Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 137

Lynn said: "It's very painful, the truth is revealed, the more depressed, the more painful, I can


"I'm telling you to shut up! In an instant, Kata Kuri released a terrifying domineering dominance.

Lynn also released the overbearing domineering.

The domineering and domineering of the two impacted each other, and the collision destroyed the entire mirror world to pieces.


Kata Kuri was shaken back several steps.

The substantive impact of domineering

On the other hand, Lynn was unscathed

Lynn is stronger in the control of the domineering and domineering, and not only stronger.

At this moment, Bree also rolled her eyes and passed out into a coma.

Looking at Bree in a coma, Kata Kuri's anger rose again.

Immediately, Kata Kuri took out the trident from his right hand.

"Anger is still useful, at least it gives you the idea of ​​a hot brain and desperately trying to the end."

Lynn deliberately angered Kata Kuri, and at the same time, slashed at Kata Kuri with a knife

Kata Kuri waving trident

The weakness in strength caused Kata Kuri to be repelled by a single blow dozens of meters

His right foot made a deep trace of the grain path on the ground.

This is not an opponent!

"Mobile glutinous group!"

Although angry, but apart from anger, Kata Kuri no longer thinks about how to use the domineering.

Chapter 179: The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling!

Lynn defeated Kata Kuri and Smoky.

The news immediately returned to Cake Island.

"how is this possible!"

Perrospero's face was full of shock.

He can't believe what he heard is true

It would not be a great thing to defeat Baron Dandan and Bokmus.

Defeating Kata Kuri and Smoky is enough to prove Lynn’s strength

"Mom." Compert looked at Charlotte Lingling. "We should talk to him."

After Lynn defeated Kata Kuri, he still offered peace talks, and he didn't want to go to war from the beginning.

At this time, the donkeys have their own steps.

Of course, Charlotte Lingling still needs to find some face.

Charlotte Lingling said, "Then talk about it, Mama Mama."

Under the guidance of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, the Behemoth headed towards Cake Island

At this time, the navy headquarters and the world government are also paying attention to matters here.

If Lynn did not contact the Four Emperors, the world government would not pay much attention to him.

However, now that Lynn has contacted Charlotte Lingling, he must figure out what he wants to do

what.Malin Vandor, navy 747 headquarters.

Warring States was calm, he had just received the news from CP0.

Lynn is the sole supplier of supplies to the navy headquarters.

It has close contacts with the navy.

Therefore, this time the Warring States is also a headache.

The Warring States period thought for a while, and said to Brandy, "Send a fax to Lynn and ask him what he is going to do.

Brandy nodded, and sent a fax to ask Lynn's intentions.

Lynn's reply was also quick.

"It has a relationship with the Four Emperors, and opens up the business route to Xihai and Beihai."

Sengoku looked at Lynn's reply and suddenly laughed.

And Karp in the Warring States office has an expression of'You are too fussing'.

Karp said: "Lynn’s dream since childhood was to do business in all regions of the world.

Xihai and Beihai must pass through the new world, and they must deal with those guys."Zhan Guo nodded, this is reasonable.

Karp murmured, "But that kid Lynn is really amazing, he dare to go directly

They, it seems that he has been cultivating very seriously these years."Being able to get Charlotte Lingling to agree with each other is naturally showing enough strength.

Otherwise, the identity of the merchant alone is not enough.

Zeng Guo said: "Anyway, continue to monitor. As for CP0's inquiry,

I will reply. As for whether they believe it or not, it is up to them to judge."In fact, the Warring States period didn't believe that Lyn dared to mess around.

Because Lynn’s properties are legal

Industrial parks, real estate, large commercial districts, health care products, luxury goods, entertainment, etc.

If you want to collude with the Four Emperors, you must transform the industry into a pure entertainment industry, and cooperate with Tezo

Like Luo, mainly gambling and loan sharking.Lynn arrived at Cake Island.

Perrospero was waiting for him at the dock with Crane, Snag and others.

Not only Perrospero and other ministers of Totland, but also a huge army.

"Still showing off force."

"The Four Emperors are the Four Emperors. They like to talk about pomp."

Nuoqigao, Xia Li and others complained.

Under the gaze of countless people, Lynn got off the ship like a foreign delegation.

Keya followed Lin En, and a group of people boarded the carriage and approached the cake castle mightily.

Inside the castle.

Charlotte Lingling sits on the throne of the main hall. She is the queen of Portland.

"Ms. Charlotte Lingling, nice to meet (bdad) you."

Lynn greeted Charlotte Lingling very kindly.

At this time, in the castle, Charlotte Lingling's children were standing on the left and right.

Charlotte Compote, Charlotte Perrospero, Charlotte Dafuku, Charlotte O

Wen etc...

Even the youngest daughter, Charlotte Anana, was there.Although Anana is petite and cute, but her heart is dark and violent

In Charlotte Lingling's daughter, looks and heart are often inversely proportional.

The more you are, the more kind you are, the more cute, the worse your personality

Such as Charlotte Chiffon and Sister Charlotte Rolla.

The early comparison is Schattdecor.

At this time, Lampe was looking at Lynn.

Lynn was handsome and beat Kata Kuri again.

Not only Flampe, Charlotte Brin is also looking at Lynn.

"Mama Mama...

Shaking and laughing for a while, she asked, "What do you want to talk to me? When you come,

Charlotte Lingling looked at Lynn, she was as tall as a hill, smiling

Lynn said: "Cooperation." Hahahaha."



"Does he want to do business with us?"

"We don't mean it."

Charlotte Lingling's children laughed out loud.

Because Charlotte Lingling is a pirate and Lynn is a businessman.

Pirates will rob merchants, but will not cooperate with merchants.

Charlotte Lingling asked curiously, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Lynn said, "My dream is to do business all over the world, and I want to go to Beihai and Xihai

, Must pass through the new world, so there must be contact with you, I hope my caravan can be safe.

"Then what can I get?" Charlotte Lingling tilted her head and believed Lynn's statement.Lynn is indeed a very powerful businessman, they have already investigated this

In this chaotic and turbulent era, being able to do a legal business and make so much money is really not

It's ordinary people.

What Charlotte Lingling is interested in now is the huge human body and the evil army of Derma 66.

Lynn said, "My chamber of commerce will have liaison offices all over the world, and they will be able to collect the latest information as soon as possible, and even collect information that interests you."

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: Because I saw the future!

"Is it just intelligence?"

Charlotte Lingling sat upright and looked at Lynn, "If you have enough information, then you should know that Morgans and I are good friends."

It's not just Morgans.

There are six kings in the dark world, and Morgans is just one of them.

These people are all over the territory of the New World.

They not only mastered a huge power, but also mastered the economic lifeline of all countries in the new world. This is an indispensable force, Ruferud.

The underground usury chaebol "Shen",

Sea dry "deep currents", Umit.

The "hidden teacher" of the warehouse industry, Gibson.

The chief of the funeral agency, Dragu Piedro.

Happy Street Queen, Stracy

These six people are the kings in their respective fields, their own strength and influence spread all over the new world.

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