Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 440: Risk alone

The Duanmu family lives deep in the bottom of the Wild Wolf Valley.

If Situ Ningbing descended from the top of the Wild Wolf Valley, he would have to take the elevator.

But now that elevator ladder is at the bottom of the Wild Wolf Valley, and there are many Duanmu family members guarding it. It is simply impossible for Situ Ningbing to brazenly sit on the elevator.

So she can only find another way.

Looking around, Situ Ningbing finally found a dangerous path leading down to the Wild Wolf Valley.

The thick bushes on both sides have already covered the road. If you want to pass, you can only go forward at the risk of death.

After Situ Ningbing took a look, she finally took a step, and she really wanted to go down this path.

She walked cautiously step by step to explore the road ahead, and then the other foot slowly followed up, holding the grass heel with her hands.

In this way, Situ Ningbing, who was carrying all the hardships, slowly descended from the extremely dangerous path.

I looked from a distance, but saw a woman in black clinging to the edge of a cliff, crawling towards the bottom of the Wolf Valley with difficulty.

If anyone could see her now, they would definitely think she was a lunatic...

Because only lunatics in the world can do such desperate things.

But is Situ Ningbing crazy?

Absolutely not.

She was just for the one in her heart...

Her slender and white fingers were bleeding from the thorns that caught her hand, and her clothes were torn by those sharp stones, but she insisted on going down.

Finally... After all the hardship, Situ Ningbing finally stood at the bottom of the Wild Wolf Valley with both feet.

Looking up at the place where she had just climbed down, maybe even she herself could not believe that she actually climbed down from such a high place...

Because this wolf valley is too deep, there is a faint white thick fog above it.

After the current Situ Ningbing came down, she walked along the path to the front place, she was looking for the Duanmu family.

After quickly reaching the front, I saw the magnificent elevator.

Situ Ningbing was hiding in an inconspicuous corner, blinking a pair of beautiful eyes and staring in front of him, and then he heard the voice coming from the front.

She leaned forward slowly, blinking to look, and she saw 3 members of the Duanmu family in black clothes standing there.

"The Duanmu family is really here." Situ Ningbing finally said in his heart with a sigh of relief.

She spent so much effort to find the Duanmu family, and now she finally found it.

There are three members of the Duanmu family guarding the elevator in front. If she wants to pass, it seems that she must first solve the three people silently.

Thinking of this, I saw Situ Ningbing leaping forward as quickly as a cat.

She is only a few meters away from the three Duanmu family members. Two of the three Duanmu family members are sitting together and talking, and the other is standing on the other side.

Situ Ningbing observed the situation for a while, and suddenly shot away at the two Duanmu family members closest to her like a rabbit.

The two of them didn't realize what was going on, they could only feel like a strong wind coming from behind.

Before they came back, the two suddenly felt a sensation of heat in their necks... Then when they touched them with their hands, they found that their throat had been cut open...

Then their pupils began to enlarge violently... their faces twisted.

With a bang, without even spitting out a word, all the corpses fell to the ground and died.

When the two people were killed by Situ Ningbing's fast-growing body skills, the other member of the Duanmu family standing there suddenly heard the sound and turned his head.

"You...who are you?"

When the man saw that his two companions had died tragically on the ground at this moment, he couldn't help looking at the cold-faced Situ Ningbing with a scared voice, and at the same time he couldn't help backing back again and again.

Situ Ningbing looked at him coldly, without saying a word, slowly pushing towards him.

The member of the Duanmu family, knowing that he might not be Situ Ningbing's opponent, suddenly glanced at the dark bell next to him!

The dark bell is the signal of the Duanmu family. Once the dark bell is touched and rang, the members of the Duanmu family must know that something dangerous has happened here.

I saw that the man thought he was still a few meters away from Situ Ningbing, so he wanted to touch the dark bell, and when he turned around, he ran towards the dark bell like crazy.

Situ Ningbing suddenly shot.

Just when the man's finger was about to touch the dark bell, a thin gold thread that could not be seen with the naked eye suddenly shot out from inside Situ Ningbing's sleeve.

Deadly silk.

With a swish, one end of the life-threatening silk pierced the man's chest.

Then Situ Ningbing pulled with his hand, and with a bang, the man's body was pulled back and fell to the ground. His eyes were still very unwilling... but the man was already dead.

After Situ Ningbing killed the last member of the Duanmu family, he stepped over the corpse and walked forward.

Now she is about to break into this Duanmu family. Even if she is dead, she must find Li Tian, ​​find him, and then ask in person...

The darkened building in front is obviously the place of the Duanmu family.

Situ Ningbing concealed his way forward.

Occasionally, I can see people from the Duanmu family wearing black clothes passing by in twos and threes.

She glanced at the buildings of the Duanmu family in front, and knew in her heart that it would be impossible for her to search blindly like this.

So she had to find someone to force her.

He glanced at the place ahead, but saw a member of the Duanmu family wearing black clothes coming from there, and Situ Ningbing fixed his eyes on him.

Just when he was about to reach Situ Ningbing's side, Situ Ningbing suddenly shot.

I have been slender and don't know when there was a sharp head in his hand, and it immediately pressed against the guy's throat...The other hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled it back.

The guy was severely restrained by Situ Ningbing.

"Don't say anything... If you dare to say something, I will kill you." Situ Ningbing said coldly.

After she finished speaking, the guy whose head was put on his neck, his face was as pale as death, his eyes widened and nodded...

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