The ancestors of the Xuans appeared and laid a strong border, covering the entire audience in an instant to avoid the aftershock of the black and white fire lotus explosion.

"That son is so fierce that he can fight against Wu Shao!"

The ancestor of the Xuans, staring at Ye Lan in the distance, was also shocked.

He wanted to help, but he knew the temperament of Wulong.

The more powerful the opponent is, the more Wu Long doesn't need help from others.

Once involved, the ancestors of the Xuans knew that they would die in the hands of Wulong.

Inside the Fengyun cave, black and white flames are still burning wildly, releasing a terrifying and burning high temperature.

In the audience, the strong and talented people of various races can clearly feel the burning feeling and fear from the bottom of their hearts, even though they are protected by the frontier by the ancestors of the Xuans.

"Master Tianmo, we..."

Liu Xiaolang nervously looks at Ye Lan, worried in his heart.

This time, the sorcerer dragon is really staring at Ye Lan.

Although Liu Xiaolang has not really seen Wulong, he knows that Wulong is a very small hearted person, and he is jealous.

He can't see anyone who is stronger than him, especially among foreigners, whose strength, cultivation and talent are far better than him!

Now, Ye Lan shows amazing talent in public. With the character of Wulong, Ye Lan will definitely get rid of it!

Wulong is very strong, powerful enough to be a monster.

Although his accomplishments are in the eight levels of Nirvana, his combat power is comparable to that of the half step empty God!

Ye Lan's talent and strength are also very strong, but Liu Xiaolang still dare not guarantee that ye LAN will be able to kill Wulong and escape from Wulong alive.

"Don't be nervous, watch..."

The devil God pretends to be calm.

At this moment, who is most worried about Ye Lan is him.

After all, his life intersects with Ye Lan.

Last night, star tree island, he also heard that Mr. Yuan said, Ye Lan will die!

He will die in this battle, in the hand of the sorcerer dragon!

As for the divination skill of Tiangui clan, Tianmo Shengzun has always believed in it.

But when I think of Ye Lan's vows last night, my life is up to me. What he can do now is to choose to believe Ye Lan. He can really change his destiny!

"How can I not be nervous? It's Wulong, one of the three great talents of Chiyou family. Its combat power is comparable to that of the strong one in the half empty divine realm! "

Liu Xiaolang growled in a low voice.

"What's the use? Aren't you nervous? I'm more nervous than you! If ye boy dies, I will die with him! Do you understand? "

The Lord of heaven responds.

"Now, what we should do is to stabilize our mind and pray that ye Xiaozi can kill the witch dragon and survive from the other side.

And our goal will be the ancestor of the Xuans!

If ye Xiaozi really killed wu long, do you think the people of Xuan clan would let him go easily? "

The heavenly devil continued.

Liu Xiaolang is silent, caring is chaotic.

Yes, the heavenly devil is right. Ye Lan and Wu long can't get involved in the battle.

In front of them, there is only one way, that is to believe that ye LAN can surpass Wulong.

And once Ye Lan killed the sorcerer dragon, the anger of the Xuan clan will be waiting for them!


In Fengyun cave, the black and white flames slowly dissipate.

A burly figure emerged slowly.

Wulong, not dead!

Even under the impact of the countless black and white fire lotus explosions, he didn't have any burns, as if the previous big explosion had never happened.

"Just now, that's your strongest mace?"

Wulong is ready for leisure.

"Of course not!"

Ye Lan responded decisively.

The killing evil spirit is surging, and the five emperors are powerful.

He replaced the sword with his hand and cut it down with one sword.

A sharp and domineering Lingtian sword suddenly cuts down.

The sword contains the power of killing and cutting, as well as the cutting edge of the gas, unprecedented powerful.

Rao is a sorcerer. He is confident that he is unmatched. At the moment, he dare not trust him in the face of the edge of the sword!

The totem on his body surface suddenly erupted again, and a huge virtual shadow like a gluttonous beast wrapped him tightly.

The giant beast roared up to the sky, roaring earth shaking.

It props up the huge body and bravely faces the terrible sword of Ye Lan.

Puff ~

the sword could not split the giant into two in an instant, but it also cut a long deep mark on the virtual shadow of the giant.

