Pioneer Knight

Chapter 863:

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"Who's over there." Someone finally found Hughes and they were curious again after seeing Hughes, because Hughes watched the game with relish, drinking tea from time to time, just like watching Playful.

What kind of trouble is this? Today's things are very strange.

Standing in front of the sea monsters are two strong men, dressed in armor and dressed as a general, but they did not follow the crowd, but they kept their eyes on Hughes from the beginning. They felt threatened and knew what was in front of them. People are very strong.

"Shrimp soldiers, crab crabs, the two people who killed me, these are the ghosts they made." Long Bei shouted after seeing the two.

He is really impatient. This kind of battle is not like a normal fight. After all, it is his child. He can't be treated like an enemy, which makes him feel very suffocated.

"What, shrimp and crabs." Hughes laughed when he heard Long Bei's shout, and the tea in his mouth spilled out a bit, okay, Hughes laughed.

This name is really strange, and Hughes naturally sees them as strong in the Holy Realm, but the fact that such a name really makes Hughes funny.

But the shrimp soldiers and crab generals did not laugh, nor did everyone laugh, but instead felt that Hughes’s smile was somewhat inexplicable and did not know where the laugh was.

"Where is funny." Yuan Shang asked very puzzled.

"Uh, this ~~~" Hughes really couldn't tell.

So "inexplicable" has become synonymous with Hughes.

"These two are handed over to me. What else do you love? If I don't want to, I can solve it by the way." Well, these two people have forgotten the original intention of coming here. Fighting is not reliable at all.

"Huangtian Halberd, you finally have a chance to fight." Yuan Shang took out his weapon, which was a pair of halberds, one long and one short, with very strange lines imprinted on it, which looked amazing.

"Let's come." Yuan Shang pointed at the shrimp soldier, Crab will say.

Then they slammed their halberds and fought.

The special physique of Yuan Shang, coupled with the "Emperor's Classic", has made Yuan Shang's power soaring, and the strength of Tiansheng Realm is a remarkable achievement.

But the shrimps and crabs are after all ceremonial, and it is not a simple matter to want to defeat them quickly.

As for the remaining Krakens, although there are more than a dozen Nine Heavens, this is not enough in Hughes’ eyes, so Hughes plays with emotional control, and those people naturally join the dragon. Ranks, this makes Longbei even more difficult.

The current battle is divided into two games. The first game is where many Krakens and Longli play against their dragon kings. Although this sounds a bit awkward and looks a little more unreasonable, it is true, true It is true; the second game is the Yuan Shangli fight against the shrimp and soldiers.

Only Hughes was the weirdest, sitting there, looking at it leisurely.


Several extremely strong winds caused the waves to approach here, and their strength was not weak. The peak of the Holy Realm was infinitely close to the Emperor Realm.

Then, soon, there were nine figures in the Dragon Palace.

Three old men, followed by two middle-aged strong men.

The situation is similar to that of Longbei. Obviously, they are the other three sea kings, Longdong, Longxi, Longnan, and their lobsters and crabs in the four seas.

Nine of them did not get there well. Such a scene is indeed a bit confusing. But they didn't do it like those people just didn't know how to do. They have a big sense.

Four shrimp soldiers and crabs will rescue Longbei, the other two attack the Yuan merchants, and three dragon kings kill Xiang Xiusi.

"What you know is very clear." Hughes was a bit surprised by their reaction. They could figure out the situation so quickly, and they really had one hand.

"The four sea dragons have the same thought, what Longbei sees is what we see, we already knew about your trick." Longdong said in a deep voice.

"Dare to challenge our Four Seas Dragon Palace, you don't want to go out alive." Longxi said coldly.

"I'm curious about something. I don't know if you can help me answer it." Hughes seemed not to hear what the Dragon King said, but a curious attitude, saying: "Since the four of you are thinking the same way I want to know how the other three of you feel when you are doing serious things with your wife. I am really gossip, but I really want to know."

"It's really death."

"Dragon Breath", "Heaven and Earth Return to Dragon", "Reckless Dragon"

The three dragon kings shot at the same time, and their moves can actually help each other and complement each other, just like the effect of a joint attack. Although they are only holy rituals, the power they exert is far more than this.

But Hughes did not panic at all. He did not stop those attacks at all, but directly waved the "Chaos Fist of the Chaos", completely changing the posture from injury to injury.


The three dragon king's fists fell on Huss's body, and Huss retreated one, and Husss's fist was on Longxi's body. His entire body flew out completely, lying on the ground and twitching, not spitting out of his mouth. Blood, but white foam.

Heaven and earth seemed to be suddenly quiet, everyone stopped, all eyes were on Hughes, and a dragon king was killed with a punch, and he was attacked by the three dragon kings without changing his face. He only took a step back. What kind of rhythm is this? Yeah.

The Yuan merchant over there took advantage of this opportunity, the halberd broke out, and the blue halo reflected the Ssangyong, a seal, a town, a pair of shrimps and soldiers will be directly knocked down and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Who the **** are you?" The fighting powers of Hughes and Yuan Shang frightened them.

"I said, we don't have any malice at all, we just want to know where the Heavenly Tribulation Cave is, it's you who want such a teacher to move the crowd." Hughes said silently.

The matter seems to be a little difficult to solve. The main thing is that Hughes is worried that if Yuan Shang wants to convince the public, will this matter have an impact?

"There is a Tiancai cave in that mind."

At the time of the chaos of the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace was welcoming other uninvited guests. Their purpose was obviously another place, where there was a huge fountain with endless streams of liquid and water.

This is the eye of the sea, the eye of the sea spring.

Anyone who knows Dongsheng Shenzhou should know that such a large sea area can run apart from the ancient redwood trees, as well as the sea eye, full of endless water, which is definitely one of the most special objects in Xintiandi.

