The rain was getting heavier, and the big raindrops hit the ground like silent war drums. The roar of the five giant ships broke through the rain curtain, and the navy officers and soldiers present saw the scene of leaving the port. "Lieutenant Colonel Calvin, that is--" A young navy soldier pointed to the distance and asked. Calvin held a cigarette in his mouth and stared at the giant ship with the Aokiji logo, "Well, it's Brother Kuzan's warship--" He answered, with a heavy tone in his tone, and the direction of the warship was the holy land of Mary Joa. "Then we are?" The soldier asked with uneasiness in his tone. "Have you received any military orders?"


"All the senior officials of the headquarters have been dispatched. He is the only one who can alarm them."

His good brother, Major General "Qianlong" - Yi Chen.

Calvin leaned against the wall, took a deep puff of cigarette, and a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

His thoughts flew back to a few years ago.

Calvin was born in a war-torn country in the Grand Line.

At that time, his hometown was often invaded by pirates.

When he was fifteen years old, a big pirate with a bounty of tens of millions attacked their village.

At night, the fire was soaring into the sky, and the village fell into panic and chaos.

Calvin's family desperately hid in a dilapidated cellar, his mother hugged him tightly, and his father held a rusty shovel, his eyes full of determination.

At this moment, the door of the cellar was fiercely kicked open, and several ferocious pirates stood at the door, waving shining swords in their hands, revealing a cruel smile.

The father stood in front fearlessly, holding up the shovel, but he knew it was futile. How could civilians fight against pirates?

Just as the pirate was about to chop his father with his knife, a young man wearing the navy's "Justice" cloak stood in front of them.

A slash flew out, instantly cutting the pirate who swung the knife in half.

"Are you all right?"

The boy with the knife turned around, the sun shone on his face, and his voice was warm and soft.

At that moment, Calvin seemed to see the light of hope, which sprinkled into his gloomy life.

He was the youngest officer in the Navy Headquarters, and the pirates with a bounty of tens of millions could not survive a single move under his hands.

Since then, Calvin was determined to join the Navy and become a person like the boy.

He started as a low-level errand boy, step by step, approaching the boy's side.

Finally, he boarded the boy's warship and found out what a powerful and free person he was.

No pirate could stop the knife of the glutton, but Brother Yi Chen was no match for Sister Tina and Sister Peacock.

Any of the sisters could block Brother Yi in the bedroom and make him afraid to go out.

Laughter and joy filled the voyage.

However, at some point, that annoying enemy, Rei, also appeared.

Rei, also a child who was rescued, also admired Brother Yi Chen, and their fates were so similar.

Always at odds with me, and promoted to lieutenant colonel at the same time as me,

On the day I was promoted to lieutenant colonel, my brother put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Calvin, there is little point in continuing to follow me."

"I recognize your justice, go and bring peace to this world."


Calvin was burned by the burnt cigarette, and the pain brought him back to his senses.

He wanted to light another cigarette, but the damn rain made it impossible to light the cigarette.

Anger and helplessness intertwined in his heart.

Calvin threw the cigarette to the ground, and when he looked up again, his eyes were firm.

"Gather the men and prepare to sail."



A warship roared and prepared to leave the port.

Calvin looked at the nearly 100 soldiers lined up in front of him.

"Brothers, some of you may die, some will be dismissed, and some--" He paused, his voice more firm, "Those who withdraw now get off the ship."

None of the nearly 100 people made any reaction, and they held their heads high and faced the wind and rain.

"Damn, you are worthy of being my soldier!" Calvin smiled proudly.

"Let's go, target-Marijoa!"


A warship caught up.

"Hey, isn't this Calvin, the third among the big brothers and little brothers?"

A naval lieutenant colonel stood on the deck of the warship, and he taunted Calvin with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Calvin’s face darkened and he responded angrily: “Bullshit, Rei!

I'm clearly the second, just below Smoker!"

"Haha, you're still the second with your speed?"

As soon as the words fell, Lieutenant Colonel Ray's warship quickly surpassed Calvin's warship like an arrow from a bow.

"Fuck! Brothers, full sail, full speed! Overtake this bastard!"

Calvin roared, his eyes wide open, full of anger and unwillingness.

"Go, go, go! Don't give Calvin this kid a chance to overtake!"

Ray waved his arms provocatively in front, with a smug smile on his face.

"Ray, you kid, back then I was ten centimeters closer to the big brother than you! ”

“Get lost, Calvin. It’s obviously me—”

The noise resounded through the sky at the port of the Navy Headquarters and did not dissipate for a long time.







A dense crowd of warships set sail from the port, and the sound of whistles rose and fell.

The mighty fleet was like a steel wall, with no end in sight, heading towards Marijoa.

On the sea, the warships broke through the waves, leaving white tracks.

Hundreds of ships sailed, and elephants strolled.


Holy Land Marijoa.

In the office of the commander-in-chief of the army.

The commander-in-chief of the army, Kong, was drinking tea leisurely, and the sunlight shone through the window on his serious face, making him look particularly peaceful.

“Oh no, Commander Kong, five giant warships have sailed out of the Navy Headquarters! "

The secretary rushed in without even knocking on the door, his face full of panic.

Kong calmly blew the hot tea: "Huh? Five ships? There have been no reports of major activities recently."

"They-their target-the target is here!"


It's so hot!

Just finish your words at once!

He stood up suddenly, his eyes sharp: "What's the situation?"

The secretary took a deep breath and reported hurriedly: "The matter is probably--"

"You mean? Qianlong has been--"

Kong frowned, his expression became more serious.

The secretary nodded: "Yes!"


Kong punched the table angrily, and the sound shook the walls of the office. "Such a big thing! Why didn't you communicate with me first!"

The secretary looked helpless: "What the Five Elders meant was just a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, there was no need--"

"Confused! "Sora roared, the flames of anger burning in his eyes, "Too stupid!"

He paced back and forth in the office, thinking about countermeasures.

"Who are the warships coming?"

"Uh--Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Crane, Admiral Aokiji, and Admiral Zephyr."

With each name, Sora's face darkened.


The desk couldn't withstand Sora's full-strength punch and was smashed to pieces.

"Let's go find the Five Elders."


The most handsome reader in the world! Thank you for your reward and urging for more updates!

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