If it is in normal times, it is estimated that not many people will bird him.

Because this small county is really a bit remote, let alone, they don't even know the name of the national army, so they can't believe Chen Zhenguo's recruitment speech.

But this time is different. This time, the muscles that Chen Zhenguo and others showed, at least [-]% of the young people in the entire small county chose to join.

Of course, there are also many people who want to join Hancock's Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army, but the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army is full of reincarnations, and they have to do reincarnation missions.

If someone was recruited, wouldn't he be robbed by his teammates? So, Hancock directly threw those young men who came to surrender to Chen Zhenguo.

Although Chen Zhenguo didn't know why the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army did not recruit people, he had no choice but to accept all those things that Hancock threw...

Well, in fact, he could not wait to look up and laugh, but unfortunately nothing exists.

In no time, the team grew up again.

Originally, they only had more than 710 people left, but now that new blood has been injected, the number has reached an unprecedented [-].

Unexpectedly, there are so many young and strong people in this small county town. This is simply unthinkable in other county towns.

Looking at Chen Zhenguo, who was training new recruits in high spirits in the distance, Xu Sanduo crossed his arms around his chest and asked Hancock suspiciously: "Lord Hancock, what are we going to do next? Have you been in this county?"

"Oh, anyway...I can finish all the tasks at any time.

As for you newcomers, if you also want to complete the mission of reincarnation, you should have more ideas and plans of your own."

Hancock didn't say her plan, but said something like this.

It is absolutely impossible to say that she is kind! Among all the senior reincarnations, no one is a fuel-efficient lamp now, even the brainless Karp has gradually become: a lot more shrewd.

She just wants to train a good newcomer, Miaozi, a good newcomer, Miaozi, is guaranteed to bring a lot of profits to their Wanjie Trading Company.

To be honest, it's all for profit.

Otherwise, the current Hancock would be too lazy to give pointers to these newcomers who don't know anything and have no opinion, the reincarnators.

"A little more... your own thoughts? I understand."

Although Xu Sanduo looked a little stupid, his IQ was definitely not low, and he quickly understood what Hancock just said.

Hancock means that he wants them to make a choice on their own.

Is it or is it a worm, it's only between the thoughts of these newcomers! Xu Sanduo clapped his hands, and shouted to the newcomers nearby, the reincarnation: "Everyone come and gather, I have Let me talk about it, it's about whether everyone's reincarnation task can be completed."

Chapter [-]: Take the initiative to attack

Looking at the dozen or so newcomers left in front of him, the reincarnators, Xu Sanduo took a deep breath. He didn't know if he would be the next to die.

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, he said: "We can't continue to stay in this small county town. If the Japanese pirates send a large force to encircle and suppress us, they will not be their opponents at all, and they may not be able to hold on for an hour."

What Xu Sanduo said, other reincarnators also know a thing or two...,...  

The real anti-Japanese war is not a so-called anti-Japanese drama, the ability to tear the devil by hand, no one can do it except... Hancock.

In real history, dozens of well-armed little devils can completely wipe out hundreds of Eighth Route Army.

If the Eighth Route Army is like the one in the anti-Japanese drama, how can they rule the whole world, and they have fought for so many years for new recruits. The reincarnators understand the current situation very well. There are more than [-] people, but facing the encirclement and suppression of the large army of Japanese pirates, it can be said that there is no chance of victory.

"Xu, do you have any plans?"

said a blond foreigner.

With the power of the main god system, the reincarnators can not only understand any human language, but also speak their language.

So it is not surprising that this foreigner can speak fluent Chinese, because all reincarnations have this ability.

Regarding the foreigner's question, Xu Sanduo cleared his throat and said: "I think it is unrealistic and a very stupid idea to escape and hide in this small county town and wait for the devil to come.

We should take the initiative!"

"! Xu, you're sure you're not kidding oh my god, I don't remember today is April Fool's Day."

That... the foreigner had a look of disbelief, and couldn't help but scream.

He had seen that group of... little devils a few days ago, maybe these... The body of the sun country pig is like a dwarf, but that... it will do everything to kill the enemy The madness of the killing still left him with lingering fears.

This is a crazy nation, and the soldiers of this nation are all crazy.

He is a normal person, and he doesn't want to stir the nerves of a lunatic, lest he be penetrated by countless bullets.

Xu Sanduo glanced at the foreigner, and said leisurely: "If you can't complete the reincarnation mission issued by the Lord God, then you will become the woman of the Japanese pirates. Can you, a big man, bear this kind of insult?"


When he thought of that group of... the wretched Sun Country devils, this foreigner seemed to have eaten a hundred 100 flies, his face turned green with disgust, he shook his head firmly, and would rather die than be this group of wretched bastards.

"Since that's the case, do the rest of you still have it? If there is, you can bring it up. If not, then we people will take the initiative to attack.

Rather than... let the little devils shoot them one by one, let's fight it out!"

Xu Sanduo looked around at these... The reincarnation person said.

"Okay! Instead of... becoming a group of toys made by... Little Sun Country, it's better to fight for this life.

Fortunately, we are all seniors, and we can also try to bring newcomers in the future."

A big man slapped his thigh violently and shouted in a voice.

"I have no opinion, anyway...you will die anyway, just do whatever you want."

A taciturn young man spoke lightly, his age was similar to Xu Sanduo, but he had a calmness beyond his age.

