Unless it is an extremely righteous person like Akainu who has to achieve his goal no matter how many people sacrifice, but there are not many people like Akainu in the navy.

Even if there are, their ranks are low.

One, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one by one, one by one, one, , A group of vicious pirates are drinking and having fun here, chatting and spanking.

"Hahaha! Yesterday, those three 3rd Navy boys wanted to capture our great captain, but they were beaten to death by the captain. They really don't know how to live or die!"

A drunken pirate laughed, holding a huge beer mug in his hand, and said with a sip of wine.

When a man wearing a pirate captain's hat heard this, he couldn't help laughing wildly: "Wow, haha, of course! I'm Jamil the Bubble Man, with a reward of 1 million3. The great pirate of the great route! Three [-] navy brats want to catch me and enter the advance city. I really underestimate me, Jamil!"

"If it weren't for the sudden emergence of a few navy rivers in the back, maybe the three navy brats would have been killed by Lao Tzu, wow hahaha! It's a pity, it's a pity! It's really not the right time to come."

A pirate with sharp eyes leaned over to Jamie's side and said with a wretched smile: "Master Captain, wouldn't it be cheap to kill them all? Those navy should know about the previous one... The navy girl looks so pretty, I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my life!"

After his reminder, Jamil, the captain of the Bubble Pirates, suddenly realized, and said regretfully: "Alas! At that time, my brain was really pumping. If I knew they would be captured alive, then the Navy girl should still be a baby!"

"But it doesn't matter!"

Jamil akimbo shouted: "According to the nautical chart, there is an island not far ahead, and there are many civilians living on it! Wow, hahaha, I don't believe that there are no women there to vent my anger.

Kill all the men and ugly women, and tie all the beautiful women to the boat!"

"Ouch...--Master Captain is mighty!!!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha......"

They don't know how far their wild laughter has spread, anyway... they can hear them clearly on Bai Chen's side.

Bai Chen and the other men didn't feel anything yet, but Lingyin had an angry look on her face.

Especially those... pirates said, many of them were aimed at her, she heard the ringtone and her teeth were clenched, and she wished she would rush up and hack them all to death.

Of course, this is just a fantasy, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with some pirates with a bounty of one million, or even ten or twenty million, with Suzune's strength.

But if she encounters a big pirate like Jamil who offers a reward of more than one hundred million, then her strength is completely insufficient.

"Major General, you can get close to that pirate ship in about ten minutes!"

A sailor reported.


Bai Chen nodded, his face was flat.

[-]: Chapter was judged to be a dangerous chapter, Mengmei has revised and submitted it for review, hard work

Chapter [-]: How do you want to die

"Ship, captain! The captain is not good! The captain is not good! Something has happened, something has happened!"

Among the Bubble Pirates, a small rogue who was in charge of taking the wind shouted aloud, and because he was too panicked, he was a little incoherent.

After hearing this sentence, Jamil, who was in a good mood, immediately felt in a good mood.

The weather turned cloudy, and with a gloomy face, he pinched the neck of the little bastard and snorted coldly, "If you can't give me a joint explanation, then you can go to the sea to feed the fish today!"

"The boat is coughing, the captain is spared... spare the life coughing cough.

After, behind us...we have a naval pursuit behind us!"

The little guy who was pinched by his neck said these words with difficulty, thinking that the captain would let him go after he explained it.

Unexpectedly, this guy Jamil heard "Navy"

As soon as the two words were excited, he accidentally pinched the little pirate in his hand to death. He could swear that he was just unintentional. Who let this little rogue's neck be so unhappy that he would die with an unfortunate face. The pirate little minion thrown into the sea, came to the stern and looked at the navy warship that was speeding up behind, and couldn't help frowning.

"Bring the binoculars here!"

As the captain of the Bubble Pirates, no one dared not to listen to Jamil's words, otherwise he would end up just like the little pirate who was crushed to death by him.

So immediately, a little pirate rogue handed over a pair of binoculars, and then silently kept away from Jamil, for fear of falling into the footsteps of the previous... little pirate robber.

To be honest, the Bubble Pirates are similar to the Bucky Pirates in the plot, except...the captain's strength is a little bit cheating, and the rest, whether they are cadres or ordinary little guys, The strength is slag.

Of course, if Jamil is Bucky, he may not meet Bai Chen. After all, Bucky's luck is even worse than that of the protagonist Luffy. It is not an easy thing to kill him.

However, he wasn't the clown Bucky, and he didn't have such bad luck, so his fate today was already doomed.