Only those who know the truth will feel awe, fear, and fear, because this thing can make them feel death.

The Sea Eye is where the Chaos Beast is sealed.

That is a place of death.

The figure mixed into the Dragon Palace is very ghostly. Their images can be dissolved in the water and become one with seawater, but the sea area where they are located is slightly different. The water in that place is not as blue as the real seawater, just Light blue, overall, it looks like a flower, the appearance of flowers.

But the appearance of those flowers is different, giving people the feeling of coming to the garden.

If you can do this kind of thing, you don't need to think too much to know that this can only be done by the Hundred Flowers of the Flower Country.

The same events are happening in different directions. They are not dissolved in the water, but hidden in the water, just like dust.

Following the fluctuations of the water flow and controlling the direction of the dust, they are swimming in the water like a fish.

But in the dust there is a mountain hidden, towering and upright, and some kind of psychedelic voice is filled in people's ears,

That is Lingshan.

Lingshan, Huaguo, this is Dongsheng Shenzhou's second-largest force after the Four Seas Dragon Palace. At this moment, they all want to go to the sea eye. This has to be said to be a very important thing. But no one was aware of the few people fighting at the moment.

The flowers are hidden and the mountains are turbulent. Their speed is very fast, not long after they have successfully sneaked into the sea eye not far away, can already see the sea eye, feel the rapids of the waves.

"That is the sea eye, as long as it can be broken, the owner can return." The people in the flower said with some excitement, some fanaticism, and the eyes were full of light, that is a kind of faith.

No one thought that Huaguo was actually a slave to Chaos.

"Everyone urges this'Hundred Flowers Kingdom' together to break through the sea and release our master." The leading woman pointed to the front and said with excitement.

"Yes." Everyone's response was also very positive. Everyone was very excited, their eyes turned into triangles, their faces turned green, but there was a mark on their brows that seemed to be covered by a seal, flashing red. Light, everything seems very strange.

The same is true for the spirit eagles over there. They also have the same changes. Their faces have become very abnormal, and they drove Lingshan straight against them regardless of their lives.


Dragon Palace Palace.

The strength of Hughes has greatly impacted and shocked the Four Sea Dragon Kings. There is nothing to withstand the full-strength joint attack of the Three Sea Dragon Kings, and this weird means of controlling others is all challenging their limits.

There is also the Yuan Shang effort to fight the four shrimp soldiers and crabs, but they did not fall in the wind. They are not the cats and dogs on the roadside, nor are they the dragons. They are the strong men of the Holy Land, which can be regarded as the main supporting role, but It was so unbearable that it made them believe that it was really incredible.

Now the two sides have contradictions, and it is impossible to reconcile, so for the sentence that Hughes said, "He has a Heavenly Tribulation Point in his mind." In this case, the Four Dragon Kings would not believe it at all, only think it was Hughes slandered their reasons, and still used such crappy reasons.

Among them, Longli and Longbei are the most touching. Such a statement is the same as what Huss said before them. So Huss is in such an attitude, they are already immune, and they don’t believe it at all. Attitude, forming a preconceived idea.

Of course, this is also the inability of Hughes to commit sin.

Longbei knew that going on like this was not a way at all. The enemies who came were too strong. He could not go on benevolence, otherwise the entire Dragon Palace might be destroyed.

As a result, Longbei started to become very heavy, not retaining a kind heart, treating them like an enemy.

This made them lose quickly in Longli. Even if their strength has improved, the difference in level is really too big, and the current Longbei move is a heavy hand, and soon they will all lie completely On the ground, the whole body was severely injured to varying degrees, and several of them even fell apart. They could not stand up, and it was difficult to recover.

Longli's ending was even more miserable, almost leaving his last breath, but what surprised Hughes was that he was about to break free of Hughes' control when he was about to be killed, sober, and immediately shouted Longbei 'S name is out of danger, otherwise he will be killed.

Long Bei looked at Hughes with hateful eyes, and his anger was hard to calm down. He now has a heart to tear Hughes completely.

"The enemies are too powerful, we can only defeat them by using the fit method." Long Bei said with a deep voice.

The other three dragon kings also did not refuse, such a situation is already very obvious.

"Four dragons fit together, heaven and earth return, true dragon and true soul."

The four dragon kings all turned into a body and a dragon shape. Their whole bodies radiated a very strange light, their tails leaned against each other, and then radiated a very dazzling light.


An explosion like an atomic bomb radiates in all directions, and the bursts of hot air are like hot water.

This is an explosion caused by the extreme compression of the air, which caused collisions. Hughes judged in his heart, but how powerful it should be to cause such an effect is really amazing.

Hughes remembers that only when he was inherited by the Black Emperor in the world of Hengsha, and when he opened it, did he have such a reaction when he forcibly merged the flesh and machinery. That is a very powerful force, with destructive strength. It is stronger than Chaos Tribulation, which is the rhythm of the true God.

The figure of the four dragon kings is revealed, but their bodies have undergone major changes. The dragon scales have changed from the original cyan to gold, and on their heads is a strange golden mist, which is insoluble in them. The body, but Hughes feels very strong power, destructive energy in it.

"Is this what they call the true dragon spirit, it really is the thing." Hughes frowned.

"Souls are born"

The dragon breath spewed out, forming a huge vortex, covering Hughes and Yuan Merchants. The vortex scourge had countless figures in it. Various monsters and beasts were included. Souls thought of all things, all things lived, and heaven and earth were spirits.

The entire Sihai city felt this strong force and there was a strong shock. The calm waves were shaken, like angry beasts, wreaking havoc, waging thousands of battles of waves, and beating this continent. The city near the sea was instantly submerged, causing huge losses, and countless people were submerged to death.

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