If they didn't provoke themselves, then everyone could live in peace, but once the five old stars provoke Bai Chen, and even touched the bottom line in Bai Chen's heart, it would not be easy to accept it.

Being the Lord God also has the dignity of being the Lord God. If the five 55-year-old immortals touch the bottom line and don't do anything, then he can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

When he heard Bai Chen's disdainful tone, Zhan Guo's pupils could not help shrinking, but he knew very well that if he seized a little chance in the main god space, his strength would not only skyrocket, he would become immortal in the daytime. What's more, before that, Bai Chen's strength was already stronger by his Warring States, and now he has become even stronger, so if he wants to mess up, can someone in this world stop him? He came up with an answer: Impossible! As an aborigines in the world of One Piece, his strength is also at the top of the whole world. Naturally, he knows how much the most powerful combat power of One Piece is.

With Bai Chen's current strength, if he wants to dominate the world of One Piece, let alone a mere navy, even if the forces of the navy, army, pirates, nobles, wealthy businessmen, government, etc. unite, they are not like others. opponent.

It can even be said that they are a group of local chickens! The Warring States period sighed secretly, and now he only hopes that Wu Laoxing does not know that Bai Chen rescued the archaeologists on O'Hara Island, otherwise he will use Wu Laoxing's character and The style of behavior will definitely make people kill Bai Chen.

At that time, it will be... the point of immortality.

To be honest, the Warring States period did not want to establish a hostile relationship with Bai Chen, not to mention that he could not fight, even he was very dissatisfied with this O'Hara Demon Slaughtering Order.

If his strength can reach Bai Chen's current level, perhaps he won't lose face of the Five Old Stars! The wry smile on Zhan Guo's face has never stopped since he saw Chen, and he looked at several admirals around him. The senior officer was stunned for a moment, thinking that what happened to him in the Warring States period [-] [-] On an island around Marin Vando, there are small houses, which are the residential areas of the officers of the Navy headquarters, and generally the family members of the naval officers live here.

Of course, many family members choose to live in their hometown.

"Master Bai Chen, this is your breakfast, please take it slow."

Olvia didn't know where she got a black and white maid outfit, and the tired look on her face from fleeing had already disappeared, and she said respectfully to Bai Chen.

Looking at the beautiful young woman who was only in her twenties, coupled with the temptation of the maid's uniform, it really made Bai Chen breath a little short.

Olvia's face value is not low, otherwise Nicole would not be born.

A popular heroine like Robin.

And now Olvia is in her twenties, plus she has given birth to a child, the first two pieces of soft meat are even bigger.

Bai Chen made a little estimation, and Olvia's cups are few, even possible! Such a big weapon, it is estimated that only in the anime world, so many girls can have it! "Master , you are still a child, you should think about this in the future!"

Of course, Olvia noticed Bai Chen's fiery eyes, but Bai Chen's age was so deceptive that she couldn't help but smile.

In fact, how did she know that although Bai Chen is only 12 years old now, boys have already developed at the age of 12, and Bai Chen is very confident that he can kill most adult men in seconds.

Facing Olvia, a young woman who was full of temptation, Bai Chen might be able to hold back the anger in his lower abdomen, but what the other party said just now made Bai Chen go berserk.

The loose pajama pants were pushed up into a big tent by him, but it was a pity that Olvia didn't notice, otherwise, he would not have spoken in such a provocative tone.

"Olvia, you are playing with fire, your master is 12 years old."

Bai Chen took a deep breath and said lightly.

Olvia laughed lightly, and she suddenly felt that the feeling of molesting Xiaozheng was unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Master Bai Chen, you may not be able to satisfy me now! By the time you can satisfy me, I will already be old."

Olvia turned around and went to clean, after all, she knew that there was a degree of flirting.

However, before she could take a few steps, she found that one hand was already resting on her flat belly, and the other hand was resting on a huge mass.

Before she could react, an intoxicating heat burst out: "Olvia, as a maid, should you wait for the master?"

Chapter [-]: Bai Chen's anger

"Mom, what the hell are you doing upstairs just now? Why do I keep hearing some strange noises"

When Bai Chen and Olvia got dressed and walked down, a young child's voice came over, and I saw that little Robin had come to the first floor without knowing when, and was holding a thick book in his hand. Books, books are really inseparable! Bai Chen coughed a few times, after all, it is really embarrassing to be asked such a question by a child, at least Bai Chen is not ordinary embarrassment now.

He scratched his head and said, "Little Robin, just now your mother and I were practicing taijutsu! It's a little bit more special physique, no big deal."

