Pioneer Knight

Chapter 106: 107. Messenger

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Hughes couldn't hear the fat man's words, but he didn't pick it up. "No matter who the fat man is, as long as he is the enemy of the Lingdong Army, it is enough."

Lifa February 5, 2056, Emperor Edda of the Rosa Empire was 60 years old.

The Rosa Empire faces the sea of ​​disgrace in the east and the desert of Dazui in the west. It owns one-fifth of the land of Fengma Continent and is the largest and most powerful empire on the mainland.

There are two centers on the Fengma continent, the politically-centered Rosa Empire is loved by both; and the faith-centered sacred place of the sacred light, Yaklee, these two centers represent the prosperity of the Fengma continent and represent the Fengma The peak of power on the mainland.

The sun disperses the clouds and the sky, and the lazy sunlight makes people feel more comfortable and warm.

The city of Edra exudes vitality from dawn, the bustling streets, the bustling crowds, the bustling and prosperous restaurants, the crowded square, and the people warmly greeted this special day.

In the middle of the city of Edra, a sturdy and tall wall encloses the huge land, and a majestic castle stands between the heavens and the earth. The whole castle is made of silver stone with hard iron, and the bright silver stone exudes amazing beauty under the sun. This castle is the palace of Emperor Edda.

A prosperous city, a ghostly castle, all this is amazing!

The exquisite and spacious desk was filled with red congratulatory letters from all parties, and Emperor Edda had no interest in reading it.

He finally became the largest country on the mainland, and finally realized the bold words he had promised in his heart when he ascended the throne. He had never given up his struggle or promises. After more than thirty years of hard work, Rosaland stood out from the powers and became the first power, full of excitement, pain, contradiction, remorse, and worry. The complex emotions even made him often unable to sleep.

Finally, all this has passed; finally, all this has been obtained!

It's just, how do you go after that?

The existence of Guangming teaches Eda that there are still challenges in his life.

Remember clearly that the reason why he stood out from all the princes to become an emperor has a great relationship with the support of Guangming.

Edda took out the red and bright pill from her arms and looked at the pill. Edda’s eyes became sharper. "I even wanted to use drugs to control myself. I will make you regret the foolish decision!" Take that poison pill, to constantly motivate yourself and constantly remind yourself.

If you are ambitious, things will come true, and the Qin Pass will eventually fall into Chu. The hard-working people and the heavens will live up to their expectations.

In fact, from the day Edda became the throne, there was a faint idea in his heart to overthrow the light religion, because the hand of the light religion was too long. It was only then that Edda concealed his thoughts so deeply that it was difficult for even the people close to him to notice.

The existence of the Guangming religion is a hard thorn to the emperors and kings. An intention of the Guangming religion directly determines the right of succession to the throne. Sometimes the king's edict is not as useful as a "God's Word" of the Guangming religion.

Although the policy of the Guangming religion has now changed and the principle of keeping the light hidden is the main principle, and try not to intervene in the affairs of various countries, but the potential danger is like a sharp knife hanging above the head, which will always demand the king's rights and wealth, and even his life.

How can this not make the leaders worry and afraid!

With the three salutes blooming in the blue sky, the official ceremony was officially announced. Edana's slack eyes suddenly became sharp, and she removed all crankiness in her mind, preparing to congratulate the forces of all parties.

A blood-red carpet was inserted in the middle of the hall, and on both sides of the carpet were tall warriors in armor, straight legs, chest abdomen, upper body straight, shoulders flat, arms down, head straight, neck straight, mouth closed , Eyes staring straight ahead, immobile, like a warrior cast iron and steel.

The mighty warriors showed the strength of the Rosa Empire, and Edda looked at the warriors with a trace of complacency and satisfaction in her heart.

The gate of the palace was slowly opened under the push of Zhongwei, and the messengers who came to congratulate entered the gate in batches.

"Alec Empire Messenger..." The prosecutor's long voice floated in the sky.

"The messenger of the Kingdom of Adelaide..."

"The messenger of the kingdom of Afra..."


"Guangming ambassador arrives..." The ritual officer's voice suddenly became louder, as if to think it was glorious to call these words.

