In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Inside the apartment building, the identification of Napoleon's treasure was temporarily halted.

Xiao Ran led many French antique art appraisal experts to stay up all night and identify countless valuable antique artworks.

During this night, he did not rest, and he was busy non-stop.

The expert in the appraisal of French antique art that accompanied him changed three times.

At this time, Xiao Ran was eating breakfast and still looked energetic.

The French antique art appraisal experts who had just come out of the appraisal room with him were all tired.

In fact, they had only been in the appraisal room for five hours, but Xiao Ran had been spinning for about fifteen hours.

If you count yesterday's daylight, he has been busy for about twenty-four hours.

Looking at this contrasting scene, everyone was shocked.

Xiao Ran's superhuman ability made everyone stunned.

What made everyone feel even more incredible was that none of the antique works of art and gold and silver treasures that had been identified by his hands had gone wrong, and he had not looked at a single thing.

Moreover, his appraisal speed is so fast, the rest of the French antique art appraisal experts combined, can not catch up with him.

This is a bit bizarre, even a miracle!

Just as Xiao Ran was eating lunch, the French antique art appraisal experts in the same apartment, as well as the others standing on the side, all looked at him like monsters.

At the same time, these guys were also full of admiration.

At this moment, Elaine came straight to Xiao Ran and poured him a cup of hot milk.

Then pulled away the chair and sat down, and said to Xiao Ran in a low voice:

"Honey, you have been working for more than twenty-four hours continuously, you must rest for a while, wait for the spirit to reap other antique artworks

" "Time is some, there is no need to rush at this time, compared to the Napoleon treasure, I care more about your body, there is no treasure more important than you"

Xiao Ran took a sip of hot milk, and then turned to look at Elaine.

"Actually, I'm not very tired, even if it's okay to identify everything in Napoleon's treasure in one go, you don't have to worry

" "Now the situation outside is very complicated, the sooner you complete the identification, the better, and then ship everything to the vault, saving the night long dreams"

The words did not fall, but Elaine shook her head firmly.

"Nope! Dear, what you need most now is a break, and not to continue to identify those antique works of art, which are worthless compared to you!

"Besides, even if you have endless energy and are always energetic, but the employees of the company do not have this superpower, they are just ordinary people

" "You look at their mental state, everyone is tired and needs to rest for a while, even if it is two or three hours, otherwise, it is easy to have accidents"

She said, and pointed to Matthew who was eating breakfast at the table next to her.

Following the direction of her finger, Xiao Ran turned her head to look at those guys.

As Elaine said, Matthew and each of them looked tired and really needed a good rest.

By extension, the rest of the company employees in the garden, and the guys who were still in the underground palace, must also be exhausted.

Even though they had rotated twice, they had rested for a few hours.

But in high-stress and high-intensity working conditions, they consume much faster than usual.

If you continue to work in this state, it is indeed very easy to get into trouble.

And once something happens, it is very likely to cause irreparable losses.

For example, when carrying something out of the secret passage, if you accidentally roll over and drop the box on the ground, it will be a big trouble.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran couldn't help but be silent.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said:

"Well, it seems that everyone really needs to rest for a while to avoid accidents

" "Then I will rest for a few hours, before resting, there are still some preparations to be done, just in case"

Hearing this, Elaine was overjoyed.

"Okay, my dear, I will always be by your side when you rest, if something happens, I will wake you up as soon

as possible" "Those security personnel guarding inside and outside the apartment building believe that they can fully ensure the safety here, you rest assured that it is"

Xiao Ran nodded, and then began to arrange.

He called David and Mike, as well as Anthony and Matthew, and told them about their breaks, and

of course, some company employees had to work shifts.

The shift was replaced by a group of employees who arrived from the hotel in the morning.

During everyone's break, the armed security team led by Anthony must always maintain a high state of alert.

Without Xiao Ran's permission, no one could be allowed to enter this apartment building.

David and Mike, they are responsible for pinning down the representatives of the parties who stay in the apartment building

, trying to keep those guys here, acting as human shields.

For his arrangements, David and Anthony naturally had no objections.

As one order after another came out, everyone immediately took action.

The guys who worked in the garden and in the underground palace were all relieved.

Then, they put aside their busy affairs and walked to the apartment building in batches, preparing to wash, eat, and rest.

The group of employees who replaced them entered the garden and began to take over the work.

The many armed security personnel stationed inside and outside the apartment building were all on the highest alert.

It wasn't until the first group of employees entered the apartment building from the garden that Xiao Ran took David and them to the hall to explain the situation to the representatives of all parties staying here.

After entering the hall to say hello, he immediately got straight to the point.

"Considering that my staff is quite tired, for safety reasons and to avoid accidents, I have decided that from now on, all cleaning and identification of Napoleon's treasure will be temporarily stopped

" "We need to rest for a few hours before starting the follow-up work, during which everyone can also go to the room we have arranged to rest, or do other things

" "When we are rested, we will carry out follow-up, according to the current progress, By four or five o'clock this afternoon, most of the work here should be completed, and everyone can wait patiently,"

hearing him say this, the representatives of all parties at the scene immediately exchanged glances.

But they can only accept this result, and nothing else can be done.

Next, Xiao Ran said some more precautions, and he was ready to leave.

At this moment, Henry suddenly said:

"Sean, you have been busy all day and night, you really should take a good rest to recover your spirit and physical fitness

" "But we had a good rest last night, just woke up for a while, and now we are full of energy, can we continue to evaluate?"

"We are all professionals, you can rest assured, or you can send someone to supervise and record the entire appraisal process,"

as he said, several other French antique art appraisal experts nodded.

Xiao Ran looked at these Frenchmen, but rejected them with a smile.

"I am very sorry, gentlemen, that I cannot grant your request, and during my rest, I will authenticate the remaining antique

works of art" "All antique works of art from Napoleon's treasure must first pass through my hands before they can be submitted to you for further appraisal!"

"Henry, you can carefully study the videos of those antique artworks that you picked up after your rest last night, I believe there will be a lot of gains"

After that, he said goodbye to the Frenchmen and left here with Elaine.

Moments later, they had entered an apartment on the first floor with a window facing the garden.

After entering the apartment, Xiao Ran quickly took off his coat, washed briefly, and then went to bed.

Before going to bed, he put the HK433 assault rifle and Kevlar body armor with a full magazine next to the bed.

In addition to these, there is a black backpack full of weapons and ammunition next to the bed, just in case.

In addition, he also arranged infrared alarm devices on the inside of the doorway and the inside of several windows.

After completing these arrangements, he lay down on the bed and began to rest.

Elaine sat on the sofa next to him and stayed with him.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ran had already fallen asleep, and the apartment was quiet.

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