Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 441: Who is she?

After she finished speaking, the guy whose head was put on his neck, his face was as pale as death, his eyes widened and nodded...

"Now I want to ask you something, you'd better tell me honestly, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you, have you heard clearly?" Situ Ningbing said coldly.

The man who was put the knife in his throat said with a trembling voice: "Know... I know..."

"it is good!"

"Then I ask you, where is Li Tian from your Duanmu family now?"

Situ Ningbing in front of him went up and asked.

When the man heard Situ Ningbing's clues to Li Tian, ​​he couldn't help being taken aback.

Li Tian? Could it be that Li Tian of the foreign surname?

Li Tian's name has already been known to everyone in the Duanmu family.

It was not because of his odd name, or how famous he was, but because he was the only foreigner who did not join the Duanmu family, so the name of Li Tian was basically known in the Duanmu family at that time.

"I know... I know," the man said suddenly.

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he quickly asked, "Is he there now?"

Following Situ Ningbing's questioning, the man said timidly: "I only know... that foreigner Li Tian attended the Raksha Conference and became the fifth elder of our family..."

"What? Li Tian took refuge in your dark family?" Situ Ningbing asked incredulously.

At the same time, I was surprised, how could this be?

How could Li Tian take refuge in the dark Duanmu family? And he will become the fifth elder of the Duanmu family, it is impossible, absolutely impossible...

"Did you lie to me?" The sharp head in Situ Ningbing's hand has cut through the skin of the man's throat...

The man’s pupils dilated, his voice trembling and scared, saying: "I...I didn't! I really didn't...I was telling the truth.

"Then tell me, where can you find him now?"

"I only know that Li Tian, ​​a foreigner who became the fifth elder of our family, lived in Changchun Palace... As for the others, I don't even know about the others."

Hearing what the guy in front of him said, Situ Ningbing was a little doubtful.

Did Li Tian really join the Duanmu family?

And also became the fifth elder of the Duanmu family?

"Where is Changchun Palace?" Situ Ningbing asked that guy with a knife.

The forced Duanmu family member raised his arm and pointed at a building not far in front and said, "Just... there."

"The Changchun Palace is there."

Hearing this, Situ Ningbing suddenly raised his hand and hit the back of the guy's head fiercely. With a bang, the guy was directly knocked out.

Then Situ Ningbing dragged the stunned guy to an inconspicuous corner, and then ran quickly in the direction of the Changchun Palace he said.

She was extremely light, and quickly arrived at the Changchun Palace.

After arriving at Changchun Palace, there have been more and more members of the Duanmu family.

Had she not been a professional killer, she would have been discovered by a member of the Duanmu family.

Looking at the many people guarding the Changchun Palace, Situ Ningbing frowned slightly. It seemed that it was completely impossible for him to enter through the front door.

So she could only walk sideways to the back.

Fortunately, there is a high rockery behind that, and there is an open window just behind the Changchun Palace.

After taking a glance, Situ Ningbing swiftly climbed towards the rockery.

Her movements are so fast, so fast.

After one ups and downs climbed up the rockery, he slid his body, grabbed the window with both hands, then used his arms, his body jumped slightly upwards, and his flexible body jumped directly into the Changchun Palace.

After entering, Situ Ningbing lowered his body and looked at the interior of the Changchun Palace.

But seeing the huge Changchun Palace, it looks extremely empty.

The Changchun Palace is guarded by so many people outside, but there is no one inside.

Situ Ningbing's eyes swept around, and he secretly guessed: Is Li Tian really here?

But where is such a big Changchun Palace to find him?

After thinking about it, Situ Ningbing bent his body and walked slowly towards the side. After passing a long narrow corridor, the front of him should be the bedroom area.

Situ Ningbing took a look and walked slowly toward the largest room in the middle like a gecko against the wall.

When she reached the door of the largest room in the middle, Situ Ningbing was taken aback, because she found that the door was actually hidden and did not close.

Moreover, Situ Ningbing could still hear that there should be someone in this room from his keen sense of hearing.

At this moment, she couldn't help tipping to move towards the door, and then looked inside with a slight gap in the door.

This look surprised her.

Situ Ningbing saw a woman through the gap in the door.

There was a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.

Situ Ningbing can feel from her dress and dress that this woman is definitely not an ordinary woman, and there is a thin red rope tied to her slender right wrist, looking cute.

A **** red lips were on that incomparable face... I saw that she was staying in that room in a daze with her beautiful chin in her hands.

Beautiful as poppies.

When Situ Ningbing saw her, he couldn't help but stunned, and said to himself, "Who is she?"

Situ Ningbing in front of her would never think that she met Duanmu Ying, the daughter of the Duanmu family.

Originally from Li Tian left the Duanmu family, Duanmuying, except for Li Tian who left without saying goodbye, was more of a miss.

So this girl came to Li Tian's Changchun Palace again and again.

Sometimes she can stay alone in Li Tian’s Changchun Palace for two or three hours, and sometimes she can even stay for a full day...

She was just like that, holding her delicate face with two slender hands, waiting foolishly...

And Situ Ningbing outside was also watching her curiously.

I didn't know how long it was after staying, Duanmuying in the room suddenly stood up.

Facing a soft bed next to him, he kicked his feet fiercely.

"Little bastard... he didn't even say hello to me when he left... Don't you know that this lady misses you very much?"

"Asshole, little asshole!"

Duanmuying cursed while pursing her red and **** cherry lips, while holding a pair of slender ankles fiercely tickling the bed where Li Tian once slept.

It seems that the bed is Li Tian.

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