Looking at the clothes on his body, there is nothing that is not worth tens of thousands of dollars. This young man is either the second generation or the third generation.

Even the children of the legendary family are very likely, after all, even ghosts and zombies can be pulled in as reincarnations in the main god space, not to mention the children of small families.

"I...I listen to Brother Xu, I don't think Brother Xu will hurt us, he is a soldier, and the duty of a soldier is...to protect the people.

Don't you even believe in soldiers?"

Zhao Yuanyuan lowered her head and said weakly.

"Add me!"

"I support it too."

"Anyway... I have a bad life, and even if I go back, I will be hacked to death by the enemy on the street, plus me! Isn't his grandmother a bunch of devils from the Sun Kingdom!"

"Uh... Since you've all made up your mind, don't look at me, I'm just following the public."

With some reincarnations expressing their position at the beginning, even if others did not want to go, they were forced to board many thieves.

Because they know very well that if they leave the team of the reincarnators, they will die miserably, very miserably.

Don't say they are little devils who are off the list, even some bandits can't do it! Xu Sanduo was very satisfied with their support, he nodded and said: "We need to formulate a more complete plan, we must know that among us people Most of them are from the 21st century, and we know more and know more than the Sun Devils of this era."

"Even the Lord God said that we can use any means, so we can use our own strengths to deal with the enemy's weaknesses.

For example, poisoning, assassinating, framing, sowing discord, etc... The means, as long as you can kill the devils."

Looking at Xu Sanduo who was talking at length over there, Hancock nodded secretly.

It seems that this Xu Sanduo is quite worthy of training, not only has the courage, but also has the brain, and is not chaotic in the face of danger.

If this kind of person can't die, he will soon be able to make a mess in the main god dimension.

Of course, their Myriad Realms Trading Company will also have a super big gold master.

When the remaining 15 new reincarnators made some fairly perfect plans, Xu Sanduo turned to Hancock and said, "Lord Hancock, let's go now! We can't let Chen Zhenguo and the others notice anything. , so as not to rob us of our heads."

Hancock shrugged and said indifferently: "As you wish, anyway... I will not interfere in your plans.

By the way, I would like to remind you that all your injuries will be recovered when you return to the main god space, so don't be afraid of breaking your arms and legs.

Even if you become a vegetable, you can instantly return to normal after returning to the main god space."


Xu Sanduo's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"I don't need to lie to you, and you don't have to believe me, it's your choice anyway."

Hancock yawned and said lightly.

Chapter [-]: Arrive at Hongcheng

While Chen Zhenguo was still training the new recruits, Xu Sanduo and other more than a dozen reincarnators had quietly slipped out of the county seat.

It was just noon now, and most people went back to cooking and cooking, so no one noticed when they left.

"Let's just walk to Hongcheng with our legs!"

A foreigner stared at the muddy dirt road with wide eyes and said incredulously.

Since it is in the south, and it is the rainy season of summer, there was a heavy rain just last night.

And in this era, don't expect any cement, and it's good to have a smooth dirt road.

"Otherwise, are you still flying?"

Xu Sanduo directly gave him a roll of eyes, it's already time to fight for his life, how can you still dislike a dirt road, this Nima, how delicate this crooked nut is, wouldn't it be the one who thought of this, even if Because of Xu Sanduo's courage, he could not help but shudder, and hurriedly stayed away from this guy, for fear of being infected by him.

He Xu Sanduo is a straight man, and he didn't want to be infected as a group of people trampling on the muddy dirt road. He soon turned into a group of muddy legs. In addition, their clothes had already been changed to the simple robes of this era. It doesn't look like a modern man.

And they didn't take out firearms such as rifles. After all, this thing is too conspicuous, and these people are going to Hongcheng! Hongcheng is full of little devils. If you bring such obvious firearms, it is estimated that they have not entered The city was shattered.

They are at most... a dagger per person, if you have a pistol, don't put a pistol on it, if you don't have a pistol, just hang a grenade on it, at least there are weapons for self-defense.

I don't know how long I walked, even Xu Sanduo, a well-trained person who was sick, felt a little tired, not to mention other reincarnators, their physical quality was just that of ordinary people.

Some are even worse than ordinary people.

Fortunately, they said that walking is not running. If it is running, it is estimated that within ten minutes, some people will not be able to support it.

Before long, a tall gray-black city wall appeared in front of them.

The city wall is about ten meters high, and it is covered with craters, some with cannonballs and some with bullets, and there are even a lot of marks of slashing with knives and axes.

The heaviness of history is overwhelming! Just from the top of the city wall, you can know how many life-and-death battles this city has experienced. The corpses of countless enemies are buried here, and the blood of countless descendants of Yan and Huang is gradually stained.

This is the goal of Xu Sanduo and others - Hongcheng! But at this time, this historical and civilized ancient city has been occupied by the kid, and countless outposts have been established on the city wall.

A little bit of trouble, it will alert all the sun on the city wall. After all, their headquarters is in the center of the city, and the enemy mixed into the city to attack the headquarters, it is not as simple as losing a job, but it needs to open the abdomen to commit suicide! Except.. ...Besides the post above the city wall, there are also many devils guarding the city gate, all of them are fully armed and have bad looks.

As long as there are suspicious people found, they will swarm up to check.

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