Jamil, who was holding the binoculars, saw the naval warship behind him at once, and when he saw the bandaged trio of death, he couldn't help laughing: "Pfft, haha, I thought it was so powerful. The navy is coming to kill me, but I didn't expect it to be the three navy brats from before!"

"Just now we were discussing what to do with that... navy girl kid! I didn't expect that the little girls of Fire 1 to come to the door by themselves, but I think they met us by chance, after all, I beat them so badly. Maybe not afraid of Laozi! Hahahaha!"

A pirate cadre said with some concern: "Master Captain, you said that there are general-level officers of the Navy on that warship."

Jamil sneered: "I just looked at it, and there is nothing on the other side's warship except... those three navy brats and some navy soldiers.

Oh yes, there seems to be a little brat in the cape of naval justice!"

"Navy Cloak of Justice...Is it him!"

That... the pirate leader seemed to remember something, and suddenly exclaimed.

"What's he not his you know that little brat"

Jamil frowned.

The pirate cadre suppressed the shock in his heart and quickly shook out Bai Chen's affairs one by one. Of course, he only knew some one-sided things, and he didn't know a lot of information about Bai Chen.

After Jamil heard it, he burst out laughing and slapped the pirate officer on the head, sending him several meters away.

He sneered disdainfully: "Humph, what is there to be afraid of for a relationship household who has climbed up by relationship, I can beat him to death with one punch!"

"Oh can you really kill me with one punch?"

A cold voice came from the side of Jamil, which scared him back ten steps.

With his shocked hairstyle, a teenage boy was standing on the railing of their pirate ship, his expression was so calm, as if he didn't take this big pirate with a reward of over [-] million in his eyes.

"Wow, what I didn't notice..."

Jamil's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. If Bai Chen didn't speak just now, but instead attacked him, he would most likely be killed if he couldn't even dodge! Bai Chen smiled and said, "Little captain, talk about it. How do you want to die?"

Jamil's face was full of haze, and his sternness flashed past, and he snorted coldly: "I think you are courting death! Stinky brat, how dare you run to my boat alone and kill him for me!"

A second... a minute... Jamil finally felt that something was wrong, because no one responded to him! He hurried around: looking forward to it, but was horrified to find that his subordinates were all He collapsed to the ground and rolled his eyes.

When... Damn, he is definitely not the opponent of this kid! An incomparably huge bubble appeared under his feet, causing Jamil to fly up, he looked at Bai Chen below and laughed: "Stinky brat, I admit that I may not be able to beat you, but I can run! Hahaha, come after me if you have any!"

Chapter [-]: Captured in one move

Looking at Jamil who was laughing wildly in the sky, Bai Chen touched his smooth chin and whispered: "The ability of a flying devil fruit, if you are the aborigines of One Piece or many people will take you, there is nothing you can do, but the problem is that I am not. The aborigines of the One Piece world!"

In the next second, under the horrified gaze of the captain of the Bubble Pirates, Jamil, Bai Chen seemed to have escaped the gravitational bondage, and the whole person slowly levitated, and soon reached the same height as Jamil.

Looking at the great pirate Jamil, who almost dislocated his jaw in shock, Bai Chen couldn't help but chuckle, and said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "What's the matter, didn't you just come after you when you said you have something? Why am I flying? Come up, but you can't say a word."

Gudong - Jamil swallowed a mouthful of saliva fiercely. Although Bai Chen has not made an attacking gesture at present, nor has he released any imposing manner, Jamil is still nervous as if he is facing an...ancient murderer. Common beast.

Although Bai Chen is very young, now Jamil no longer dares to... Underestimate the kid in the navy justice cape on the opposite side, he knows that if the other party wants to do something, he will die. !!He, Jamil, was able to do evil for so many years without being chased by the navy because of the special ability of the Bubble Fruit.

Don't look at the bubble fruit is just a little useless devil fruit, but it has developed to an astonishing level in Jamil's hands.

When encountering an enemy who can't fly, he can directly rely on the bubble fruit to fly away, and he can also taunt the enemy from time to time in the sky.

When encountering some devil fruit capable people with flying ability, he can also hold up a heavy oxygen bubble and sink into the sea.

As long as this bubble is not punctured, then he can wave everywhere in the sea, which is the ability that most fruit ability people envy.

Once he entered the sea, ordinary devil fruit fighters would not be able to hunt him down.

Unless it is someone with the ability to freeze the sea water like Aokiji, or someone with the ability like Whitebeard who can easily shatter his bubbles.

By the way! Seawater!! Jamil couldn't help his eyes light up, he thought that Bai Chen's ability to levitate must be a special devil fruit ability, if he dived into the seawater, he could escape, just do what he said, Jamil immediately.

