Pioneer Knight

Chapter 864:

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The combination of the four dragon kings already has the power of the real **** realm, coupled with the unique talents of the dragon family, the displayed power is naturally very powerful.

Hughes is a little cautious, but he is not afraid. Now he is enough to deal with the strong of the true god.

The shrimps, soldiers and crabs who fought against Yuanshang will be avoided as soon as possible, leaving Yuanshang standing behind Hughes.

"You evade first, I want to use my strength to take this blow, and the explosion may affect you at that time." Hughes said to Yuanshang.

But Yuan Shang didn't respond to Hughes's words, his eyes gathered on the body of the four dragon kings, exactly the golden soul of the mist.

"How?" Hughes asked strangely.

But Yuan Shang seemed to never hear what Hughes said, and was indifferent to the powerful attack. Everything around him seemed to have nothing to do with him and was not in his eyes.

But then, Yuan Shang made an action that no one thought of. He actually threw it directly on the four dragon king's moves, without using any moves, just like that.

This matter scared Hughes. He didn't have the strong body like Hughes at all. It was comparable to the body of Taoist level. There is no difference between you rushing up like that and looking for death.

Hughes immediately wanted to rescue Yuan Merchant, but amazing things happened. Yuan Merchant’s body seemed to have no entity at all, and actually penetrated the attack directly, and came directly to the golden mist. The top of the soul.

The four sea dragon kings, Hughes, shrimp and crabs are all incredible to see what is happening in front of them. The souls of thousands of monsters can’t get close to his body. What is going on, and the true dragon spirit is very noble Noble, no blasphemy is allowed at all, and it is impossible to get close to him for half a minute. But now Yuan Shang is directly on him, there is nothing, it is really incredible.

Yuan Shang’s hand directly touched the golden mist. The golden mist seemed to be induced, and it was constantly changing its shape, and finally turned into a golden dragon. He looked at Yuan Shang with very strange eyes. , And finally landed on Yuan Shang’s shoulders, jumped a few times, and finally reached Yuan Shang’s eyebrows and disappeared.

Without the golden mist, the combination of the Four Dragon Kings failed and became the four bodies again, but their spirits became very weak, and the spirits were transformed into real souls for Yuan Merchants to gain. Their vitality was badly damaged, and naturally they did not look too good. .

Although the four sea dragon kings are very depressed, their eyes are all fixed on Yuan Shang. The performance of Yuan Shang is really amazing.

After the golden dragon turned into Yuanshang's eyebrows, Yuanshang's whole body suddenly shone with golden light. There was a huge need behind him. It was a dragon shape, his body was golden, he was domineering, and he was full of dragon spirit. whole body.

Everyone feels the magnificent glory and atmosphere in that dragon spirit, which makes their souls feel magnificent, especially the dragon-shaped eyes are full of domineering, contempt for all beings, they all sprout out to want to submit, to think The idea of ​​surrender.

"This is ~~~~~." The Four Sea Dragon Kings were all shocked to see what was happening in front of their eyes.

At this time, they thought of the sentence that Huss had said before, "He has a Tiancai cave in his mind." Now think about it again, all things are called out, and Yuan Shang is the person they have to wait for. The divine soul of the real dragon emperor.

They looked at Hughes, guessing Hughes's identity in their hearts. They could actually convince the true spirit of the real dragon emperor, and cover how much ability they need. Although it is indeed very capable, the real dragon emperor is proud. Yes, even if it is just a ray of soul, no one can be convinced.

At this time, in another forbidden place in the Dragon Palace, a surprisingly strange place was visible to all people in the city. That was also the place where Hughes and Yuan Shang had visited, it was the ancient redwood trees.

In fact, the ancient Sequoia tree is the location of the Tiancai cave.

The ancient redwood is the essence of the real dragon emperor. In layman's terms, that is the power of the real dragon emperor.

Yuan Shang had previously felt it, but it was only a subtle feeling and familiar, but because it was sealed, the spirit of Yuan Shang had not yet awakened. Now it is triggered through the real soul of the Four Dragon Kings.