Although Bai Chen's remarks are a bit far-fetched... well, it's not too far-fetched, anyone with a little common sense can see that he's lying.

But the little Robin at this time doesn't seem to be so pure, she was confused and believed Bai Chen's nonsense! Let me stop it, this is as pure as pure milk, and the future... Nicole.

Robin's style of painting doesn't match! "Little Robin, have you eaten breakfast? If you haven't, then eat it quickly. Children can't skip breakfast!"

Bai Chen tried his best to open up this topic, after all, this topic is really embarrassing! Especially since the other party is still a pure child, I really don't know how to explain it to her.

Maybe when Little Robin grows up, he will know what it means, but now he can hide it for as long as he can! If it can't be done, Bai Chen will directly marry Olvia and become Little Robin's father. There will be no more... any embarrassment.

But getting married at the age of twelve, and Olvia's age is a dozen years older than himself, this style of painting seems a bit wrong! Could it be that he is the control of the royal sister, but the next sentence of little Robin made Bai Chen He almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "But brother Bai Chen, it's already afternoon. You guys have been practicing physique for a whole morning, and I haven't eaten lunch yet!"


One morning, Bai Chen looked at the wall clock on the wall and was immediately embarrassed.

...................................................... ................................."Hoo—feeling great!"

Standing on the balcony, Bai Chen couldn't help but stretch, this was the first time he made a real breach, not the kind of relying on the five-fingered girl.

However, at this moment, the phone bug, who was stunned by his finger, suddenly woke up.

A voice rang out: "Major General Bai Chen, your students clashed with other elite class students, and now the three of them are resting in the ward, you should come and have a look!"

You dare to fight the servant of the Lord God! Bai Chen was surprised at first, and then a burst of anger rose up.

The two male students were beaten up and nothing, anyway... the boys are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and after a period of training, they will be able to thrive.

But his only female student was beaten up, and it was unbearable.

You must know that she is a young and beautiful beauty, and even beautiful women can do it. What kind of pervert is this Nima? Actually, Bai Chen is treated differently.

Cough cough, after all, two big men don't have a watery little girl who is more important, no matter how the girl Lingyin is covered by him, even if she wants to find a boyfriend in the future, she will have to pass him.

And now this beautiful female student girl was sent to the hospital, if he Bai Chen can bear it, is he still a normal man? The military hospital of the headquarters rushed over, and a gust of wind was swept up behind the fast, blowing some weaker navies.

Of course, those navy soldiers didn't dare to complain. After all, people can have such a big momentum just by running. Needless to say, it is definitely not easy to know the identity and strength of the other party.

If they don't know how to exalt and scold people, it's not as simple as being blown to the ground by the wind, but being blown up to the sky by the wind and then falling on the sea!

Chapter [-]: Take you to pretend

In the military hospital of the Navy Headquarters, looking at the three 3 guys on the hospital bed with broken arms or...

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the anger that was about to burst out in his heart, and said with a sullen face: "Tell me, who on earth made you look like this, and how did you get along with other elites? The students in the class clashed.”

After seeing Bai Chen's not-so-good face, the three of them couldn't help but shudder, and they glanced at each other in unison, and Suzine said apologetically, "I'm sorry.. Those who were injured have nothing to do with other elite class people."

Pirates! Bai Chen was suddenly stunned. Didn't the phone worm say that the three of them had a conflict with other elite class students? This conflict should be a fight between the two sides. Why did the pirates come in again? Could it be that he misunderstood? What? Bai Chen regrets why he didn't listen to what the phone bug said before running over. It seems that he is too impatient! After all, Bai Chen's mental age is only in his twenties. The chengfu of the hundred-year-old old guys, the chengfu is not something that can be learned by nature, it can only be accumulated by time.

Seeing the doubtful look on Bai Chen's face, Lingyin smiled bitterly: "It's like this..."

[-] Bai Chen finally found out what was going on. In fact, the fuse of this matter was still on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen, who is only [-] or [-] years old as an instructor of the elite class of the boot camp, has already spread throughout the entire Marine Headquarters of Marlene Fando. Of course, more people do not believe his name and think he is a relationship.

So it was inevitable that people would be jealous, and the other three because they heard other elite class students speak ill of Bai Chen, they couldn't help but spat at them, after all, they knew Bai Chen's strength.

But people don't know! So the two sides started to fight like this. Although neither of them did anything, mouth guns and so on are absolutely indispensable.

The other party didn't even recognize Bai Chen's qualifications for the rank of general at this age, so they bet that the two sides would go out to catch pirates together. If Suzine and others caught more pirates than them, then they would admit that Bai was qualified to be the elite of the boot camp. class instructor.

