Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 107

This is also the place that Sagetsu Kosaburo has been dissatisfied with.

Mihawk’s residence is the site of the Kingdom of Sikaiali.

At this time, Doflamingo and Buffalo came here.

For Mihawk, Doflamingo is definitely an unexpected visitor.

Fortunately, he is not sleeping, otherwise, Mihawk may also have killed Doflamingo.


Doflamingo's first visit to Krai Kana Island.

In this environment like a ghost town, his laughter is as scary as a ghost

Mihawk had no idea of ​​welcoming and hosting Doflamingo.

He continued to work in the vegetable garden.

Seeing this scene, Doflamingo couldn't help frowning, with a disdainful smile on his face.

As the world's most powerful swordsman, would he choose to grow his own vegetables?

With such a powerful strength and Wu Hai's identity, but there is no match for him?

This is not reasonable at all.

However, Doflamingo wouldn't taunt Mihawk in person.

Doflamingo said to Mihawk, "I met an interesting guy. You will

He is interested."Mihawk continued to water.

"Have you heard the name Lynn? The guy who just teamed up with Krockdale recently.

Doflaming Gothic emphasized Shakrokdal

Mihawk remained unmoved.

"He is a very powerful guy. Not long ago, I was almost cut off by him.

Still in pain."Doflamingo touched the huge scar on his chest.

Mihawk glanced at Doflamingo.

Sure enough, there is indeed a scar on his chest.

Doflamingo said: "I guess you might be interested, and he was in Alabas recently

Tan."After finishing speaking, Doflamingo made the sound of'' again.

"It's really an anticipated contest."

With a smug laugh, Doflamingo jumped on Buffalo’s back and flew into the sky

After Doflamingo left, Mihawk murmured, "Donghai Lin, the man recognized by Shanks

, It seems really strong."Actually, without Doflamingo mentioning, Mihawk wanted to go to Lynn.

Bi Jingmihawk and Shanks meet occasionally and have heard Shanks mention Lynn.

It's just that Lynn is a businessman.

In recent years, Lynn has not reported about fighting in the world, but the news about business is not

Such as the richest man in the East China Sea, the savior of Alabastan, etc.

Therefore, Mihawk did not want to take the initiative to find Lynn.

However, Doflamingo's injury made Mihawk curious about Lynn's production.

Doflamingo is not a weak one.

Moreover, Doflamingo didn't lie, and that knife really cut him in half.

"Be careful, this is a very expensive machine, don't break it."

"Pull hard together."

"Okay, go a little to the left and come a little bit."

"You kid over there, haven't you eaten? Hurry up and work!"

Rape Flower Industrial Park.

The equipment of the steel plant is being installed.

A lot of labor is put into it

Every man was shirtless, sweating like rain.

Their hourly salary is 650 Bailey

You can buy two catties of rice for one hour of work.

You can buy 20 catties of rice for ten hours of work a day.

They also like to work overtime, because overtime pay doubles.

At this time, Lynn led everyone to inspect the shed area in the industrial park.

The shanty area is a temporary dormitory for workers.

It can only be described as dirty, messy, and poor sanitary conditions.

This time, not only the merchants in the East China Sea, but also the expensive

"Around the industrial zone, there must be at least a city that can accommodate 1.5 million people.

"Houses in cities need to be planned in a unified way, including water supply, garbage disposal, public security

Expense management."

"In addition, education, health, entertainment, catering, etc., all have great potential." Linn not only wants to develop an industrial park, but at the same time, it must also drive 5.6 housing prices.

After the house is built, it can be sold to the workers.

Of course, the workers were reluctant to buy at first.

At this time, the nobles need to enter the arena, they understand what Lynn said

It's like hoarding land.

What Lynn has to do now is to talk to them about the future and let them invest money in Lynn.

"In the future, a resort will be planned here, which will be the same as the Water Capital


Lynn pointed to the beach near the Canola Flower Harbor.Shark Rockdale and Robin are also in the visiting team.

Hearing Lynn's advice, he sold money everywhere.

As if every piece of rapeseed, everyone has a price marked on him

Chapter 137: The world's most powerful swordsman is here!

The hateful thing about capital is exploitation, exploitation everywhere.

In order to control everything, capitalists will not even let the air go.

If you want a better quality of life, you can only live in a better quality area

All resources in this area require additional fees.

no doubt

Lynn taught both Shakerlockdale and Robin a lesson.

Lynn will turn everything into money

After hearing about Linn’s investment plan, the nobles of Alabastan were willing to invest in Linn’s project.

For a resort project, Lynn raised 7 billion Baileys.

In the construction of new houses in the industrial zone, pre-sales have already started before each house has been built.

This rate of absorbing funds is much faster than gambling and stealing money.

Shakrockdal can't admire him.

12 Rape Flower Harbor, the Alabastan branch of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

At this time, a group of accountants are counting the banknotes.

Every accounting point is sour and tingling.

In Lynn’s office, Lynn lost a cigar to Shark Rockdale

Shakrokdal is also welcome.

Bartolomio, Ainilu, Akin and others are all in suits and leather shoes, each holding a piece of snow

Robin looked at the dull men and remained silent.

"I really underestimated you." Shaklockdal said to Lynn.

Lynn smiled and said, "Want to praise me? Still marvel at the profession of businessman."

Merchant is a very promising job.

Of course, getting started in the early stage is a bit more difficult and will have to suffer a lot.

However, you can only achieve your career if you tolerate what others cannot bear.

"I underestimated your ambitions." Shaklockdal did not deny that he thought Lynn was just

To make money.However, after seeing Lynn’s plan for the city, Shaklockdal realized

Lynn wants not only to make money in a short time, but also to control the people here

From food, clothing, housing and transportation, everyone can't do without him.

Moreover, to give everyone in this city a life guarantee and make them slaves to money

If you regard this city as a microcosm of a country, then Lynn can indeed spend money

Means to control this country.At the same time, everyone here is grateful to Lynn for giving them work, food, and

Their chance of survival.But never thought that Lynn was exploiting them, sucking their flesh and blood, and squeezing their labor

The typical being sold is still helping the traffickers count the money and at the same time praising the traffickers.

At this time, Lynn changed the subject and asked Shark Rockdale, "By the way, your work agency recently

how about it?Recruitment is going well."Shaklockdal replied, "A good young man appeared in Donghai not long ago, but he

Did not join."The Baroque Job Club is expanding.

Lynn’s capital expansion in Alabastan made Shaklockdal realize that he must and

Lynn can make progress together.Therefore, Shakrokdal is also expanding his power

At present, Baroque Job Club recruits bounty hunters all over the world, and has improved the salary.

"Oh? Donghai?" Linn's head of green algae appeared in his mind.

Perhaps the young man whom Shaklockdal said had just surrendered.

The phone worm on Lynn’s desk while Lynn was chatting with Shark Rockdale, and

The phone worm in Shaklockdal's arms rang at the same time.Blue Blue...

Blue Blue...

Lynn picked up the phone worm, and Shaklockdal also took out the phone worm.

"Boss, Hawkeye Mihawk is here."

"BOSS, Mihawk is here."

Lynn and Shaklockdale looked at each other and put down the phone worm.

Both Lynn and Shak Rock Dahl set eyeliners on the dock.

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