The noisy scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at the tall door.

Agatha's brand-new white robe looked fresh and natural in the eyes of everyone, and her face was full of friendly smiles, making everyone feel that her eyes were floating in the clouds and mist.

Agatha took the ambassador of light religion through the Yingdemen Gate, crossed the ninety-nine steps, everyone scrambled to salute the ambassador of light religion, and entered the main hall gate. Agatha presented the most solemn to the high Eda Emperor Salute.

As a celebrity of the light religion, Agatha often represents the very important places where the light teaches, and she is also deeply obsessed with this attention-grabbing feeling.

Edda sat high on the chair, looking down on everything below, and when Agatha saluted, he also stood up to salute. Everyone was not surprised that Emperor Ada got up and returned the ceremony, as if all these things were taken for granted.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, Agatha has become more beautiful." Hong Liang's voice came from Shang Gao, showing the wit of Emperor Ada and his strength.

Agatha smiled slightly, and once again saluted Ada: "Thank you for your praise."

The envoys also praised Agatha for the first time, and the scene became lively for a time.

"But it's a pity that such a wonderful person is running around." Emperor Edda murmured and sat down slowly, seeing Agatha's sweet smile again as he said it, he suddenly said: "You might as well be my concubine, share the glory and wealth with me, and share this great scene with me."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who came to congratulate the main hall was swallowing a dead fly, and his face was extremely ugly. After a few seconds of silence, suddenly "Weng Weng" boiled loudly.

"Emperor, please take care of yourself!" Agatha's tone became heavy, and the intimate smile on her face seemed to be imprisoned by people with invisible power.

"There are many rules of Guangming, which is comparable to our freedom. If you follow me, I will let you enjoy the true meaning of life and enjoy the real joy of life." Eda leaned forward slightly, his eyes bright and bright. Said.

"Nonsense! If you chew your tongue again, I will..." Agatha wanted to make a ruthless speech, but thought that this is the land of others, and swallowed it back.

Agatha regretted that the tone was just too heavy and deviated from her usual image of a lady, but considering the background of the light religion, how can she shrink from the identity she represents. Moreover, even if you have any overly radical words, are you still afraid of what the other party is doing? I myself represent Guangming. If I dare to live with myself, I cannot live with the whole Guangming. He shouldn't have that guts? ...

"Why don't you think I deserve you?" Edda asked politely.

"Sentient beings are equal, and you are just like everyone in my eyes. It's not worthy or unworthy." Agatha replied diametrically. Eda’s words were more and more surprising, and Agatha had to be very careful. But what really shocked her was Edda's attitude. Why on earth was he so rude to Guangming?

"Oh... all beings are equal." Edda paused and beckoned gently: "Asan."

"Here." A person appeared behind Edda and bowed.

Edda waved her hand and said, "Since all beings are equal in her eyes, you as a slave have nothing to do with her, so I will give her to you."

Everyone looked like a monster watching Agatha's conversation with Eda. Until Eda made a speech to give Agatha to others, the atmosphere in the hall changed again, and everyone's eyes shot strange eyes.

"The God of Light is above, am I dreaming."

"It's just as easy to give the people of the Guangming religion as things! It's incredible."


"It must be auditory."


The silent hall suddenly burst into more noisy sighs.

Agatha's face was getting colder and colder, and when Eda exited to give herself away, she knew that the situation had already led to the most serious consequences. But... why should he treat himself so much, is it that he accidentally offended him? Or is all this premeditated by him!

"Yes." The middle-aged man called A San responded politely, his figure flashed, and he had reached Agatha's body. His right hand grabbed the other's neck without any regret.

"Starlight Guard!"

With a sip, the whole body radiated a little starlight, forming an ellipse with a diameter of three meters to cover Agatha. The powerful force caused Asan who was near Agatha to fly back more than ten meters.

The starlight bodyguard is the secret skill of the light teaching, it is an all-round defensive trick, especially suitable for unexpected situations. Agatha cautiously listened to Edda's tone. When she saw Asan's body move, she immediately urged this trick that had been secretly prepared for a long time.