But the three of Suzune 3 are really not ordinary bad luck. When I went out to catch pirates, I met pirates, but that... pirates are not ordinary pirates, but the sea with a reward of 1 million [-]. Thief! And that... Pirates are also superhuman evil powers, like Bubble Fruit powers, they are just... completely abused the three new recruits of them.

If it hadn't happened that a few vice admirals passed by that sea area and rescued the three of them, they would probably have to stay in the coffin now.

It is very likely that even the slag is not left behind by the sea kings.

Bai Chen gave each of them a shudder, and the three of them almost burst into tears.

But when they saw Bai Chen's stern gaze, they could only resist the urge to scream in pain, and looked at Bai Chen pitifully.

"Fuck off! A girl with such an expression makes people feel cute, but you two gentlemen show such an expression, isn't this Nima purely wanting to be disgusting?"

If it wasn't for the injuries of these two bastards, Bai Chen really couldn't help kicking him.

"Instructor...we know we're wrong, please forgive us once!"

Seeing that Bai Chen was angry, Lingyin hurriedly slapped him with cuteness.

An hour later... Murloc "Big Punch"

Sitting in a wheelchair with a dazed face, looking at the endless sea in front of him, until now his not so bright brain has yet to react to what happened.

Ringtone and Jace, who had encountered the same situation as him, were also a bit confused. They were all tied to the boat by Bai Chen, and now everyone is in a wheelchair.

They are now on the sea! They were kidnapped by the instructor Bai Chen and went out to sea! "That... Instructor, what are you doing?"

Jace swallowed hard and asked nervously.

He could already imagine the scene of murdering and throwing corpses into the sea.

Could it be that the instructor thought that the three of them were too wasteful, so he wanted to destroy me directly. The instructor should not be so cruel, but I heard that the instructor went to O'Hara Island to execute the demon slaughter order a few days ago. , Those who can execute the Demon Slaying Order are absolutely cruel and ruthless.

God, the probability of being destroyed by humanity seems to be very high! However, in the next second, a fist fell on his head, and Bai Chen's voice sounded in his ear: "What are you thinking about? You are going to take revenge, as my Bai Chen's students, you were hanged and beaten by a pirate, you are really not ordinary weak chickens."

"But it's a big pirate with a reward of more than [-] million Bailey..."

Jace clutched the big bag on his head and said depressedly.

"Don't talk about the pirates with a reward of [-] million, even if the pirates with a reward of [-] billion bullied you, I will take you to revenge."

Bai Chen snorted coldly.

Chapter [-]: Bubble Pirates

The navy warship sailed on the azure sea for more than two hours, which is already full speed! In order to find the pirate group that injured the three of Suzune three, but those who are tired... ...the sailors at the helm.

But when Bailey, who had several sacks, fell to the ground, the tired look on their faces disappeared immediately, and they put on their energetic expressions again, and they worked harder than before, as if they had been beaten with blood.

Sure enough, for most people, money is the biggest driving force in their lives, at least this group of navy soldiers is like this.

Suddenly, Bai Chen saw a pirate flag on the sea in front of him... a pirate flag painted in white on a black background, threw a monocular to the murloc half-blooded fist, and asked lightly, "Is this the pirate flag? Don't tell me that you guys are foolish enough to forget each other's pirate flag."

As long as he heard these words, his anger would rise, and the big fist that was not very bright in the head was even more stimulated by him, forgetting the fear of being severely injured by the violent beating, nodded and said: "It's this pirate. Regiment! Not only do I remember their pirate flag, I also know they are called the Bubble Pirates!"

Bubble Pirates... Such a cute name is actually put on a ferocious pirate group, the sense of disobedience is really not ordinary.

Imagine a group of five big three strange looking pirates shouting in unison "We are the Bubble Pirates"

I don't know why Bai Chen felt like he wanted to vomit.

Bai Chen said to the sailor who sailed the boat: "Accelerate and get on that pirate ship for me.

I don't kill people today, but these...the pirates have all been caught! The gates of advancing the city have always been open to them."

As for Bai Chen's orders, these naval soldiers naturally have to follow suit.

Not to mention that Bai Chen's military rank is higher than them, Bai Chen's strength alone cannot make them have any complaints.

These navy soldiers were the first group of navy to follow Bai Chen. They had seen Bai Chen make many moves. That kind of... almost despairing strength made them tremble.

Of course, they are also very excited and excited. After all, no navy does not want their officers to be strong, because as long as the officers are strong enough, the probability of their survival is much higher.

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