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Dragon Ball Chapter 78 Reg and Zhai Kou

"Don't say that, if you help me, maybe I can let you live in a fair way..."

It was so delicious that he smiled wickedly.

Through delicious observation, he found that these two people... are not weaker than Monkey King and Vegeta.

If it can be cultivated, it may be possible to kill Lin Fan [Doraemon].

The reason why Weimei chose them... Even if they killed Lin Fan [Doraemon], no one would suspect Weimei.

But now, Weimei has to induce them to kill Lin Fan [Doraemon].

It would be even better if these two people could be made to hate Lin Fan [Doraemon].

"Fair and aboveboard, are you kidding me? Have you ever tasted being hunted down by Beerus?" At this time, Reg said unhappily to Weimei.

Reg was abandoned early on because he was too perverted to scare King Vegeta.

Not reconciled, Reg practiced everywhere, accidentally destroyed several planets and was seen by Beerus... From then on, he lived a life of being hunted down by Beerus.

"We are all people who are not recognized by fate. Don't tell me, we won't help you." Here, Zhai Kou also began to reject Weimei.

The King of the Western Realm secretly collected the blood of Monkey King, and used the blood to create Zhai Kou.

But when Zhai Kou was born, he was hunted down by Beerus.

Unfortunately, when Zhai Kou was born, he was bumped into by Birus. After seeing Zhai Kou, Birus thought that Zhai Kou was a demon that shouldn't exist, and shot him.

The evil product of the fusion gene...contradicts Beerus' philosophy, so it is reasonable for Zhai Koo to be hunted down by Beerus.

In the eyes of Birus, Zhai Kou should not exist, so Birus wanted to kill Zhai Kou.

Later, Reg and Zhai Kou both met Beerus and escaped by feigning death.

Of course, they were seriously injured at the time. If the man hadn't come later, maybe they would have died like this.

After all, the place where Reg and Zhai Ko were injured by Beerus was a sparsely populated planet...a planet no different from the Death Star.

Birus was too lazy to give them the last blow, but he didn't expect that someone would pass by that place after he left.

"Are you... Are you afraid?" Weimei asked coldly.

Reg was taken aback, then stopped: "Afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of anyone in Universe 7 except Beerus." The next moment, Reg gritted his teeth fiercely and said coldly.

If Beerus' destruction was not too perverted, Reg wouldn't have to hide from him at all.

Reg once saw Beerus use destruction with his own eyes. With just one blow from Beerus, a planet turned into countless purple particles and disappeared.

Even Reg couldn't feel Birus using power.

After that time, Reg didn't dare to provoke Birus anymore.

Later, after Reg knew that this was a unique skill of the God of Destruction, he dared not provoke Beerus even more.

"I'm not afraid of anyone except Beerus. Unfortunately, I'm not a god of destruction, so I can't master the skill of destruction. Otherwise, I will fight Beerus to the death." Zhai Kou said after hearing what Reg said.

"Jie Jie."

"With my help, you don't have to be afraid of Beerus. As long as you help me kill someone, I will let you live in the eleventh universe."

The next moment, Weimei rolled her eyes and said coldly.

Delicious is so good that it catches Zhai Kou and Reg's vitals. The two of them seem to be very afraid of Beerus, so if they are so delicious, they can kill Lin Fan [Doraemon].

As for killing Lin Fan [Doraemon]...No one knows whether Weimei will keep his promise.

"You... Are what you said true?" Zhai Kou looked very excited when he heard the news.

He has had enough of being hunted down by Beerus, living in a dark world all day long, hiding from Beerus all the time, unable to show his face, he is really fed up...

"Of course it's true. I'm the God of Destruction, and the God of Destruction will not lie."

Deliciously nodded, said seriously.

"No, Zhai Kou, you can't promise him."

Suddenly, Reg said to Zhai Kou.

Weimei doesn't seem like a good person. Reg doesn't trust him. If he cooperates with this kind of person, he may be cheated to death.

"Why?" Zhai Kou asked puzzled.

Immediately, Reg walked up to Zhai Kou and whispered in his ear: "This is not a trivial matter, go back and discuss it, and if you agree to him so quickly, we won't be able to negotiate terms."

Zhai Kou thought too simply, thinking that as long as he helped Weimei kill someone, he would be free.

But Reg doesn't think so. Reg thinks that Weimeide is not a good person, and he must be very cautious when cooperating with Weimeide, otherwise, he will suffer a big loss.

"Hehe, I'm still very enlightened. As long as you help me kill that person, I'll take you to Universe 11." Weimei said in a deep voice when she saw Zhai Kou whispering to Reg.

ten minutes later.

Reg and Zhai Kou came in front of Weimeide with solemn expressions.

Doing things for Weimei must be careful... Otherwise, Reg and Zhai Kou will suffer a lot.

"Wei Mei De, what you said, we have to go back and think about it." Zhai Kou said with some reluctance, originally he wanted to agree to Wei Mei De, but Reg's intervention made this matter go to waste.

At this time, Reg said: "Delicious, can you tell me why you want to kill that person? With your strength...killing that person should be very simple, right?"

It is as delicious as Beerus, a god of destruction.

The gap between them was not too big, but the taste was so delicious that Lei Ge and Zhai Kou, who were weaker than him, killed people. This matter made Reg a little confused.

"Of course there is a reason. Do you know about the Chinese Empire?" At this moment, Wei Meide asked Reg and Zhai Kou.

"Chinese Empire?"

"Is the Chinese Empire very powerful?"

Hearing this, Lei Ge and Zhai Kou were stunned.

It is true that Reg and Zhai Kou have never been in contact with Lin Fan, and they have been living on an uninhabited planet in Liao. They don't even know about the power conference, so how can they know about the Chinese Empire?

"It's not just powerful, have you ever seen a treasure that can weaken other people's strength?" Wei Meide asked back, laughing.

"Even strength can be weakened!!"

"The Chinese Empire, can there be such a thing?"

When Reg and Zhai Kou heard this, their faces turned pale with fright, they staggered in fright and almost fell down.

Apparently, they were also frightened by what Wei Meide said. Strength has always been cultivated more and more, how can it be weakened?

"Of course, otherwise why would I tell you to kill people?"

"The Chinese Empire has more than this little treasure, but some people don't know how to flatter them."

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