Countless head wild beast, overwhelming toward Ye Lan turbulent kill.

"The sword breaks the river of stars!"

As soon as Ye Lan stepped, the pattern appeared.

The evil spirit of killing and the divine power of the five emperors rolled into the array, making the surge of the array fiercer and fiercer.

Whew, whew

Bursts of harsh air breaking sound, one after another issued.

Countless sword shadows, like a meteor shower, are shooting all over the sky to meet the countless ferocious beasts.

The sword shadow contains the power of killing and cutting, which is extremely fierce and domineering.

Every shadow of the sword is facing a ferocious beast and smashing it to pieces.

"I can't spare you!"

The witch dragon roars and rushes like a wild lion towards Ye Lan.

Ye Lan is fearless. Behind him, thirty ancient gods appear, and a breath from the wilderness suddenly erupts from his body.

At the same time, he also runs the invincible body, the whole body is hazy.

Physical strength is increased by multiple.

Bang Bang

Ye Lan is not afraid of the sorcerer dragon, but has a fierce fight with the sorcerer dragon.

This scene looks at the strong and talented people of all races in the audience!

Chiyou clan, known as the God of war clan, has always been called holy by the body. Few people can challenge them with the strength of the body.

But now, Ye Lan is to physical body hard shake sorcerer dragon, not to lose the wind, but also shocked the audience, attracted a burst of air-conditioning sound.

"That's The power of man God of man God

The ancestor of the Xuan clan stares at the 30 ancient gods that appear behind Ye Lan. In his mouth, he utters a cry of surprise.

Man Shin clan, one of the nine foreign clans of the near God clan, is respected by strength, and the flesh body is also extremely terrifying!

But legend has it that the clan has been destroyed for many years.

About its inheritance, it is disappeared!

"How can you have the inheritance of the man God clan?"

In the battlefield, the sorcerer dragon side and Ye Lan fierce hand to hand combat, while shocked.

As a member of the Chiyou clan, Wulong naturally knows the Manshen clan.

We also know that the barbarian gods have the power of barbarian gods, and their physical body is strong enough to compete with his Chiyou family.

However, that clan has long been gone, and its inheritance is broken. Now, how can it reappear?

Where does this young man come from?

First of all, Xuanyuan sword skill of Xuanyuan clan. Now, it has the power of Manshen clan!

In particular, in addition to the power of the brute God, the sorcerer dragon also felt that Ye Lan's body also exuded a very powerful terrorist force, a kind of palpitating killing breath, plus a kind of divine power in heaven and earth!

"What kind of luck does he have? One after another, the Xuanyuan clan and the Manshen clan inherited it! "

The more wu long thought about it, the more frightened he was.


Ye Lan is a great enemy to him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he will be in great danger in the future!

"Heaven and earth are mysterious, and all things are broken!"

Wulong roared, biting his index finger, dripping blood essence, which contained extremely terrifying and overbearing power.

Hum ~

countless runes flash and countless arrays interweave.

Formed a huge God gate, God gate is 100 Zhang high, dozens of Zhang wide, giving people a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

Call God gate!

"With my blood, draw the door of God. With my will, I look forward to your coming

The Dragon roared.

The closed door of God opened.

A wild force from endless years ago suddenly surged out of the divine gate.

As soon as that wild trend appeared, the whole Fengyun cave was completely changed, and the void of heaven and earth collapsed.

Poof ~

the ancestors of the Xuans set up a formation to block the tyrannical and terrifying barbarism, but it didn't work. On the contrary, it was badly damaged. The boundary that enveloped the whole audience was constantly collapsing and cracks appeared.

The savage force, directly along the crack, poured in!


With a scream, a strong member of the Xuan clan, whose cultivation is in the state of breaking the fetus, could not bear the impact of the wild situation, and exploded into a blood mist on the spot, so that the body and spirit were destroyed.

It's not just the Xuans. In the audience, all the strong people of the major races have suffered miserably.

The weak and the small are all killed.

Strong is barely able to support, to resist the spread of the wild trend!

"What is that? How could it be so horrible? "

Someone said in horror.

"The secret of Chiyou clan -- call God gate! It's said that only Chiyou's legitimate children can use this secret method to open the door of God with their own blood essence and summon Chiyou's ancestors to this world! "

"The ancestor of Chiyou? Isn't that Chiyou, the God of war? "Someone can't help taking a breath of air conditioning.

Chiyou, the God of war, is one of the few super powers after the fall of the ancient gods. He is proud of the world, almost invincible, and has amazing fighting power.

"Exactly! Of course, Chiyou, the God of war that can be summoned by huanshenmen, is not the real God of war. At most, it is just a wisp of memory. But that's scary enough.

