If you find something wrong, you will be shot to death without giving you a chance to explain.

"It's time for you to play."

Xu Sanduo waited for the reincarnator's eyes to turn to a short reincarnator.

This short man is actually... a Japanese, and the only Japanese among all the new reincarnations.

Due to the deterrence of the Lord God, this guy can only grit his teeth and kill his ancestors, and it is a ruthless attack! The short Japanese took a deep breath, nodded and walked to the front.

He raised his head and walked forward arrogantly, with the appearance of being number one in the sky and the earth.

If it wasn't for knowing that this guy was actually acting, Xu Sanduo would probably have beaten him, because the expression of this short Japanese man is so flat, everyone wants to beat him:.

"Stop! Routine check, do you have... a good citizen certificate"

A Japanese soldier raised a gun to stop the short Japanese, and asked in very stiff Chinese.

In order to make them hear more clearly, the little devil gave a puppet army a wink next to him.

That puppet army who... looks like a loyal dog-legged man immediately understood, and shouted arrogantly: "Are you fucking deaf? Taijun asked you if you have... Hongcheng's good citizen certificate, hurry up and hand over the good citizen certificate. ! If you don't have it, then get out of here, or take Dayang to apply for a certificate."

"Bagya Road! How dare you scold: we are deaf"

The short Japanese in the reincarnation cursed loudly, and slapped the puppet army in the face with a slap, and his palms with great strength were faintly painful.

And the puppet army who was slapped in the face was stunned. He didn't understand why the short man in front of him could speak Japanese, but he still sounded so fluent.

Could it be that...they are also Japanese, my mother-in-law, so he was slapped in vain. At this moment, a Japanese army guarding the gate kicked the puppet army away.

The Japanese soldiers looked up and down... The short Japanese asked in astonishment: "You are also from the Great Japanese Empire, so why do you stay with the Celestials?"

Although the short Japanese was a little nervous, he snorted coldly: "These are my servants.

Are you all blind? Don't you see the scholars from Europe and the United States behind me? You idiots actually want to search us, I know your superior!"

This guy is also a train runner, but even his fluent Tokyo accent is too easy to confuse people.

In addition, there are indeed a few blond and blue-eyed crooked nuts behind them, these... The Japanese soldiers guarding the gates believed it stupidly.

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency Scholar, for causing you trouble! Please don't tell our boss!"

A Japanese military officer hurriedly bowed to the reincarnators and said respectfully.

Afterwards, the other Japanese troops were ordered to let them go.

It's as simple as that... It seems to be several times easier than expected!

The Tokyo accent of the short Japanese made the Japanese army's vigilance a lot lower.

Chapter [-]: Depressed Bai Chen

The main god space...Bai Chen frowned slightly, he can be said to be very dissatisfied with the...

If it wasn't for the seniors taking care of them, they would have been wiped out by now.

In the anti-Japanese war world on Hancock's side, five or six people died of reincarnation, and one of them escaped because he had not yet met the little devil, but was solved by the bandits.

You know, the World of War of Resistance is the simplest one he arranged.

There is no supernatural power here, and there is no protagonist wearing the protagonist's halo, and even the world consciousness of this world is in a state of slumber.

But even so, this group of newcomers and reincarnations have all died so many people, this is too wasteful! Even Lucky Star is not as wasteful as them! At least Lucy Star has survived from the world of reincarnation through hard work. , and became a powerful senior.

And there are a total of 100 newcomers, reincarnations, Bai Chen is really worried that less than 10 people will come back in the end.

In order to recruit this group of newcomers, he spent a full 100 luck, this time he should not lose money, but fortunately there is a boya in the world of war of resistance.

Hancock is in the lead, this little loli is about the same age as he is now, but his strength has surpassed that of many reincarnators.

If a reincarnator's combat power rankings are made, Hancock will still be in the top six even if she does not have the top five. Besides, she is the first batch of reincarnations in the main god space, and the number of reincarnation points she has is a sea-bright number, and her future prospects are limitless. .

With Hancock's front line, the newcomers in the Anti-Japanese War world, the reincarnators are not so unsightly, at least they have initially solidified their belief in becoming stronger.

Especially that one... Xu Sanduo, who looks very much like Wang Baobao, has a good potential.

If it wasn't for worrying that the 100 luck was lost, Bai Chen would really be too lazy to pay attention to these.... Reincarnation.

Of course, he wouldn't let Hancock be their personal nanny, otherwise these...... newcomers, they won't grow up.

Seniors are not their full-time nanny.

However, Hancock's side is already relatively good. The four 4 reincarnation worlds of Karp, Zefa, Warring States, and Mihawk 44 people, the dead newcomers, and the reincarnations are more, and they were almost abandoned by this group. A newcomer, tossed and collapsed.

The 20 newcomers that Karp brought came to a relatively low-level spiritual world.

The rank of the ghosts here is not high, even if it is the big zombie king, the strength is only one star for mortals, and it is similar to the strength of Lucy Star.

Although Garp didn't know much about Taoism, his majestic blood and energy didn't dare to get close to him at all. There were some evil spirits who couldn't stand his greed and wanted to devour his body, but as soon as they got close, they vanished into ashes.

But those... newcomers, reincarnations are stunned, they have no strength, no Taoism, all in all, except... a bad life! Just crossed the past , four 44 newcomers died.

Although I have now found a Taoist master, and devoted myself to practicing Taoism.

But the practice of Taoism is to subdue demons and exorcise demons, and in the process of subduing demons and exorcising demons, he has seven or eight people.

Now there are only 8 of the newcomers under Karp's leadership, and it's really not that miserable.

This was also because of Garp's actions from time to time. If Garp let it go, this group of newcomers would have been wiped out by a wave.

