Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 139

Therefore, most people only know that Hailou Stone is controlled by the world government, but do not know its origin.

Although Lynn can purchase a certain amount of sea floor stones through the navy headquarters.

But the amount of purchase will certainly not be much.

Moreover, most of them are used on the Behemoth and Behemoth’s self-defense weapons.

0 This time visiting Kaido, Lynn needs to reach a trade agreement.

In this way, you can get more Hailou Stone.

The sea building stones obtained will be used in the Armed Fleet of the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

In this way, the fleet of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce can travel around the world freely, and pass through

The more windless belt.There is only the Lynn Chamber of Commerce in the world, which can do trade across the four seas.

The only one in the world

The benefits represented behind this are unimaginably huge!

It means that Lynn has the right to move goods around the world.

All countries in the world who want to sell goods must go through the hands of Lynn

The status of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce will also change accordingly.

The news that Lynn left Cake Island was quickly learned by Doflamingo.

According to information obtained by Doflamingo.

Lynn defeated Kata Kuri and Smoky, while also fighting Charlotte Lingling on Cake Island

There was a conflict.

However, the contradiction was finally resolved peacefully.What was specifically posted during this process and what agreements the two parties reached.

Doflamingo has no way of knowing

And what Flamingo cares about 2.4 is another thing.

Lynn is going to the country of Japan.

Lynn also plans to go to Kaido.

Obviously, Lynn also wants to reach an agreement with Kaido.

Doflamingo is very sensitive to this.

Because he has always been Kaido's partner.

Will the arrival of Lynn change the relationship between him and Kaido?

This requires vigilance.

Doflamingo decided not to wait any longer.

However, Doflamingo is unwilling to set foot in the country of Japan, let alone confront Kaido.

Therefore, he intends to have a good chat with Lynn before he arrives in the country.

Hope to find relevant answers from Linn.

Chapter 182: Don't be nervous, I don't want to take everything from you

Wearing sunglasses, pink feather coat and cropped pants and pointed shoes

Doflamingo descended from the sky and landed on the deck of the Behemoth.


His unique laughter kept the security guards on board always vigilant.

But this time, Doflamingo did nothing extra.

No provocation

It's just that he is still being stared at.

Guina, Ainilu, Bartolomio, and Akin stared at him in four directions.

At this time, Lynn walked out of the cabin, and he said to everyone, "Get out, this is not our way of hospitality."

"Yes." Guina, Ainilu and others immediately stepped aside.

Doflamingo looked at Lynn and said, "You surprised me."

"Really?" Lynn answered faintly, and then pointed to the sofa in front of him, "Sit down and talk.

Dover 13 Lamming was not polite. He sat directly opposite Lynn and occupies the center of the sofa with an exaggerated posture. After the conflict, I left Cake Island alive."

Lynn asked, "So what? Do you just want to talk to me about this?"

"No, of course it's not just these." Doflamingo stared at Lynn, and said with a smile, "You will visit Kaido in Wano Country."

Lynn said, "Wa no Country is the hometown of my teacher."

Did not directly explain the reason, but also gave a reasonable reason

Doflamingo leaned on the sofa, his feet cocked, "What do you want to talk about with Kaido?"

Doflamingo didn't believe that Lynn was visiting relatives.

Lin En replied, "Hailoushi has the right to trade."

Doflamingo asked, "Is it all?"

He is more concerned about the armament, and the artificial devil fruit developed in cooperation with Kaido.

These are the fundamentals for him to maintain his position.

Lin asked, "What else do you think?"


Doflamingo laughed for a while, "Those you want are not the most valuable things."

Lynn asked again: "Do you think there is anything more valuable?"

"Of course there is." Doflamingo spread his arms and said with an exaggerated expression, "As long as he is ambitious, he covets it."

Lynn said, "That's what you did."

"Do you know what I'm talking about?" Little

Doflamingo is testing, testing how much Lynn knows, testing Lynn’s intention to meet Kaido

"I know many things, including the future."

When Lynn spoke, Keya was clinging to Xia Li.

The relationship between Keya and Xia Li has been very good recently.


Doflamingo frowned first


Doflamingo smiled again. Behind his exaggerated smile, there was a guilty conscience.

He didn't know whether to believe Lynn's words.

To be precise, he began to feel a little uneasy.

Lynn is really dangerous.

He seems to know everything.

Including the future!

"Well, let's talk about business."

Lynn smiled and asked, "Do you work with you to sell arms and population?"

Doflamingo looked at Lynn and said, "Let’s cooperate

Sure enough, this guy knows many things.

Doflamingo's bullish meaning involves arms and human trafficking.

Among them, the most important is arms

Moreover, Doflamingo dominates the underground world as a'joker', dealing with the four emperors

At the same time, as a person of Tianlong, he keeps in touch with the world government and conducts some unseen trade.

Doflamingo asked: "Besides these, what else do you want?"

"More valuable things." Lynn suddenly got serious. He stared at Doflamingo, making Doflamingo a little uncomfortable.

"I am a businessman. Things that make money, things of value, things of value, these are my goals."

When Lynn spoke, he raised his hand and made a gesture.

Nockigao handed the cigar to Lynn and lit it.

Lynn smoking a cigar and said to Doflamingo, "SAD raw materials, production methods, related technologies, experimental records, etc., are all very interesting to me.

Doflamingo said with a calm face, "You know there are so many of 527s."

Lynn said, "Not only these, I am also curious about the huge human body experiment."

"Where did you get the information?"

Doflamingo had a solemn expression on his face.

Everything Lynn said is the key to his cooperation with Charlotte Lingling and Kaido

It can be said that if he loses these, he will not be able to cooperate with Charlotte Lingling and Kaido.

Without these, he loses value.

How can joker, who lost his value, maintain his position?

"I naturally have my own source of intelligence."

Lynn looked at the blue veins rising from Doflamingo's forehead and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I don't want to take everything from you, I'm just interested in those techniques."

Doflamingo stared at Lynn, then said, "Only I can produce SAD."

Losing SAD, losing the only qualification to produce artificial devil fruits.

Doflamingo lost the qualification to cooperate with Kaido.

He was very nervous about this.

Chapter 183: The mysterious man makes Doflamingo uneasy!

SAD is the most important raw material produced by SMILE.

Developed and manufactured by Caesars.

Lynn said, "The backward technology will be replaced by more advanced technology sooner or later, and you must be familiar with the name Begapunk."


Doflamingo stared at Lynn, "It seems that you know more than I thought."

Lynn said, "Vegapunk designed and manufactured artificial weapons, and has extracted the power of the devil fruit, which is far better than smile on a technical level."

In fact, smile is something that Doflamingo and Caesar picked up the abandoned artificial fruit plan of Begapunk and once again tinkered with it.

Although smile is an artificial devil fruit, the success rate of successfully acquiring abilities after eating the smile fruit is also very low.

After eating smile, if you fail to acquire the power, the side effects will take effect, making people lose their sad and angry expressions.

Doflamingo asked: "So do you want to develop further?"

Lynn said, "Of course, if it succeeds, it will definitely make more money."

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