It seems that the giant beast and the Wulong's body interact with each other. As soon as its body is cut, a deep mark appears on the Wulong's chest, and the blood splashes.Deng Deng Deng

Wu Long's body, one after another retrogression, eyes, full of shock.

"Xuanyuan's Xuanyuan sword technique! Are you a villain of the Xuanyuan clan? "

Wu long looked at the long bloodstain on his chest. In his eyes, fierce color and fierce anger flashed.

Xuanyuan clan and Chiyou clan are mortal enemies.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, there has been an endless war between the two races!

Originally, the Xuanyuan clan was completely destroyed.

But wu long didn't expect that, now, he saw Xuanyuan sword once again!

This sword technique was created by Xuanyuan's ancestor. It can conquer the body totem of Chiyou people!

"Xuanyuan sword technique?"

In the audience, the ancestors of the Xuans were shocked, xuantiantong was shocked, and so were many elders and strong men of the Xuans.

Not only them, but also all the strong and talented people of all ethnic groups who came here to watch the war were shocked.

The Xuanyuan clan, once one of the nine major foreign clans of the Jinshen clan, is strong enough to challenge the Chiyou clan.

At its peak, even Chiyou clan, known as the head of the near God clan!

It's a pity that when things go to extremes, they will turn back, and when things go to extremes, they will decline.

After a prosperous period, Xuanyuan family declined rapidly.

The Chiyou clan, who had a long-standing feud with the Xuanyuan clan, showed their tusks and wiped out the Xuanyuan clan.

Now, the Xuanyuan clan is in the past, legend and taboo in the nine star heaven.

And Xuanyuan's strongest Xuanyuan sword technique has become a big regret, because since the decline of Xuanyuan, the inheritance of that sword technique has disappeared in the vast history.

But now, endless years have passed, and the lost Xuanyuan sword technique has reappeared! Should the extinct Xuanyuan people reappear?

This is called everyone present, how can we not be surprised?!

"Brother ye, is he a member of the Xuanyuan clan?"

Thousand tigers are also surprised.

"The Xuanyuan family, after all, has it reappeared?"

Among the Ming people, after the shock of the strong Ming people, such as Ming Kuang Xiao, there is endless emotion.

They have been speculating about the origin of Ye Lan's identity, what kind of powerful race can give birth to Ye Lanna and other super talents?

Before entering the realm of emptiness and divinity, he was envied by heaven, which led to the power of heaven.

Now, seeing that ye LAN can use Xuanyuan sword, they understand everything!

Such a powerful super genius, only such a race can be born!

"Xuanyuan's clan reappears in the nine star universe. Is it going to revenge Chiyou?"

In the audience, the strong people of various races talked about it one after another. What we saw today is the most powerful news.

After the conference, once the news comes out to the outside world, the nine star sky will shake!

"I can't believe you've seen a lot! Can you recognize Xuanyuan sword technique? "

Ye Lan looks at the sorcerer dragon, and a sneer rises from the corner of her mouth.

"Xuanyuan's evil is still living in this world. It seems that today, no matter what, you will not be left!"

The killing intention on Wu Long's face became more and more intense.

Xuanyuan's family and his Chiyou family have a long history of gratitude and resentment. The decline and fall of Xuanyuan's family were all created by his Chiyou family.

Today, a man with unlimited potential, who has not entered the virtual God, will be envied by heaven and lead to robbery and punishment. In addition, Xuanyuan's genius who inherited Xuanyuan's sword technique is born.

If you don't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will be a great disaster for Chiyou people in the future!

"Wu Shao, Xuanyuan's evil is determined not to stay. Please let me and the great powers of our Xuan family help Wu Shao to get rid of this evil as soon as possible!"

The ancestor of the Xuans looked at the Wulong and said aloud.

"No! The Xuanyuan family and our Chiyou family have a long history of gratitude and resentment.

Today, I Wulong met the Xuanyuan clan. Then, I will personally kill this person and prove to the world that the Chiyou clan is far superior to the Xuanyuan clan.

In front of Chiyou, Xuanyuan is just a local chicken and a local dog! "

Wu Long resolutely refused.

If you are as proud as him, how can you easily seek help from others?

After that, his figure flashed and rushed to Ye Lan.

The beast roared, wild and surging.

In the body of Wulong, the momentum condenses and forms countless ancient wild beasts.

The countless wild beasts, each as big as a mountain, fierce and powerful!

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