The world on Zefa's side is also at war. It was not World War II, but a war in the age of cold weapons! The most bloody and cruel war! However, it is not a joke to let a group of new people kill the enemy with steel knives. Fortunately, there was a tauren warrior among them, with that monstrous appearance, he could scare the enemy half to death as soon as he appeared.

Therefore, only 2 people died on their side, which is a group of newcomers with the least losses.

The main reason for the enemy is that there are too many strange races in them. In addition to the tauren, there are two ghosts, one is a zombie that has regained wisdom without the power of infection, A few grotesque aliens.

Really, a strange group of newcomers.

As for Sengoku and Mihawk, although the losses are not as small as Zefa's, they are not as many as Garp, which is probably similar to the casualties of the Anti-Japanese War World on Hancock's side.

Bai Chen shook his head in distress and muttered: "It seems that in the future, I can only use the method of drawing reincarnators less often, and try to pull in those... potential seedlings.

When you have more luck in the future, you can continue to cultivate samsara in this way similar to raising Gu."

Looking at the world of the War of Resistance on Hancock's side, although Garp's world is more exciting, people with various supernatural abilities can hardly take their eyes off.

But who made Hancock in the war of resistance world... It seems that something extraordinary has been exposed.

[-] ... finally got in."

After a long distance from the city gate, Zhao Yuanyuan heaved a sigh of relief, but just now, she almost broke out in a cold sweat from nervousness.

Not to mention her, even Xu Sanduo was nervous just now, ready to draw a gun at any time.

But fortunately, the Tokyo accent of the short Japanese is very capable of confusing the enemy, almost perfectly to the...

"Next, let's find a place to stay, and quickly find out the major routes of Hongcheng, as well as the location of the Japanese headquarters.

After that, I still need to get some special things, this time if I don't succeed, I will become a benevolent! Whether it is life or death, it depends on the action this time."

Xu Sanduo's tone is very calm, after all, this is a moment that concerns the fate of all newcomers. If they fail, all of them will die under the siege and suppression of the Japanese army.

Maybe...for ..Hancock, it's easy to get away.

However, with the strength of Hancock every day, if they want to escape, even if they put a bunch of wings behind their backs, it will be of no avail.

Other newcomers and reincarnations nodded, they all knew the importance of this action.

Perhaps they had never done such a thrilling act, but they knew they had to do it, and they suppressed their fear with all their might.

Under the open road of the ocean, they soon found a foothold.

As for how the ocean came to be, when they seized the Japanese military equipment, would they let go of these ...... white-flowered steel shovels?

Chapter [-]: Shikoku Restaurant

"Xu, we bought a few puppet troops with money, found out the topography of the entire Hongcheng, and even got a more detailed map."

A foreigner took out a piece of parchment from his arms, handed it to Xu Sanduo, and said.

Xu Sanduo took this parchment, on which was painted a map of the entire Hongcheng.

Although the map is not perfect, it can even be said that it is very simple, but for the reincarnators who can leave this world as long as they complete the task, the simple map is not a big problem.

The maps are all marked with Japanese names. At a glance, you know that this is a map drawn by the Japanese, but this thing is a few years old.

It is estimated that after the Japanese got a more detailed map, they forgot it.

After a lot of money to open the way, it was easy to get this expired map, and it didn't attract the attention of the Japanese.

"I didn't expect this devil's headquarters to be in this place, which happens to be the most central area of ​​Hongcheng.

Tsk tsk, it is good to have the headquarters stationed in this position, but if these devils want to evacuate, it will be a lot of trouble."

Xu Sanduo observed the simple parchment map and muttered softly.

"Brother Xu, what are we going to do next?"

Zhao Yuanyuan is holding a shell pistol, which is... a Mauser pistol during World War II. It seems to be called "the king's box" by the Chinese people.

, a very vivid nickname.

"The Japanese headquarters are definitely well-defended, and if we want to get in, it's as hard as heaven."

Xu Sanduo paused and continued: "But it's not that there is no way, I don't believe that the high-ranking officials of the devils will be nestled in the headquarters all day long, and they always have to come out to get some air."

A reincarnation person nodded and said in agreement, "Hongcheng is considered a big city in the Celestial Dynasty of this world.

There are many restaurants run by Europeans and Americans, or dance halls, movie theaters, etc... entertainment venues."

"That group of... devilish officers, they must go out for entertainment, after all, there are no computers, no mobile phones, and no Internet in this era.

We can focus on observing these...entertainment places, see where the most devils come and go, and then find that...the other party to attack."

Brainstorming, although many of them do not understand any strategy, but there will always be a little idea.

Putting all these ideas together, discarding the disadvantages and taking the advantages, is a relatively complete action plan.

[-] On the day, Xu Sanduo wore a suit Ordinary black robes, and even a little beard stuck on his face, and his face was made black, and the whole person has undergone a big change.

Unless it's someone... who is familiar with him, he will not look like him! On the crowded streets, Xu Shuttles back and forth among the crowd, this place has been occupied by the Japanese, but People who want to live can only continue, or they can only starve to death.

Although these ordinary people do not want to be under the control of the Japanese, because they are rooted in the celestial dynasty of Zhenghongmiao! But the reality is always helpless, and they want to fight with the Japanese devils just with their hoes. Do you want to die? There is a saying that life is like being forcibly given to you. If you can't resist, you can only endure it silently! Xu Sanduo raised his head, quietly looked at the building in front of him, and whispered softly: " Shikoku Hotel thought that this hotel is only in our world, but I didn't expect this hotel to exist in this other world.

This is a restaurant jointly run by the four 44 powers, so Japanese officers must like to come here.”

After finishing his clothes, he strode in.

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