Moreover, the stronger the strength of the summoner, the more powerful the summoner will be!

This time, the young man will not be spared!

Wulong uses the gate of calling God. Under the virtual God, no one can stop it! "

There is a strong older generation who clearly calls the gate of God. His face is dignified. Looking at the huge and heavy gate of God, his whole heart can't stop shaking.



Liu Xiaolang heard a lot of people talking about the power of calling God gate, and looked anxiously at the heavenly devil saint.

"Don't worry, don't worry! It's all right, it's all right! "

The heavenly devil saint is also a little flustered at the moment.

This is the first time that he has experienced such a state of confusion since he started his career and traveled abroad for thousands of years.

He has been comforting himself to be calm. He believes Ye Lan and that he can surpass wu long.

But the powerful means that Wu Long shows again and again makes him worry about Ye Lan again and again.

This time, the call God door out, the devil saint in the heart have no spectrum!

Ye Lan, can you stop it?

What's more, even if he can't stop it, what's the use of running by himself?


Roar ~

call God's door and open it completely.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a surging trend of the wild.

Then, an earthshaking roar came out of the door.

Ye Lan raised her eyes and saw a huge figure in the calling God gate, which was walking out slowly.

It's a great God. Although it's not a real God, it's no different from God.

His body is as tall as a mountain, and his whole body is covered with thick black scales. His eyes are like blood, and his mouth is full of tusks. On his forehead, he has two long horns.

During the snorting, thunder rages and flames spread.

It's just a wisp of memory!

But it also gives people an indescribable pressure!

At the moment, the skeleton of Ye Lan's whole body is under the pressure of that idea, crackling, and the skin on the body surface is constantly broken and broken.

When his cultivation reached his level, combined with all kinds of powerful means, the physical strength was terrible!

Even if the nirvana eightfold realm cultivator tries his best to strike, it is difficult to really break Ye Lan's body.

But now, that can Nian just sends out the aftereffect, then let Ye Lan's body begin to collapse, which shows that the can Nian body in the self calling God door, in the end, what a terrible existence!

The peak of his life must be a giant!

"This is the result of the memory of our ancestor Chiyou. Today, you can die under his hands, even though you are proud to die!"

The witch dragon grins grimly.

Heart read a move, behind him, the boundless Chiyou Cannian, waving his big hand, mercilessly fan to Ye Lan.

It's like the end of the day when the wind blows.

A simple hand can create the image of doomsday.

Chiyou Cannian is really terrible!

In that destructive situation, Ye Lan's figure is completely engulfed!

"Brother Ye!"

Liu Xiaolang yelled, the whole person completely flustered, body shape a vertical, will go to help.

"What are you going to do?"

The demon Saint grabbed Liu Xiaolang and roared angrily.

"Brother ye, you are on the verge of death. How can I stand by and ignore it? "

"Does it work?"?! You'll be able to save the situation if you go? "


"Don't worry, ye boy, he's not dead yet!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I'm not dead!"


Liu Xiaolang looks puzzled.

"I have signed a contract with ye Xiaozi. If he dies, I will die.

Now, I live well, that means that ye is not dead! "

The Lord of heaven responds.

As soon as his words came to an end, the doomsday situation caused by Chi You's memory was rapidly dissipated.

A figure, slowly emerge, impressively is Ye Lan.

At the moment, Ye Lan's whole body is in tatters. If it's not the critical moment, she shows the way of heaven to return to her ancestors, plus the protection of Wansheng stove.

I'm afraid he's dead!

"Not dead?"

Wulong's pupil shrank, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Chiyou can't remember, it's terrible.

One blow is enough to destroy the sky and the earth. In the realm of emptiness, no one can stop and no one can survive.

But ye LAN just survived. Although she suffered a lot, she didn't die!"That young man is very fierce. How did he do it? He survived the attack of Chiyou Cannian

In the audience, the strong people of all races also saw the scene in front of them. They were shocked and puzzled.

"Look, the smell of that young man is a bit like..."

Suddenly, someone said.

"The tortoise family?"

"No, it's a unique skill of the Tiangui people. The most powerful defense skill is Tiandao Guizong!

Heaven, that's a martial art that can only be cultivated by the royal blood of the Tiangui people. Is it hard to succeed? That young man is not the Xuanyuan family, but the royal blood of the Tiangui people? "

It's a mess!

Scene, everyone's in a mess!

They are completely confused about Ye Lan's true identity.

For a while Xuanyuan sword thought it was Xuanyuan clan.

After a while, he thought that he was the offspring of the man God family.

Now, the way of heaven comes again. Only the blood of the royal family can cultivate the strongest martial arts!

Near God clan, three of the nine foreign clans inherit unique knowledge, and all belong to one person. What a ridiculous and shocking thing it is!

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