Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 301: Wind Blade Burial, Life Guard

A tens of thousands of meters wide waterfall descends from the sky, like a galaxy dropped in nine days, and the rising water mist permeates the surroundings, magnificent like a fairyland.

However, at this moment, no one appreciates the magnificent waterfall, because the situation in front of them is tense!

"Human, the demon continent is not a place where you can spread wild! I warn you, leave immediately!"

The snake pupil of the God of Warcraft flashed with coldness, and the whole body breathed, as if a giant beast, which would explode and kill Meng Lei at any time.

"This guy in front of him is much stronger than the six-winged angel Lorenzo. No matter the divine body or divine power, he is the leader of the median god!"

Meng Lei can fully feel the power of the God of Warcraft, its horrible body, exuberant life, surging surging power, the soul is as firm as a rock.

It is hard to imagine that a lower material plane can give birth to such an existence. What is more exaggerated is that it has become a **** for less than 10,000 years. Who dares to believe it?

"I just don't know how many **** avatars this guy has. What is the realm?" Menglei guessed.

At least fully understand the two basic rules, and the **** with two gods as the median god, this is the weakest median god!

Like a dragon god!

And fully comprehend the 5 basic rules, and have 5 divine avatars, only one step to achieve the higher god, is the most powerful median god!

Like the beast god!

The demon body, vitality, divine power, and spirit of this God of Warcraft have reached a zenith in front of him. Menglei boldly evaluated that most of it has 4 **** avatars!

4 **** avatars, this existence has actually become a **** for less than 10,000 years, you dare to believe?

"Unfortunately, no matter how strong you are, after all, it's just the median god!"

Menglei looked at the God of Warcraft: "God of Warcraft, it is impossible for me to leave!"

"I might as well tell you that there can only be one faith on this seat, that is me!"

"If you want to be my god, I don't mind letting you continue to rule the continent!"

"Human, you are looking for death!"

The pupil of the demon snake of Warcraft erected, and in his eyes burst of fierce light, wanting to choose someone to eat.

"Do n’t you know if you have to fight before you die!" Menglei shook her head and smiled, "Go ahead, let me see the power of your God of Warcraft!"

"Divine Art: Wind Blade Buried!"

The God of Warcraft was unambiguous. He opened his mouth and spit out, and the countless purple wind blades burst out, and immediately came to Montray.

紫色 These purple wind blades are different from ordinary wind blades. They are not only lightning fast, but also condensed to the extreme, and their cutting force has reached an amazing level.

If this is replaced by a normal median god, it will definitely be cut and bruised, even if it is not dead, it will be severely disabled, and it will be difficult to escape!

"Nice way, unfortunately!"

Menglei shook his head slightly, and slowly spit out four words: "Guardian of Life!"


There were countless green leaves in front of Meng Lei. These leaves formed a thin leaf wall, which blocked Meng Lei.

When the God of Warcraft saw this, a sneer appeared in the pupil of the snake: "The leaves want to resist the burial of the wind blade of this seat, and shake the tree!"

However, after the purple wind blade hits the leaf wall, just like the sharp arrow shoots on the high tenacity fiber, the leaf wall just trembles slightly, blocking all the wind blades, and let the purple wind blade cut wildly, 愣It failed to cut the slightest.

"how is this possible?"

The face of God of Warcraft has changed dramatically, and the snake pupil is full of incredible colors.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Meng Lei shook his head. The ancient tree of life is a dignified ancient god. Even if the veins of my ancient tree of life are only 13% fusion, you can't hurt it!

"Divinity: Wind Blade Burial!"

The God of Warcraft hissed and opened a purple wind blade, but unlike the previous one, the wind blade was about fifty feet long, like a continuous rainbow.

都不 Within a tenth of a second, the wind blade reached the wall of leaves.

I only heard a stab, and a hole was cut in the leaf wall, and the wind blade passed through it, killing Meng Lei in an instant.

"The quantity is less, but the power is greater!"

Meng Lei did not wince, but instead stretched out his right hand. Numerous vines spread on the surface of his right hand, condensing into a thick shield.


The wind blade hit the shield, making a dull sound of gold and iron clashing, and the wind shot fierce sparks as if two pieces of metal collided.

However the same scene happened:

No matter how the wind blade cuts, I still can't cut the shield. This shield made of numerous vines is extremely tough, and the wind blade cannot shake it at all!

"Why is it so meaty?"

The God of Warcraft can't believe his eyes. It can fully feel the intensity of the body of Monterrey, which is also the median **** realm.

Even worse than it!

But why is Monty's body so so flesh?

No wind burials!

Is it still impossible to bury the wind blade?

物种 What kind of species is Menglei?

"The great God can't even break the master's defense?"

"What is the origin of the master?"

The 28 gods and beasts who watched the battle were all shocked. They are unimaginable. Why is there such a powerful existence as the God of Warcraft?


This new owner, why is the meat so rampant?

"I do not believe!"

The God of Warcraft roared again and again, and suddenly opened a purple flame, burning wildly towards Meng Lei, it was the divine magic: purple fire burned!


As soon as the purple flame appeared, it rose to the storm and instantly rose to a hundred feet high, and Menglei was completely submerged in it.

"Boom Boom--"

Purple flames are burning, emitting a terrible high temperature ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the water in waterfalls and ponds is roasted and evaporated, forming a large amount of water vapor, covering the surroundings.

Twenty-eight gods and beasts are also away from each other. Although they are not afraid of the cold and heat, they must retreat from the fire and the horrible fire.

"Huo Kemu, I don't believe you are not afraid of fire magic!" The God of Warcraft erects a snake pupil and stares coldly at Menglei wrapped in flames.

However, with the continuous burning, the purple flames gradually extinguished, exposing Monterrey that had been burned for dozens of seconds, and everyone was shocked at the moment they saw Monterrey.

Meng Lei is wrapped in a "shell", which is made of green vines, just like the shield just now!

In theory, wood is most afraid of flames. Once it is burned by the flame, it will definitely be burned to ashes, and it will be burnt to the black.

But the shell of Monterrey is completely different. The purple flame burned for a long time, but it did not burn any traces on it, even without a trace of scorch.

"Why is this happening?"

The God of Warcraft is about to collapse, not afraid of wind blades, and not afraid of fire, how much meat is this?

"I don't believe in this evil!"

The blood of the God of Warcraft blood red eyes: "Divinity: Tianlei rolling!"


After a short while, the Lightning Divine Magic exited in the intactness of Montray again, and then the Gold Divine Magic was still in vain.

In the end, there was no such thing as Meng Lei, and the God of Warcraft completely collapsed!

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