The ancient Sequoia trees in Dongsheng Shenzhou all shook, undulated the sea floor, shaking, but the ancient Sequoia trees stretched out branches, intertwined in the entire sky, like a net, suddenly Yuan Shang’s body flew over When he got up, he came to the place where the old redwood trees intertwined. The countless branches turned into sharp thorns, piercing into Yuan Shang's body, and the rolling red liquid flowed into Yuan Shang's body. Yuan Shang closed his eyes and felt everything.

"He really is the real dragon emperor. I didn't expect him to really return. Before the chaos riot, it seems that heaven is still on our side." Four Sea Dragon King said with great luck.

But he is destined to be disappointed.

Before they took a breath, the Dragon Palace caused a riot again. This time it was all the seawater counter-current, rolling in a certain direction, and the water in the sea was rapidly decreasing.

"What the **** happened, actually caused such a shock."

"The paper is the spirit vulture of Lingshan and the flower of the flowering country. They blasted the sea eye." A figure came very quickly and said very embarrassed.

"What, there is such a thing. Let's go and see quickly. It's a very bad thing happening."


Sea eye.

"Welcome to the Master's return." Ling Jiu, Baihua, kneeled down on one leg facing the sea eyes, placed her hands on her chest, and bowed down with the highest manners.

A burly figure, a green face, and a very thin body, like a straw, with a long iron back behind him, the man slowly walked out of the broken hole in the sea eye, his body exuded a terrible breath, like It was a black hole that engulfed the surrounding things. The countless seawater flowed into his body and his body was strangely full, like a strong man.

"It's really awful. I dare to seal my Wushui Emperor inside. I still have to pump my energy every day, so that my strength is greatly damaged, and only 10% of the strength is left." Roaring, "True Dragon, I won't let you go."

"Huh, fortunately I left the pawns back then, otherwise, I still can't escape, I don't know if the king has come."

"Master." Ling Jiu, Baihua said congratulations.

"You just let me out now, it's really impossible to forgive. It actually caused me to suffer for so many years. The energy that hurt me is only 10%. Now there is only the power of true virtues. You are really Damn." Emperor Wushui said in a deep voice.

"Yes, please ask the master to punish." Ling Jiu said with their heads down.

"Forget it, now it's time to hire people. I will let you atone for the merits and count it later." Emperor Wushui said lightly: "What about the news I asked you to inquire."

"The three adults of different flow, mixed flow, and turbulent flow have not yet awakened. When they were seized, they received a great deal of damage, which led to an explosion of energy. Nowadays, many places are flooded by them. In the past, it was much smaller. The other adults had no news at all, maybe they were sealed into other fault spaces." Ling Jiu answered seriously.

"Now all the great emperors wake up." Wushui Emperor asked.

"East Emperor Taiyi, Demon Emperor Jun, Emperor Tianji, Emperor Tiger, Emperor Yuanyuan." Baihua replied.

"It seems that there are more real dragon emperors, and it's really not that the enemies don't get together." Wushui Emperor said coldly.

"Ling Jiu, Baihua, do you know what you are doing? Dare to destroy the sea eye, that's ~~~~~." Long Bei's words weren't finished yet, but he thought that there was no need to go on and see. All the seals on their foreheads are clear, and they said, "You are actually a group of chaotic beasts."

Regarding Longbei's words, Lingjiu and Baihua did not answer, but stood respectfully in front of Wushui Emperor and protected him.

"The descendants of the real dragon, you actually dare, and you are really not afraid of death, let me thank you for your hospitality." The figure of Emperor Wushui disappeared completely, without any traces, direct No one saw him hit Longbei, his body exploded completely, and he died on the spot.

"He is a waterless emperor, his ability is to control water, and water is his power." Long Nan said in a deep voice.

"Are you still a bit knowledgeable? But you certainly don't know one thing. The seas you live in are all my energy. You dare to pollute him. Then let you bear it well."

"Water monster."

The invisible water condenses into a monster in the hands of Wushui Emperor, and the monster growls and heads towards the Dragon King.

