Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 106

This line is too sharp.

Under normal circumstances, when the fork-like silk thread penetrates the opponent, it also pierces with the ground.

However, Lynn actually jumped a step behind, and while avoiding precisely, he stretched out his right hand.

At this time, Lynn's right hand was entwined with armed domineering.

Just caught the rogue line that shot to the deck.


Perfect prediction!

Doflamingo's eyes widened

However, the next thing is even more incredible.

While Lin dragged the rogue line along the way, his left hand pierced the weapon into the blade

"Reverse Slash, Back Flow!"

Lynn suddenly exerted force after finishing and swung the knife abruptly.The sword is majestic and penetrates the sky.

Doflamingo’s fixed clouds were washed away, his threads were cut off, and the whole person fell down

, Fell heavily on the deck.

The whole process takes less than one second.

From dodge, grabbing the rogue thread, accumulating power to cut the thread, and dispersing the clouds.

In one go

The movements are smooth and coherent, and do not give Doflamingo a chance to react at all.


Saw Dover falling from the air.

Diamanti wanted to check the situation.

However, a knife blocked Diamanti's way.

Guina's knife lay horizontally in front of Diamanti. At the same time, Torrepol was completely suppressed when he faced Ainilu.

Anilu’s ability to sound needs fruit, combined with the armed domineering he has learned recently, and some

The fighting skills made Torrepol very embarrassed.

As for the other members of the Don Quixote family.

Everyone is also in a hard fight.Akin’s walking stick hits Rao G in succession

Although Mahabasi is a fruit-powered person, in front of Dongli, he can't play a ton of fruit.

Real advantage.

Chapter 135: The world's largest swordsman in the vegetable garden!

"My attack was completely predicted by him, and he is very domineering!"

Doflamingo got up from the deck, he hadn't been so embarrassed in a long time.

Not only was he hacked, but he didn't even attack Lynn once.

However, Lynn is nothing more than that.

He survived both attacks.

Compared to the monsters of Kaido, what is it?

Doflamingo knows that Lynn’s swordsmanship is very strong, maybe comparable to Mihawk

Moreover, Doflamingo still has his hole cards useless.

Devil Fruit's ability to awaken.

If you use the power of fruit awakening, you can defeat Lin~en

Of course, this is purely Doflamingo's inner play and analysis.

Lynn did not continue to attack at this time, as if waiting for Doflamingo to attack him.

"Do you want to predict my actions and let me show my flaws first?"

Doflamingo seemed to see through Lynn.

Yes, Lynn is just very aggressive.

He predicted his attack.


Thinking of this, Doflamingo laughed again.

"I admit that you can predict all my attacks."

Doflamingo pointed at Lynn, as if he had discovered Lynn’s secret

Lynn's expression remained as usual, without any reaction.

"You don't have to cover up, both times, both times were perfect predictions of my attack."

Doflamingo knows the role of high-level domineering.

With high-level knowledge and domineering, he can perfectly predict the opponent's next moves.

It seems to be defensive, but in fact it is waiting for the flaw, then find the opportunity, and instantly attack the vital point.

Lynn said, "Will you continue to fight? If you don't want to fight, then go quickly."

"Asshole... let's go."

Doflamingo hesitated for a while, but he didn’t want to entangle with Lynn and chose to evacuate

"Stop." Lynn also ordered to stop.

Bartolomio, Akin, Cullo, Zangao, Webber and others are all at a loss.

They clearly have the upper hand.

"Boss, is this over?"

The thunder and lightning in Ainilu's hand is torturing Buffalo, bringing Buffalo to the outside.

Lynn said: "There are still many opportunities in the future."

Doflamingo's retreat this time was completely forced.

Although he was very unconvinced, he was still afraid.

Lynn’s swordsmanship, as well as the domineering and armed sex are very powerful

Doflamingo is not sure that he can win Lynn if he fights in close combat.

Doflamingo is someone who looks down on the weak and at the same time likes to torture the weak.

On the other hand, for the strong, he can avoid conflicts, so try to avoid them.

However, Doflamingo is also full of bad water.

Since he was inconvenient to come forward, Doflamingo went to Mihawk immediately.

Mihawk is now the world's largest swordsman.

As long as Doflamingo adds fuel and vinegar, he will describe Lynn’s swordsmanship as invincible' swordsmanship

Then Mihawk will inevitably arouse interest and even trigger a fight.

It's just that Mihawk's whereabouts are a bit hard to find.

need some time.

Lynn returned to Alabastan.

The conflict between Lynn and Doflamingo was not exposed.

Lynn didn't want to show his strength too much

At the same time, Doflamingo is also a face-saving person, he does not want to be known that he was cut by Lynn

The knife was also directly knocked down.

Therefore, in addition to making small moves to embarrass Lynn, Doflamingo is still contacting Mihawk, Moria and others.

Moria is interested in zombies, and Doflamingo believes that Moria will also be interested in Lynn.In order to improve his kendo, Mihawk would also come to Lynn.

As for Haixia Jinping, his whereabouts are currently unknown

Empress Hancock was not interested in this matter.

The same goes for the Basomian Bear, not interested in this matter.

"The first batch of raw materials has been put into production. Soon we will become the most

Big steel exporter."

"In addition, I have obtained the Navy’s material supplier qualification.

The navy provides materials. The price of all materials must be lower than the market price. At the same time, the quality must be guaranteed."

Lynn returned to Alabastan, in the Canola Harbor, and repeatedly urged the members of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce "How did he do it?" Robin looked puzzled.Shark Rockdale stood in the attic, looked at Lynn not far away, and hummed softly, "Who knows


Shark Rockdale did not expect Lynn to qualify as a naval supplier.

Of course, what was even more unexpected was that Lynn would not care about profits.However, this is a good thing, which proves Lynn's greater ambition from the side.

at the same time

On Krai Kana Island, Mihawk is working on the vegetable garden.

He lives alone, grows his own vegetables and cooks his own meals.

At this moment, Mihawk, who was weeding, suddenly stopped his movements.

He exhales through his nostrils

"Trouble comes."

Even if Mihawk is working in the vegetable garden, he always pays attention to the surrounding areas.

There was the sound of propellers in the air.

At this moment, people who will specifically come to him will never have more than one palm in this world.

Moreover, since coming to him, it also means trouble.

Chapter 136: The world in the eyes of capitalists!

Mihawk has eyes that are as sharp as an eagle. Even the strongest fighters will inevitably shudder, so they are called "eagle eyes".

The insight of this pair of "Eagle Eyes" is Mihawk's talent in swordsmanship

This allows him to see through the essence of things, and it is also the essence of his ability to fight against thousands of enemies.

Of course, whether there is a talent for'Eagle's Eye', I won't mention it for now.

Mihawk is indeed a swordsman who is very dedicated to swordsmanship.

He has a calm and calm personality, almost no obvious mood swings even in battle, and he does his own way.

Has the characteristics of an excellent swordsman

Calm, no mood swings, lonely, insight into everything in the world.

"Zero Four" Perhaps in the eyes of Shuangyue Gengsan, a swordsman like Mihawk is the most perfect swordsman.

Lynn has his own ambitions. Although he also focuses on kendo, he cannot be single-minded.

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