Pioneer Knight

Chapter 107:

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So Hughes briefly said about meeting Andre, and also included some of his views on Andre.

At first, Luo Zhongzhong listened with a smile, but after hearing it, his expression suddenly became serious.

"If you haven't guessed wrong, you should have met the second character of the Dark Star group-Andre. This person is calm-headed and good at handling information. Although Ba Le is the director of the Dark Star group, everything is big and small. Lie is dealing with arrangements and is a troublesome figure." Rob Zhongzhong explained.

"It's just, how did he come!" Suddenly Luo Fatty felt pressure, and Andrei would definitely not be dispatched for trivial matters. Then, dealing with one of the eight flags of the Blood Mountain Regiment is not a major issue.

"This place should not stay for a long time!" Luo Fatty said uncomfortably.

"Then let's go now!" Hughes said immediately, for him wherever he went.

"Okay, I said to Heber, and then left immediately." Rob Zhong decided decisively.

"No, the officers and soldiers came to search." Heber suddenly rushed into the room, whispering softly but nervously.

Hughes's expression tightened, and the first thought was that he was being followed! But...who can track himself silently, although his martial arts are not very clever, but he has a sensitive sense of smell, the average person does not have that kind of strength at all.

Is it him? ! Hughes then thought of Andrea, with his martial arts, it was possible to hide himself.

"You go first, I'll cover it." Hughes said, since it is his own reason, then it is his own responsibility!

"Don't worry, little brother, you can hide in the secret room." Hebrew immediately blocked the outgoing Hughes and said.

Hughes heard this and turned to look at Rob Zhong. Robber is considering whether to expose the Chamber of Secrets. Hughes is still strictly an outsider. He can’t let him know too much. But now that Hebrew first proposes, he will naturally not oppose it.

"Okay, come with me." Luo Zhongzhong said.

Fatty Luo quickly walked to the center of the house. As a packet of powder was not sprinkled on the ground, the originally hard ground suddenly felt like cramps, and it was as soft as a pile of sponges, while the fat man standing on it followed the land. It softens and slowly sinks.

Hughes was taken aback for a moment, it was better to do.

"Brother, come on, this is fossil powder, which can turn the rock into quicksand like three minutes, allowing us to sink into the underground chamber." Luo Fatzi explained.

Hughes heard that he understood what the other party was doing, and immediately stood in the mud of volatility.

It seems that there are countless small bugs crawling and rolling outside, and the body sinks down as fast as possible. Hughes has to admire the person who created this method of entering the chamber, unless it is digging the ground three feet, or it is really not easy to find. This secret chamber.

"Pay attention to breathlessness, there will be a short period of sulking, but it will soon pass." Seeing his head sink into the ground, Rob Zhong reminded immediately.

Immediately, the mud drowned over his mouth, over his eyes, over the top of his head, and continued to sink. Suddenly there was the illusion of digging and burying himself in the head, and Hughes laughed at the sudden illusion.

It's just that the smile hasn't bloomed yet. The fluidity of the whole soil is greatly reduced. In less than three seconds, the flowing soil has turned back into hard rock.

"What's going on!" Hughes thought in horror. Was it sold by the fat man? No, it's impossible, but... Is there a problem with the Hebrew above? !

Hughes desperately wanted to struggle, but the hard rock around was hard to shake like steel. Coupled with the panic and anxiety encountered by the mutation, it makes Hughes more difficult to breathe.

"Calm, calm..." Hughes wanted to take a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, but the tightly sealed rock completely cut off the air.

One second, two seconds... The time keeps flowing away, the air in the body keeps turbid, and the consciousness becomes more blurred. Do you really want to be your own graveyard?

"Condensation? Moving." Silent sound waves passed, although there was no sound, but Hughes actually captured this sound wave.

"not good."

Hughes was startled again, and felt a scorching breath beneath him. The whole person's feeling was thrown into the stove, as if the whole earth had been burned.

The whole body was in contact with the rock in all directions, and the blazing fire simultaneously stimulated Hughes' nerves in all directions, making the already sleepy nerves cry in pain.

This is... the power of the human body! Does Heber want to use my internal force to roast me and the fat guy alive?

Sullen! heat! Burning! Continuously stimulating Hughes, making him like a sealed stove.

