibitions, and then I will become even more powerful.

Therefore, he was really motivated at this time.

However, after several impacts, he suddenly felt bursts of pain in his body. During this process of rushing to the championship, he seemed to feel that he was injured.

"This is impossible, such a thing cannot happen at all. I have never heard of such a situation. Someone can injure himself internally when he breaks through his own realm, especially me. It seems really There is no problem at all, but I can still clearly feel that something is wrong with my body.

Frowning, the situation at this time was really a headache for Li Tian. It seemed that he had too little understanding of these issues before, and he was too naive to think that he could really succeed.

These restrictions were broken bit by bit, but the price was that Li Tian himself began to get injured.

He himself couldn't be sure at this time. Everything that happened here was very curious to Li Tian. Although he knew a lot of things in his heart at this time, he didn't understand what changes would happen in the end. At this time, he was helpless Watching the situation turn into this, of course I was a little nervous, but at the same time I knew in my heart that I had no better choice at this time.

It seems like this is all you can do at such a critical moment, fight with all your strength.

"Damn, this is really a helpless thing, but it's impossible for you to make me admit defeat like this. This game has just begun." He said this, feeling that he His body began to hurt. If it were someone else, he might really give up at this time. Everyone is worried about whether this will hurt his body.

However, Li Tian did not do this.

Now that we have reached this juncture, I can no longer care about what is happening in front of me. If it stops this time, I don’t know when it will happen next time. The power above the restriction is already very weak. This time is very critical. Only in this way can you break through and truly master a very powerful power.

At this time, there is really no choice.

"Damn, although I said I don't know how you did it, but in this situation, there is no good choice for me. What I have to do next is also very simple, that is Go all out!" With a sneer like this, he began to control the power of the Holy Demon in his body and attacked again. Others would never do this in such a situation.

But at this time, Li Tian had completely forgotten all these things. One question he was thinking about at this time was whether to survive after death.

If I really gave up this time, would there be such a possibility again? How much time does he still have to waste? It is obviously very little. The opponent changes again and again, and each time he looks stronger and more terrifying than they imagined. For Li Tian, ​​defeating this The opponent is really not an easy task.

But this time I am challenging myself. Only by completely giving up on the considerations of life and death can I master such power. The entire God Realm, and even the entire universe, needs my help at this time. The enemy may come to this world at any time, and the Taixu clan has not been able to calm down. At this time, the whole situation is very complicated.

If they continue to let time pass like this, they will miss the best opportunity to clean up all this. Therefore, at this juncture, Li Tianzhen made such a crazy decision.

Break through!

Although his body felt pain after impact after impact, and he could clearly feel that the power in his body was losing bit by bit, he still persisted like this. No matter what, this time We can't give up like this. Since we are here, and since we are prepared in our hearts, what we need to do now is to go all out!

Soon, he started vomiting blood.

At this time, the body is like a frail and sick child. The slightest influence can bring about a series of reactions in the entire body. I am really worried that I will die like this. If I just die like this, I still don’t know if the power of my faith can make me reborn, but in any case, since I decided to do this before, I have no choice at this time, so I will go all out!

If the impact is unsuccessful once, then do it twice. If the impact is unsuccessful twice, then continue.

He didn't know how long the whole process lasted. Li Tian just felt that his body was very sleepy, and his whole person seemed to become decadent. It was really uncomfortable in such a state, and there was nothing he could do about it. A better change can only be such a crazy impact. I hope that I can change something like this, although I know that the possibility of this is really very small.

But right now, I have no better choice. Faced with such a thing, I can only move forward courageously as I am now!

No matter what, you can't let the situation continue to develop in such a bad way this time. In front of you is a choice that you must fight for. No matter how difficult this choice is and what kind of trouble it will bring to you, These don't matter anymore, this is Li Tian's own responsibility.

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