Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 138

Charlotte Lingling and these six people are friends, so there is no need to worry about intelligence.

Moreover, Charlotte Lingling also maintains certain contacts with the world government.

Therefore, the terms of exchange provided by Lynn were not too tempting for her.

"You’re right, Morgans can provide a lot of information, but

Lynn's voice deliberately paused.

"But what?" Charlotte Lingling asked.

Lynn said, "I have information about the future."

"The future?"

Charlotte Lingling became interested in Lynn products.

Lynn said, "For example, you are interested in the evil army of Derma 6 in the North Sea, and you have contacted them."

The smile on Charlotte Lingling's face disappeared and was replaced by a gloomy look.

Lynn went on to say, "For example, your collaboration with Doflamingo, about the huge human body experiment.

In front of Charlotte Lingling and many children of Charlotte Lingling.

Lynn told an amazing'secret'.

Charlotte Lingling's cooperation with Doflamingo is still relatively secret.

Lynn should not be easy to know.

However, even if he knew it, it could only show that Lynn had his own special intelligence network.

However, about the evil army of Derma 66, and Charlotte Lingling who coveted this army.

Very few people know about this.

However, Chater Lingling has not yet started to implement the plan

"Then can you see your future?

In other words, Lynn has indeed mastered the future

Charlotte Lingling asked sullenly, "How did you know!"

Lynn said, "Because I see the future

Charlotte Lingling stood up, and the double-horned hat on her head was torn off and turned into a huge sword in an instant.


Charlotte Lingling slashed at Lynn.

Lynn drew the knife and held it above his head, blocking Charlotte Lingling’s attack

"He actually blocked his mother's attack!"

"It's incredible!"

Perrospero and others stared at Lynn one by one.

Brin even opened her three eyes in fright.

"He is so handsome!"

Flampe looked at Lynn with an idiot, admiring him endlessly.

Worship the strong

Handsome, strong, perfect, and gentleman

The characteristics that Lynn possessed attracted Lampe.

In this sea, there are really too few people who can withstand Charlotte Lingling's blow.

The three plagues of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates, when facing Charlotte Lingling, they were only beaten and flew away.

Lynn said, "I not only see my future, but also your future."

"Mama Mama."

What is my future?

Charlotte Lingling held the great sword in both hands and began to press it down.

"Lingling, it hurts, his knife is too sharp."

At this time, Napo began to anthropomorphically make an expression of pain.

Lin En's armed color was domineering into the wilderness, and his body sent fierce swords.

This kind of feeling, Napoleon had only faced Shanks.

Even more intense!

Lynn asked seriously, "Want to fight?"

As the two began to exert their strength.

The majestic strength instantly cracked the floor of the entire hall.

Dense cracks, accompanied by a crackling sound

The whole castle, no, the whole cake island, is cracking.

The monster-like power of the two is destroying the entire island.


Charlotte Lingling looked at Lynn and suddenly withdrew her strength.

"Mama Mama."

"You are a funny guy, I agree to work with you."

The gloom on Charlotte Lingling's face and the killing intent in her eyes completely disappeared

Lin En also withdrew his strength

The strength that Lynn has shown means that he is qualified to negotiate.

Charlotte Lingling is a smart person, she will not find herself a strong enemy out of thin air.

Just as Charlotte Lingling and Kaido are about to have a conflict, they can reach a cooperation after clarifying the pros and cons.

Cooperation is a win-win situation.

Fighting is a loss for both sides.

Even if Charlotte Lingling thought she could win, she wouldn't do it.

Because the price is too high.

If she is injured in battle, the balance between the four emperors will be broken.

Lin En dared to come to Charlotte Lingling so directly, he also recognized this.

The Four Emperors, like the navy, have their own consideration.

It is precisely because they have taken care of each other that they maintain a certain tacit understanding?

Chapter 181: Doflamingo can't hold his breath!

Negotiated cooperation with Charlotte Lingling.

Next is the banquet

Charlotte Lingling entertained Lynn and the group with high standards.

Lynn also sent out a lot of luxury goods and health products to Charlotte Lingling's daughters.

Although Charlotte Lingling and others do not need commercial cooperation on the surface, in fact, the formal trade routes of the New World have been interrupted for many years.

In addition, the Shanghai thief ravages all countries and regions in the New World, and industrialization is impossible.

The output of perfumes is not only limited, but there are also very few categories.

As for drinks and cigars, that’s even less

Men rarely leave alcohol and cigars.

Lin En's hot-selling plum "50" liquor is naturally welcomed.

As a gift, Lynn also gave Charlotte Lingling's sons.

At the banquet, Lynn took the initiative to find Kata Kuri.

Kata Kuri was still wearing a bandage.

Lost for the first time, injured, and bandaged for the first time

Lynn let him taste a lot for the first time.

"The taste of this wine is not bad," Lynn said actively.

Kata Kuri made a nasal sound and gave a soft "um".

"Have you ever had a drink in the past?" Lynn asked again.

Kata Kuri nodded.

Influenced by Charlotte Lingling, Katakuri and his siblings generally like desserts

It seems that only sweet food in this world is best for them.

Of course, they do like sweets.

Just liking one kind of things does not mean rejecting other things.

Make honey wine.If you like it, it can even taste like a doughnut.More honey, Lynn said, "You should have more choices like this wine, you can also add a lot

......" Lynn's words made Kata Kuri wonder how to answer.

Is this openly digging a wall under Charlotte Lingling's nose?

It seems so

Lynn said, "I admire you very much. Someday in the future, you

Kata Kuri frowned and asked, "Is this the future you see? Will definitely walk with me."

Lynn is very domineering.

Lynn replied, "Our future belongs to you. You should make your own choice."

"Your own choice?"

Kata Kuri mutters to himself

Since losing to Lynn, he can perceive a change in the attitude of his brothers and sisters towards him.

The most obvious one is Flampe.

The undefeated Kata Kuri was defeated and was no longer perfect.

Lynn said, "Take off your scarf, don't care about other people, live for yourself."

The next day, Behemoth left Cake Island and continued to sail to Wano Country

The purpose of Linn's voyage this time was to reach an agreement with the Four Emperors.

Among the Four Emperors, Kaido is the one who needs to make a deal most.

Lynn needs sea floor stones, a lot of sea floor stones.

The origin of Hailou stone is Wano Country.

Through cooperation with Kaido, the world government has obtained a lot of sea floor stones.

Begapunk can develop and apply various kinds of Hailou Stone.

However, the world government still strictly controls Hailoushi.

In addition, the country of Hezhi was closed and closed, and Kaido did not intend to sell the sea building stones.

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