"Bang!" A huge shock came from below, and the whole rock trembled. Then a strong force came from the footboard, and the force seemed to pull the body off.

When the properties of the rock suddenly changed, Rob Zhong knew that the situation was not good. There were all kinds of speculations in my heart. The most likely situation was that the enemy entered the room with a thunderbolt, and after holding down Heber, he turned his hands and feet against the melting rock.

This rock is not an ordinary mountain stone, but a special stone made after gathering deep mountain source stones and condensing for three days and three nights. It is specially used to restrain those enemies with strong internal forces. It's just that it has just become his own life lock.

Buried in the rock is not always a way. If Hebrew is also restrained, there is no need to expect other people to come to rescue, then all this has to be on his own.

In order to save life, everyone will try every means to use the forbidden technique to urge the Qi, and then come to suddenly increase their own strength. Although the effect is remarkable, the sequelae are more obvious. But once a life-threatening situation arises, who cares what sequelae will be.

Due to the inability to manually, it took Robber a longer time to compare the secret method. Suddenly, the whole body burned like flames, grilling the rock crackling.


Luo Zhongzhong's whole body force rushed out of the body, and the earth and stone suddenly burst, flying sand rolled, and the rock under his feet was also broken by this powerful force.

The secret method in Rob is to increase the power crazy in a short time, the time is very short, but some key moments can still achieve great results, and then the strength of Luo Fat will shrink greatly, and the whole person is as soft The waste of the bones makes it harder.

The head was dazzled, and the sequelae of the secret method immediately began to show. Robber seized the fading power and captured the position of Hughes with his consciousness, ignoring the violence or not, and violently pulled Hughes out before the power receded.

An oil lamp in the corner of the wall flashed with candlelight, reflecting the entire room secretly. Ten meters long and eight meters wide, the walls are gray, but spotless, surrounded by thick solid stone walls. The only entrance and exit is a heavy iron door. The entire chamber can be said to be as solid as a golden soup.

But in the eyes of Hughes, this is more like a cell with nowhere to escape.

"Quick, after going out...Turn right." Luo Fatzi gasped, anxious in his heart, the strength of the enemy to commit crimes, just made such a big movement, maybe someone will come down from the top . No, since they can trap themselves in the rock, this secret room is no longer a secret, so here is even more dangerous.

Hughes picked up Rob in one hand and hurried towards the iron gate. Although Rob is medium in size and fat, Hughes is also big and can resist the fat without mentioning the internal force.

The iron door arrived in a blink of an eye, but an iron chain as thick as an arm locked the iron door firmly.

"Key." Rob Zhong passed a silver key in due course.

Hughes pointed at the hole and inserted the key in a turn.

"No, the key is wrong." Hughes said to Luo Fatty behind.

"Impossible." Each key is kept by the corresponding personnel. Like this place is controlled by Heber, this secret room is also managed by Heber himself, and this key is also handed over to him by himself. How can there be mistakes?

"I'll try it." Although he was boring, Rob Zhong still tried his best to turn the key, but no matter how he turned it, the lock would not open.

Is it... the key is wrong? But how could he give such an important thing wrong?

"Don't try, this key is simply not right." A low voice came, and Rob Zhong looked at the source of the voice in disbelief, only to see that Heber slowly emerged from the darkness.

Luo Zhongzhong was only enlightened now that he was betrayed.

Robber's temperament is important, so when he believes in someone, he will never doubt and doubt others for no reason. Just now, although there were many situations that pointed to Heber as if something went wrong, Robber deliberately ignored it.

Until this time, the cruel facts were in front of him, Luo Fatzi had to believe that he was sold.

"Why..." Rob Zhong couldn't find a channel.

"Haha... We are not three-year-old kids, haven't we heard the word "spy"." Heber said clearly.

"Spy? Are you..." Luo Fatty stunned.

"Let you understand that I am the first secret agent of Batan, ha ha ha... I can't think of it, be surprised." Heber said proudly.

"The villain has his ambitions," Hughes whispered.

"Hum, I'm not going to see you as soon as I die." Heber spoke very generously, but his face was clearly hated and his mouth was obviously not right.

