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Dragon Ball Volume 77: The High Priest's Interrogation

Streams of golden light flowed, and the power of the super dragon formed streams of golden light, rushing to the distance... slowly permeating into the universe.

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th... The universe, at this moment, suddenly burst into life.

This vitality continued to grow, and in just an instant, the destroyed universe... exuded a strong breath of life.

At this moment, Heles, Mosco, Quitra, and Champa lying on the ground are so delicious... they actually stood up.

The weak, pale God of Destruction, at this moment, disappeared... replaced by an extremely powerful God of Destruction! ! !

Heles, Mosco, Kuitla, Xiangpa... expressed gratitude to Lin Fan [Doraemon].

There are also those who cast hatred towards Lin Fan [Doraemon]. For example, Weimeide, when Weimeide looked at Lin Fan's [Doraemon], he had a furious expression.

From Weimei's point of view, although Lin Fan [Doraemon] saved him, the matter between him and Lin Fan... can't be left alone. If he doesn't get his face back, Weimei will not let it go.

"I have fulfilled your wish..."

At this time, the super dragon made a sound again.

After a while, the super dragon turned into seven stones and flew into the distance.

"Okay, my wish has been fulfilled. Next, I should go back to Quan Wang Palace." Quan Wang was tired from playing games, so he wanted to go back to rest.

Lin Fan [Doraemon] nodded, but did not speak.

Quan Wang, it's still very dangerous.

Lin Fan [Doraemon] has to keep a distance from Quan Wang, otherwise... something big will happen! ! !

"Berus, you come back to the Palace of the King with me, and I'll send someone to show you."

However, before leaving, the Quan King said these words to Birus.

Birus frowned, and said puzzledly, "I'm not sick?"

"Follow me if you're not sick."

Quan Wang said firmly.

Beerus had a fight with the combined Zamasu. The strange things about Beerus made the king very concerned. Therefore, the king would not let Beerus go.

"Quan... Master Quan Wang, I am really not sick, am I in good health?"

Beerus was on the verge of tears, how could he be so well-behaved, he was being targeted by the Quan Wang.

"Beerus, unless you don't want to live, otherwise, come with me."

The next moment, Quan Wang threatened Birus in a childish voice.


Beerus wanted to cry but had no tears, with a sad look on his face.

Nima, why is Quan Wang so unreasonable?

"Hehe, little guy, I feel a strange power in you, can you tell me why?" Suddenly, the great priest came towards Lin Fan [Doraemon] with a smile.

When Lin Fan [Doraemon] was fighting, the great priest noticed it.

The power of Lin Fan [Doraemon] does not seem to be the power of this world.

As the counselor and guard of the king, the great priest still has this observation ability.

"That's the power of the Chinese Empire, from my hometown." Lin Fan [Doraemon] stared blankly and said fearfully.

This great priest looks very dangerous, giving Lin Fan the feeling of [Doraemon], not much weaker than Quan Wang.

"Oh, it's the Chinese Empire, so can you tell me... how to get to the Chinese Empire?" the great priest said with a smile.

"Entering and exiting the Chinese Empire requires a certain channel. My status in the Chinese Empire is not high, and I cannot take anyone to the Chinese Empire..." Lin Fan [Doraemon] said cautiously.

It seems that this great priest is as interested in the Chinese Empire as Wei Meide.

"Really, then can you take me to see this passage?" At this moment, the eyes of the great priest froze and became serious.

"I'm sorry, I don't have this authority. The passage of the Chinese Empire is guarded by General Zhen Guo. Without the permission of General Zhen Guo, no one can approach that passage." Lin Fan [Doraemon] pondered. .

"The Great General of the Chinese Empire?" Hearing this, the great priest was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, his name is Samuro, and he is a sword master with a sword. I learned my sword skills from him."


"He's not easy to mess with, and he likes to chop the strangers he meets into pieces."

"Hehe, I'm just asking casually. When you are free in the future, come to the Quanwang Palace to play..."

When the great priest heard this, he hurried away.

People who like to hack people are afraid of anyone who sees them.

Besides, Lin Fan [Doraemon] is so difficult to deal with, isn't that the great general of the Chinese Empire even more difficult to deal with?

"It's really dangerous. It seems that the world of "Dragon Ball" can't stay long, otherwise, I will be in danger." After a long time, Lin Fan [Doraemon] looked at the back of the great priest and sighed.

The great priest has already begun to suspect Lin Fan [Doraemon], if he continues to stay in the world of "Dragon Ball", Lin Fan [Doraemon] may be investigated.

Lin Fan [Doraemon] wants to get Super Dragon Balls, he can only use the time machine to get them in other time and space.


Soon, half a month passed.

Deliciously started his revenge plan.

Moreover, it was so delicious that it was surprisingly discovered that there is some kind of powerful force in the 7th universe...

Weimei was originally going to investigate Lin Fan [Doraemon], but during the investigation, he discovered something unexpectedly! !

In Universe 7, there seem to be... a few super powerful warriors.

These fighters are not inferior to Monkey King and Vegeta, but they live very carefully for fear of being discovered by others.

But how can you give up the delicious taste?

Universe 7 has peerless powerhouses, which is a good thing for Weimei. If people from universe 7 kill people from universe 7, Quan Wang won't bother Weimei.

No one will investigate delicious food.

On the contrary, if Weimei sent people from universe 11 to kill people from universe 7, the king might be furious and investigate further.

After all, it is not easy to kill people who are so delicious.

"Weimeide, what do you want from us?"

"Say it, or we're leaving!!!"

Two dark figures appeared in front of Weimeide's eyes. Judging from their tone, they seemed to be very... anxious to leave.

"Jie Jie, don't worry, I have investigated everything about the two of you, you are exiled, why are you living so cautiously?" Wei Mei looked at the two with a smile, and said calmly.

Through investigation, Weimei learned the identities of these two people.

Therefore, Weimei wants them to help with errands.

"Weimeide, God of Destruction of Universe 11, I don't know what you are doing in Universe 7???"

"We don't seem to have any value worthy of your use???"

However, these two people are very disgusted with Wei Meide, and always feel that Wei Meide is using them.

"Don't say that, if you help me, maybe I can let you live in a fair way..."

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