Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 300: Rich harvest, God of Warcraft

This lake is called Tianqing Lake, covering an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. It is the largest lake in the surrounding area, where the azure black-winged snake lingers here.

As a lower-level **** beast, the Azure Green Wing Serpent is the overlord in this lake, and no Warcraft can compete with it.

湖泊 This lake is the private paradise of azure black-winged snake, whatever you want.

When I'm hungry, I just find something to eat. After I'm full, I can sleep on the trident wrapped around the bottom of the lake.

However, today, when the azure black-winged snake sleeps as usual, the trident under him suddenly disappears out of thin air!

Wu Tianqing and the black-winged snake awakened horrificly, and then saw the Monterrey suspended on the lake.

Xi Tianqing and Black Wing Snake were angry, okay, not only did they break into my cave house, they also grabbed my artifact!

Bullying too much!

Wu Tianqing and the black-winged snake rushed out of Tianqing Lake decisively, biting at Meng Lei, and the stench from the **** mouth almost smoked Meng Lei!

"Go away!"

Menglei took a volley shot.


Wu Tianqing's black-winged snake was shot directly, her wings fluttered behind her, and she flew towards Menglei again, spraying a mouthful of green breath containing poisonous poison.

"Absolutely zero!"

Meng Lei pointed out, the green breath was instantly frozen, and turned into slag.

A vine appeared on Meng Lei's hand, which turned into a steel whip and drew it severely.


Wu Tianqing's black-winged snake was unable to dodge, and was directly drawn by the steel whip. The skin that was drawn suddenly fleshed, and a deep blood stain appeared on his body.


The swollen sky whip swept across like a violent wind and rain, and the azure black winged snake completely became a sandbag, squeaked, and covered with blood.


The sharp pain of the biting heart made the azure black-winged snake sober, and it was terrified, knowing that it was not its opponent, and even fluttered its wings toward the azure lake, and then it would be pumped into meat sauce.

"Want to leave?"

Meng Lei snorted: "Absolutely zero!"


The lake surface of Tiantian Lake formed thick thick ice instantly. The azure black-winged snake hit the ice surface as if it hit a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Dead, evil animal!"

Meng Lei threw it casually, and the trident turned into a streamer, which instantly penetrated the head of the sky-blue black-winged snake and nailed it to the ice.

死 "Dead ... dead?"

"That's it ... Black Dead?"


The 4 Divine Beasts who came along with me witnessed the scene where Meng Lei cut off the Azure and Black Winged Snakes.

Wu Tianqing and Black Wing Snakes are also lower-level beasts, and their strength is not inferior to them!

The results of it?

I was beheaded by Meng Lei three times, five and two!

If they had not surrendered before, would they have ended like this?

With this thought in mind, the Four God Beasts could not stop raising a chill!

"It's not your fault to smell bad, but it's your fault to run out of disgusting people!"

Meng Lei stowed the trident at will, threw off the blood from it, and then plucked out the goddess of the sky-blue and black-winged snake, and threw the corpse to 4 **** beasts.

"This body is yours!"

"Thanks ... Thank Master!"

Next, Montray continued to walk around. As the master of the plane, as long as he searched with all his heart, everything on the continent could not be concealed from Montray.

A cricket is as small as a bug and as large as a mountain.

Heaven, earth, and water.

Nothing is missing, nothing.

Pieces of demon debris, pieces of artifact pieces, a body of demon ...

One after another was dug out by Meng Lei, and Meng Lei's harvest was very amazing.

Half of the demon continent strolled down, Monterrey harvested a total of 38 lower deities, 6 median deities, 17 complete artifacts, 24 complete demon corpses, and more broken and incomplete artifacts and corpses .

Of course, in all places where there are demon corpses and artifacts, there are usually beasts entrenched, killing to kill, conquering to conquer, in a circle, Meng Lei has 24 more men!

With the previous 4 beasts, there are a total of 28 gods, and the lineup is very powerful!

Finally, Monterrey came to a cliff tens of thousands of feet high.

A waterfall ten thousand meters wide fell like a Tianhe from the top of a cliff, and a huge water pool was thrown at the bottom of the cliff.

Water mist rises and water droplets splash.

Cliffs, cliffs.

Waterfall, water pool.

Form a magnificent beauty!

The scenes are really magnificent, but these scenes are nothing to the whole demon continent, and there are more magnificent and majestic places than this.

However ...

After 28 heads of beasts came down here, one after another shivered and panicked, as if there were flood beasts in the water pond!

Menglei knows what they are afraid of, because the only demon beast that is comparable to the mid-level deities on the devil land is entrenched at the bottom of the pool!

Here is its old nest.

He Menglei knew from these mouths that this Warcraft was called the God of Warcraft, and the entire World of Warcraft believed in it.

"Rest assured, your God of Warcraft will soon be the same as you!" Menglei smiled slightly: "Who will call it out?"


Twenty-eight **** beasts trembled, and Qi Qi bowed their heads to make the great God come out? What a joke, they want to live a few more years!

"A bunch of persuasion!"

Meng Lei shook his head and looked at the deep water pond: "Under the crown of the God of Warcraft, since you have found us, why not show up?"

"Guru ~~~"

Bubbles erupted in the deep water pool, and a huge head came out of the water pool.

This is a huge snake head, covered with gold dragon scales, as if made of gold, a pair of purple snake pupils exuding endless majesty.


The moment when 出现 appeared in the head of the golden snake ~ www.readwn.com ~ A horrendous coercion swept across the earth, and it instantly oppressed everyone.

Wu Menglei was indifferent, but the 28 gods and beasts couldn't bear it. They showed horror, and almost instinctively fell to the ground, indicating surrender.

"His Excellency is a human race, I don't know which continent from the sky dome and light?"

The God of Warcraft opened a pair of snake pupils, and looked at Meng Lei indifferently and asked. As for the 28 God Beasts who were on the ground, it was not in the eyes.

"How come you know the two continents?"

Menglei raised an eyebrow: "Since you know these two continents, why don't you occupy them? Shouldn't it be difficult with your strength?"

占领 "Occupy the continent is meaningless to me!"

The God of Warcraft slightly shook his head: "Faith ... is enough!"

"Enough? Is the faith of a demon continent enough?" Meng Lei swept the demon continent: "You are the median god!"

The God of Warcraft did not answer, but issued a guest order: "Human god, you can leave!"

"Leave? Why leave?"

Meng Lei's mouth tilted.

"Human, you stepped into the seat of this seat without permission. This seat has not attacked for the first time, it has given you face!"

The God of Warcraft glared, and the snake pupil flashed coldly: "Now, leave now!"

呵 "Oh, what if I don't leave?"

:. :

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