Infuse the bubble with large oxygen, and control the weight of the bubble to let it sink quickly.

As long as you enter the water, you will be safe. When you become stronger, the bastard Navy will settle the account! Bai Chen looked at this guy's various actions and guessed the other party's thoughts. He didn't expect his own dance. It's true that the magic can be regarded as the brain hole of the devil fruit power user, Jamil, and I don't know how he thinks of that layer.

Although Bai Chen is not afraid of sea water at all, he doesn't want to make himself a jerk because he goes to sea to catch pirates.

Seeing Jamil who was about to fall into the sea, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, his fingers condensed a blue energy bomb the size of a glass ball, and threw it towards Jamil's huge bubble.

Jamil, who was about to fall into the sea, suddenly felt a palpitating sensation in his heart, which made him feel alarmed! He instinctively turned his head and saw a small blue light ball rushing towards him, about to hit him. This big oxygen-filled bubble pops up.

He felt a threat of death from the blue little ball of light! If he was hit by that... weird light ball, he would die, he would die! Damn, I can't die! Jamil gritted his teeth He wanted to avoid the energy ball thrown by Bai Chen, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't dodge it at his own speed! And he was still in the big bubble, and the speed of movement was very slow. Even more can't be avoided.

Bang - a crisp sound, the bubbles that were not very strong burst burst, turning into small water droplets and falling on the sea.

And Jamil, who lost the protection of the bubbles, was plunged into the blue sea.

Under the immersion of the seawater, his fruit ability was greatly suppressed, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be hollowed out in an instant, and he slowly sank to the bottom of the sea in despair.

Seeing Jamil who was about to drown, Bai Chen ordered the group of... stunned navy soldiers on the warship: "What are you still doing here, hurry up and bring that... pirate to me, remember to bring the Shanghai stone handcuffs. , after all, this guy is a devil fruit power user, you will always be right to be careful."

Under the salvage of a group of navy soldiers, Jamil, the captain of the Bubble Pirates who was choked into a coma by the sea water, has been out of danger, at least he does not have to be drowned by the sea water.

Although the ability of the devil fruit is very awesome, especially after the devil fruit is awakened, the potential is endless! For example, Ming brother's line fruit, if developed to a super realm, maybe his bird cage can cover the whole World, cut the world of One Piece.

Of course, the weakness of devil fruit power users is too obvious, not only will they be suppressed by sea water, but also by those... sea tower stones, just like the current Jamil.

Chapter [-]: Target New World!

"Tsk tsk, aren't you running fast? Didn't you laugh wildly? Didn't you hit me well? Fengshui turns, and now it's finally my turn to beat you stinky pirate!"

While the pirate Jamil fainted and was imprisoned by Hailoushi's handcuffs, Jace, who was beaten so hard that he didn't know how many bones he had broken, raised his cane and smashed it again and again. opponent's face.

Lingyin and Daquan on the side were also a little excited when they saw this scene. When they saw that Bai Chen didn't stop Jace from beating up, they quickly got together and had a completely unequal group fight.

When poor Jamil was in a coma again, he was beaten into a big pig's head, and even his teeth were knocked out, and two very dark eye circles were printed there. It will take several months to dissipate.

The most chilling thing is that the little girl, Suzune, was actually pulling a cane on the thing under Pirate Jamie, only to hear two smashing sounds, because she used too much strength, even the hardwood made of hardwood. The crutches were all broken.

"Hey... what a ruthless woman!"

Seeing that Jamil was woken up by the severe pain in his heart, but fainted again in the next second, even the murloc mixed-blood who was not very smart, couldn't help but shivered, feeling the following moment. Chill.

Of course, he didn't say this very loudly, at least it couldn't be heard by a violent woman like Suzune. Daquan didn't think that his stuff could resist that kind of... crit.

Unless he can cover it with armed sex, it's still too early to cultivate the armed sex with their strength! So Daquan and Jace decided that they can't provoke the woman Rinyin until they have learned the domineering spirit of the armed sex.

She can even be her sidekick when necessary, after all, Suzine's crutches have left a huge psychological shadow on the two of them.

I don't know if these two guys will become strict wives when they marry their wives because of this psychological shadow. If so, their wives must come to thank Lingyin! In fact, let alone the two of them. I think Lingyin's move is a bit ruthless, even Bai Chen, who has a lot of knowledge, has raised eyebrows. There is such a female student who likes to blow up men's balls. I really don't know if it's good or bad. Afterwards, do you want to find some physique specializing in the next three ways for Suzuyin to learn.

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