The sun is shining, and the sun is shining.

Navy headquarters.


A breeze blew by, and the air was filled with the moist smell of the coming rain.

Tsuru dragged Garp to the door of Marshal Sengoku's office in a hurry, and just met Kuzan and Zephyr who came.

Sengoku stood in front of the window of the office, looking down, the lowered brim of the hat made it difficult for everyone to see his expression, and the thick lenses were covered with white mist, covering his eyes, and his posture looked extremely bleak.

The square of the headquarters building below was still silent.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for Marshal Sengoku's final confirmation.

Sengoku looked up at the thousands of officers and officers with upright postures downstairs, and his mouth moved.

In the end, he didn't say a word and turned back to the office.

Garp and others quickly followed and walked into the office.

"Marshal Zhan Guo has entered!"

Thousands of officers downstairs were shocked. Their revered Marshal Zhan Guo walked back to the office without any explanation.

"What's going on?"

"Does this mean that the Five Elders have agreed to what they said?"

"Damn it! How is this possible? I don't believe it!"

In the office, Zhan Guo was deeply slumped in his office chair.

"Zhan Guo, is what Mars Saint said true?"

Zeffa seemed a little anxious and hurriedly stepped forward to ask, as it was related to his most proud disciple.

"Yes, it's all true."

Zhan Guo nodded with difficulty, his voice low.

A big hand grabbed him, and Garp grabbed his collar, his eyes wide open.

"Zhan Guo!"

"You can't fool me."

"Tell me! What happened!"

"Old comrade!"

Garp grabbed Zhan Guo's collar tightly and shook him, as if trying to get rid of his decadence.


"Tell me what happened! Don't forget that you and I took the child back with your own hands! How can you just ignore it!"

Zhan Guo broke free from Garp's big hand, holding his head, and said in a heavy voice: "This is what happened--"

He slowly told the whole story, with deep helplessness and pain in his voice.

In the office, everyone was silent, and everyone's face was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

Garp clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white, and his eyes flashed with angry flames. He endured to listen to the whole story.

Ze Fa still frowned, looking extremely heavy, and smoked one cigar after another in his mouth...

Kuzan stood silently aside, his sunglasses blocked his expression, but his clenched fists exposed his fluctuating emotions.

Vice Admiral Tsuru folded her hands in front of her chest, frowning, thinking about countermeasures. She glanced out the window. Things were getting serious. It was going to rain heavily.


Under the headquarters building, the silence that had been suppressed for a long time was broken by a thunderclap.



"It's raining heavily."

"I don't care anymore. What should I do now?"

"Do you believe what the Five Elders said?"

"I don't believe it, but so what?"

"Justice, the justice of the World Government, what is that?"

"I don't know--"

"I joined the Navy under the influence of Rear Admiral Qianlong. Arrest me too--"

"Bullshit! Bullshit Five Elders! I don't believe it!"

A figure wearing a school-level cloak roared, turned around and left the square, and his subordinates immediately followed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Calvin, is it okay to scold the highest official of the World Government like this?"

"I came here because of Brother Yi Chen, not for the Five Elders. If this matter is not perfectly resolved, I will not wear this military uniform."

"Ah, then the brothers will follow you--"

A lieutenant colonel next to him frowned as Calvin left, and left with his subordinates.

A general officer looked up at the sky. He was wearing a wide brown gentleman's hat with a low brim, covering part of his face.

He was wearing a brown suit and a long sword on his waist.

Bogart recalled the boy who had handed the dog-head hat to him personally. Now he has grown into a handsome gentleman.

The boy often visited the dog-head warship, always bringing the lieutenant general's favorite senbei and local snacks to entertain the soldiers of the entire warship.

Bogart flicked the rain on the brim of his hat and sighed slightly.

He turned around and left, rushing to the port.

The wind blew, the thunder roared, the rain fell,

The lieutenant general was going to be angry.


Holy Land Mary Joa.

The atmosphere in the office of the Five Elders seemed particularly relaxed, with several top figures of power sitting together.

, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What Mars Saint said this time is too good!"

"Hahahaha, there is no way, Zhan Guo's performance this time is a bit too much."

"Indeed," Marcus Mars Saint nodded slowly, "However, Sakaski and Borsalino performed very well."

"Sakaski is indeed very good, Borsalino is still a little lazy." Nasu Shoulang Saint shook his head dissatisfiedly, but then smiled, "However, overall, the future of the navy is still very promising."

"Increase investment in Sakaski, give him more rights, and help him better implement the justice of the World Government."

"Next year, a part of the increased military expenditure of the navy will be allocated to Sakaski separately Sky and Polu Salino helped them stabilize. "Taste." The sound of the sound was echoing. Behind him, Zephyr followed closely, his face also full of anger and murderous intent.

Kuzan followed out with a cold face, striding towards the port with long legs.

Garp took out the Den Den Mushi from his pocket, and squeezed his fingers tightly, as if he wanted to crush the Den Den Mushi.

Bulu Bulu~


Bogart's calm voice came from the Den Den Mushi: "Vice Admiral, the ship is ready."

Garp clenched his fists, his joints made a creaking sound, and his anger could no longer be contained.

"Let's go!"

Garp roared loudly, his voice as shocking as thunder, echoing throughout the corridor.

"I'm going to attack Marijoa!"



Five giant warships set sail at the same time, and the deafening whistle sounded across the sea, like a roaring beast venting its anger.

On the dog-headed warship, Garp clenched his fists, murderous intent, and his eyes were like torches.

On the warship with the "Crane" flag, Vice Admiral Tsuru stood at the bow, his eyes slightly worried. How will this storm end?

On the warship of the current headquarters admiral Aokiji, Kuzan stood in front of the porthole with cold eyes, as if all emotions were frozen.

On the warship of the former headquarters admiral Zefa, Zefa was wearing a cloak, holding a cigar in the corner of his mouth, letting the rain hit his face, staring at the direction of the holy land.

On the Daibutsu warship of the Navy Headquarters Marshal, Zhan Guo was on the command platform, with his hands behind his back, his face solemn, and his thoughts full of thoughts.

In the storm.

Five warships broke through the waves, and the waves stirred up on the sea surface told something.

The storm came suddenly.


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