"I have the ability to fight my grandfather for 300 rounds," Hughes said sharply. As long as he can open the iron door, he can take the initiative.

"Hahaha...I wouldn't be so easily irritated. If you don't accept it, you can scold it. You can scold it as much as you want. Anyway, when you die, I will take care of your corpses. That's a great thing." Bo's expression was very excited, as if he had foreseen the generous reward and high official generosity given by Batan.

Robber knew that when Hebrew brought his head to see Batan, he would not receive any reward. As for why he believes so firmly, I am afraid only he himself knows.

A stone wall slowly fell from behind the iron gate, which really became a fully dense cell.

Hughes pulled out the snow-knife and split the iron gate with all his strength. The sound of "dang" sparked, but the thick iron bar only lacked the gap of rice grain size. That is to say, it is impossible to split an iron bar without hundreds of strokes. Hughes then slashed the knife towards the stone wall next to it. With a bang, the knife plunged into the stone wall, hacking into a depth of about one centimeter.

"Which stone wall is the thinnest and how thick is it?" Hughes asked Rob Middle.

Robber looked at Hughes' movements and said, "Useless, those stone walls are all over ten meters thick. Even if you cut through the stone walls, there will be endless mud behind them."

Does that mean there is only one outlet? Hughes thought, striking the iron gate one by one.

Suddenly, a few small pipes stick out behind the four stone walls, and a thick white smoke drifts from the pipe mouth into the chamber.

Even poison gas!

Hughes smelled it for a moment, and immediately remembered the name of the poisonous gas-Poisonous Horse. Symptoms: Stiffness from the face, paralysis of the lungs, inability to breathe, death, and the body turned blue. With this fully sealed environment, it can play the best role.

The lone lamp candlestick flashes, reflecting two long shadows. Hughes and Luo Fatian looked at each other, and they saw despair in each other's eyes.

The secret room with no way to escape, the deadly poisonous gas, which almost predetermined the mortal ending.

The dull and depressed atmosphere seems to make people lose their calmness.

As crazy, Hughes slashed into the iron gate one by one, and "Dangdang" sounded thunderously, striking and beating in his heart.

"Brother, forget it. It's your brother's affliction. If you have the next life, I will definitely double it back to you." Rob Zhongzhong watched as Hughes desperately cut, and his heart was not a taste, everything was affected by him .

When faced with the point of life and death, it can reflect the truest aspect of human nature. In the face of death, some people will be cowardly, some people will be afraid, while others will be indifferent, some people will calmly, and even some people desire; when the decision comes, some people will see death as their home, some will give up their lives for justice, some will be greedy for fear of death, and others will linger on. But looking at what kind of Hughes it is?

That's right, like the younger brother, who has just begun his journey in life, he is now facing death, and who can maintain his ordinary heart? It's just... Robber thought about it, his guilt deepened.

Looking at Hughes' crazy look, Luo Fatzi thought Hughes could hardly accept the result of death, so he was crazy.

"As long as there is still a little hope I will not give up! Never!" A low voice rolled from Hughes's throat, especially powerful.

Upon hearing this, Robber admired each other for the first time.

If Hughes dealt with the things of Shenfeng 89 and detoxified him, he admired Hughes's wisdom and means, but this time he admired each other's character and that unyielding spirit.

It's just a pity that such a talent, but it will dissipate because of my drag.

Hughes already feels his face is stiff, but the iron bar has not been split. At least four people have to be split to pass through. In addition, there is a stone wall behind the iron door. I am afraid that there is no time for a day. It is difficult to get out of this secret room.

One day! I am afraid that after an hour, there are only two corpses left.

Do you just give up? No, you can't give up, even if you know failure, you must try your best!

Hughes tried his best to hack, but his strength was getting weaker, or he couldn't.

The sound of the collision between the knife and the iron bar was like a tearful piece of music that struck everyone's heart.

Especially in the Rob Center is not a taste, he would rather die ten times in exchange for the survival chance of Hughes.

The lungs were paralyzed, and Hughes couldn't feel the breath, he couldn't even breathe for a few breaths, let alone expect the strength of the split.

One blow is weaker than one blow, and there are fewer hopes for survival. Miracles did not happen with Hughes' efforts, but the faith in Hughes's heart grew stronger.

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