When one side is ready for a lot, the other side hurries to make a move. The result of the collision is obvious. But this does not explain how big the difference between the two sides is.

Agatha was secretly angry, and the other party really dared to do it. She planned in her heart how to use all forces to fight Edda, so that she could safely get out of here.

"Interesting." A Sanding stayed and looked at Agatha. "It seems that it is impossible to hide the power."

Asan said, an amazing momentum suddenly erupted, and his body slowly rose from the ground.

Asan originally intended to restrain people as soon as he shot, which played a breathtaking role. However, I didn't expect that after being shot, I was forced to retreat by the other party, which made A San feel ashamed than being slapped by others, and made him have to use super power to wash his stains.

"God, what did I see."

"Aura, how is it possible!"

"It's really the air world..."

Everyone seemed to be stimulated, and there was another noise in the hall.

Everyone was indeed stimulated a lot. Since the Kola War of more than 2,000 years, there are fewer and fewer masters in the world, and the slaves next to Edda are all heavenly. This is not surprising. However, there was a vague guess in the hearts of the people. With the strength of the Qi Realm, it is unlikely that they will actually become slaves. However, according to Ada’s command of Asan, he did not have any willingness to resist the name of slaves. All of this It's amazing. You should know that a master of the gas realm is regarded as a guest of honor in the middle empire and the high kingdom, and they are the masters who can make wind and rain.

Looking at the surprises of others, A San finally felt that he had found a little face, and the next step was how to catch Agatha beautifully and add more brilliance to his glorious image.

Agatha's face suddenly became very ugly when she saw him rising from the ground. It seems to be desperate this time.

"Magic seal!" Jiao screamed, and saw Agatha suddenly divided into seven people, or ran out of the temple, or rushed to the top of the temple, and one even rushed directly to Emperor Ada... Qiying looked Lively, people can't find out which one is the real Agatha.

"Break me." A Sanda shouted, with five fingers spreading from top to bottom towards the group of Agatha, a strong force irresistible came from above, and the hard marble was also slapped by this. Striking cracks in the debut. The seven figures were hit by a huge collision, and they were slamming into the ground.

The six figures disappeared, leaving only the figure rushing towards Emperor Ada lying on the ground.

Everyone looked at Agatha in shock, and when everyone thought she wanted to escape, she didn't expect her to resort to dangerous tricks. However, if you think about it carefully, this is the center of the Rosa Empire Center, how can you escape if you use ordinary means. It's just that Agatha made such a wise and bold move in an instant, and it really can't be underestimated.

The strength of the Qi Realm is powerful and dangerous, especially A San's angry blow, it is not to be underestimated.

Slowly, red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and Agatha looked at Emperor Ada angrily, as if to accuse the other of being rude and mean.

Eda was greeted with an interesting look, her mouth slightly bent, hanging a proud arc.

Asan slowly flew to Agatha, first, to give the other party mental pressure, and second, to prevent someone from sabotaging, because the power of the Guangming religion is extremely great, and it is very likely that someone will think of it to please the other party.

I saw four small knives inserted in Agatha's limbs. A San looked amazed. Does the other party lose himself? I heard that there was a story of guilty guilty in ancient times, should she also play this trick? Haha... It must have been unable to find thorns all at once, so he did silly things silly.

How can I be humiliated if I am a messenger of God, especially this group of cheap people, even if I die, I can never let them live alive!

"You will regret it!" Agatha grinned sullenly, her soft face full of resentment and desperation.

The blood of the limbs shoots straight out like a fountain, the four streams of blood converge in the air and separate, and then splash around the ground around Agatha's body.

Asan looked at the blood on the ground and suddenly caught him feeling wrong.

The blood on the ground seemed to burn, shining a dazzling light, and Agatha's face was constantly twisted in the light, as if enduring great pain.

A San knew that the situation was not right and rushed to Agatha at his maximum speed.

"Blood lead!"

Using the burning blood as energy to fill the flesh, the body rises like a balloon by three points at a time, and the whole momentum also rises frantically, even approaching the air world indefinitely by the secret method.

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