The violent explosion in front of the Musée d'Orsay has reached inside and outside the apartment building near Place de la Bastille.

In the quiet dark night, the sound of explosions in the distance was very clear.

The moment they heard the explosion, everyone looked towards the Seine in amazement.

Unfortunately, there are many buildings blocking it, and everyone can't see anything.

The numerous armed security guards guarding the interior and exterior of the apartment building, as well as a large number of Parisian police guarding the perimeter, were instantly put on the highest alert.

They vigilantly look around and at the large crowds gathered on the streets, ready to respond!

Those guys in the crowd who had evil intentions lit up their eyes with excitement, and they were about to move one by one.

Xiao Ran, who was staying in the appraisal room on the first floor, and the experts in the appraisal of French antique artworks also heard the explosion outside and looked at the night sky outside the window.

"What happened? The explosion seems to be coming from the Louvre, could it be that something happened to the Louvre?

"Probably not, who would hit the Louvre's idea?" The Louvre has always been heavily guarded and rarely broken into

" "Besides, now there is such a big movement, even if someone fights the Louvre's idea, it must have failed"

Several French antique art appraisal experts have discussed, all full of worry.

Without saying a few words, these guys suddenly turned their heads to look at Xiao Ran in unison.

Only then did they seem to remember.

The five-star hotel where Xiao Ran stayed was diagonally opposite the Louvre, just across the Seine.

What's more, almost all of the antique art and gold and silver treasures he had previously discovered and swept up in Paris were said to be stored in the vault he rented at the Musée d'Orsay.

Could the violent explosion that just happened have something to do with Sean? This is too likely!

Now no one in the world knows that wherever this guy goes, he will set off a storm.

It's the same when I came to Paris this time, I don't know how many things I did, I can't count it!

Thinking of this, several French antique art appraisal experts even gloated a little.

But they also understood, judging by the violent explosion just now.

Even if someone tried to get into trouble with this guy Sean just now, it was likely to have failed, or even been killed by this guy's men.

For example, two or three hours ago, there was a shootout in front of the Musée d'Orsay.

A group of Serbs who tried to infiltrate the Musée d'Orsay to ransack Shaun were swept up by the police and killed several people.

Just as these Frenchmen were secretly guessing, Anthony's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Sean, just now some guys tried to sneak into the Musée d'Orsay, it should be a group of art thieves, they dived along the Seine channel, the equipment was quite professional

" "I don't know why, the equipment carried by those guys suddenly exploded violently, causing those idiots to die and be injured, and the explosion seemed to be compressed gas cylinders

" "The seven or eight idiots responsible for covering and picking up those guys have all been exposed, and now there has been an exchange of fire with the Paris police, In a blink of an eye, he was killed a few more

" "It's okay over there in the hotel, our guys didn't participate in the firefight, just condescending, providing guidance and technical support

to the police" Hearing the report, Xiao Ran immediately copied the walkie-talkie and said:

"Since those idiots didn't attack the hotel we stayed in, didn't attack our people, we are not convenient to participate in the firefight, just be a friendly international friend

" "For example, using infrared thermal imagers, and small drones and other equipment to support the Paris police, indicating the location and hiding place

of those idiots, etc." "At the same time, guard the doors of the hotel, don't let those idiots take advantage of the chaos to enter the hotel, if those idiots attack us, then send those idiots to hell,......

" "Understand, boss, I will handle these things, including communication with the police"

Anthony responded, and ended the call.

Listening to the conversation between them, everyone gasped.

Although Anthony said bluntly, the violent explosion that had just occurred had nothing to do with his side.

However, few people believed his words.

From his words, people heard it.

The art thieves who tried to infiltrate the Musée d'Orsay and loot under the cover of night just now were under close surveillance from beginning to end.

They think that their actions are very secretive, there is no half a secret at all, they have long become fat pigs on the board, it depends on when the knife bearer starts!

This situation makes many people secretly frightened.

Especially the guys on the street outside, they all felt a chill in their backs, and they couldn't help but snort.

Immediately afterwards, they quickly looked at the surrounding situation, suspicious.

As a result, they found nothing, but quickly died down.

At this moment, Xiao Ran had unveiled the last layer of moisture-proof tarpaulin outside the picture frame at hand.

The painting, hidden under the moisture-proof tarpaulin, was finally presented in front of everyone's eyes.

The moment they saw this painting, everyone was stunned and stunned.

Even Xiao Ran performed the same.

This is a realistic painting with a religious theme, The Virgin and Child.

Due to its age, the surface of this painting has become somewhat cracked, and the cracks are densely cracked, like spider webs.

Even so, the surface of the painting is quite bright, as if it had been painted with a layer of varnish.

What shocked everyone was that it was this characteristic of the painting, not the content of the picture.

The next moment, Xiao Ran suddenly pretended to be surprised and said:

"Wow! This is actually an old tempera painting, and it is not badly preserved, it is really rare!

"The lower right corner of the painting has the author's signature, it is in Latin in flower, if I am not mistaken, it should be Masaccio's initials" "Masaccio

is a pioneer of Renaissance art, the founder of Renaissance painting, and the first painter to use perspective, known as the pioneer of realism" "

In terms of its place in art history alone, his painting is very precious, plus it is a rare tempera painting, it is even more precious"

"The so-called tempera painting is a painting painted with egg white or egg yolk and paint, mostly painted on a plaster painting board, this painting technique was the mainstream before the emergence of

oil painting" "With the emergence and maturity of oil painting painting techniques, tempera painting is rapidly declining, from this point of view, it shows how old

this painting is, and how precious it is" With Xiao Ran's introduction, people have sobered up and have some understanding of this painting and tempera painting.

Several French antique art appraisal experts who were at the scene danced with excitement one by one.

"Oh my God! This is actually the tempera painting of Masaccio, the founder of Renaissance painting, which is a priceless treasure! "

God forbid, I didn't expect such a priceless treasure here, it's incredible"

While exclaiming, the Frenchmen quickly gathered around and excitedly began to identify and admire this rare painting.

As for the identification results, you don't need to ask!

"Yes, this is indeed Masaccio's tempera painting, and there is no problem with the signature!"

"Not only is the signature highly consistent, the image of the Virgin in this tempera painting is exactly the same as the image in his "Virgin Mary", but the size is different"

While these Frenchmen were shouting, Xiao Ran ordered his staff to dim the light boy again.

He did this precisely to protect this ancient tempera painting.

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