The water monster is dissolved in the water. Without an entity, people can't even see it and they have been attacked. And the strength of the water monster is very strong. This suddenly became a unilateral slaughter. The scene is amazing.

The power of the monster is amazing. Every blow has the power of rowing mountains and falling into the sea. The sea monsters around them feel the strong power and want to resist it, but this is undoubtedly the worms shaking the tree. Their power is simply not enough. Being hit by the attack, their shape was squeezed by a strong force and deformed, and finally it was unable to withstand such power and exploded.

People's hearts are very shocked. This is just the water monster created by the Wushui Emperor. It has such a power. How powerful should he himself be.

The four sea dragons, prawns, soldiers and crabs will all be watching the Emperor Wushui. In these endless years, he was tortured and tortured endlessly, his energy was even more squeezed, but his power is still so powerful, it is really unbelievable.

With this in hand, they knew that with the power of their twelve holy realms they could not stop the Emperor Wushui, they had to look forward to the True Dragon Emperor.

"Wushui Emperor, don't be so arrogant. The true soul of the Dragon Emperor has recovered. When he returns, you will wait to be suppressed again." Long Bei said coldly.

"Really? But even so, you can't see it. And then there was a ray of spirit left, and how much power can be restored. I was not afraid of him in his heyday, don't talk about him now." Emperor Wushui said in a deep voice.

"We are very willing to serve." Lingjiu, Baihua said respectfully.

"Well, let me see your achievements over the years." Emperor Wushui said lightly.

"I want you to know that our Four Seas Dragon King is not a decoration." Long Bei stared at the spirit eagle and said, "As far as you are concerned, we are still confident, but only promoted to the Holy Land."

"Lingshan Holy Oracle"

The Lingjiu didn't slap his tongue anymore, he directly moved and headed towards Longbei.

The move is very strong and gives a very heavy feeling. It seems that a big mountain emerges in front of me, and the towering mountain falls directly.

The four sea dragons immediately felt the pressure, and there was prudence in their eyes. This trick had great power and made them feel threatened.

"Sichuan Shengping"

It wasn't Longbei who shot, but the four of them, who formed a joint attack to greet the mighty spirit eagle.

The eight shrimp soldiers and crabs will be fighting together with the Baihua. The shrimp soldiers and crabs will also have similar joint attack tactics. Their power is the same, they merge with each other, and the power they exert is very powerful. Although it is impossible to defeat it, it is very strange. Hundred flowers, but it does not fall.

Wushui Emperor didn't care about them any more. He seemed to have great confidence in Lingjiu and Baihua. He fixed his eyes on Hughes.

"When you came here, I felt that you were very unique. I thought I was wrong. I didn't expect this to be true. You actually involved so many causes and effects. It was really unprecedented. "The Emperor Wushui said, staring at Xiusi with an open mouth.

"Presumably you are the protagonist of this world-tribulation, the son of destiny, but this is simply useless. The last son of destiny was swallowed by my king, causing him to have stronger power. And now you have not fully grown, just nine heavens, believe it or not, I can understand now that you don’t need such trouble at all."

"Your statement is rather novel, causality? The protagonist?" Hughes asked slightly curiously.

At this point, he was really very unclear.

"It's really a poor child. I don't know anything. I just want to die like this. It's still a little bit of time. I will let you die and let you know what it means to die. "

"Heaven and Earth Tribulation, this is actually the collision of two civilizations. Is this your victory in chaos? Or our victory in chaos? The winner will devour the heaven and earth of the loser, and this becomes the eternal heaven and earth. And the so-called heaven and earth The protagonist is adhering to the luck of heaven and earth, bearing the cause and effect of heaven and earth, a bit similar to the "strongest plan", shaping the strongest existence, in order to achieve victory in heaven and earth, and people like them are extremely special existence. Every time there is a so-called protagonist, the man whose destiny is going to fight is naturally called the "son of destiny."

"Actually?" Hughes didn't expect that the world and the world were involved in the "world and heaven" at all. It was a battle between the world and the world, and it was really a world and world. It was so clear that Hughes never thought of this Only layer.

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