Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 145

"Although Hailou Stone is very precious, since both parties want to cooperate, they need to show sincerity.

Kaido said these words, he has already set out a'condition'


How to show sincerity?

Lin En said: "I will open an industrial park in Hezhi Country. I will provide the capital and technology. You will be responsible for manpower and materials. I will be responsible for all the products produced in Hezhi country.

Hei Tan Da Snake heard this and began to figure it out.

The sincerity Kaido asked for was more than just money.

Although Kaido also needs money.

In Hezhiguo, he partnered with Heitan Dashe to build an arms factory, and sold arms through Doflamingo channels.

But Kaido is very shrewd. He knows that Hailoushi is unique to the country of Hezhi.

Moreover, if Lynn wants to do business in the new world, he must obtain the consent of the Four Emperors.

Otherwise, if you are robbed by the Four Emperors every three to five, the caravan will inevitably suffer heavy losses

And Lynn's remarks also implied that he was willing to help sell Wano Country's arms.

"Since the president is so sincere, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Kaido has a lot of slaves, and the country of Wano also has a lot of cheap labor, and then use the resources of the country of Wano to convert them all into benefits.

For the savvy Kaido, this is a matter of steady profit.

Kaido has great ambitions, and ambitions need a lot of money to support

Otherwise, he would not think of making arms to make money.

Lynn and Kaido negotiated a bargaining chip.

Hailou Stone is not included as a gift and still needs to be priced separately.

The price is the same as that sold to the world government.

Lynn can accept it too

In addition, Lynn needs to complete the investment in Hezhi Country.

As a result, the two parties have begun to cooperate.

Kaido and Heitan Oro are very happy, and they both benefited from it.

The Black Charcoal Orochi even wants all the citizens of the country of Barwa to come to work in the factory and seek benefits for him.

the next day.

Black Charcoal Orochi sent his subordinates and began to recruit for labor

The flower capital is destroyed, he needs to rebuild the flower capital

Kaido also returned to the ghost island

He has handed over the specific transaction details to King to be responsible.

Lynn let Nuoqigao be responsible for negotiating specific transaction details.

At the same time, Bartolomio, Weber, Cullo, Zangao and others were left to help

Afterwards, Lynn invited Oiran Xiaozi to leave the capital of flowers and head to Baiwu

Although Black Charcoal Orochi was reluctant, thinking that Lynn was interested in Xiao Zi, he still agreed, but in the name of safety, he sent a crazy dead man to go along.

Bai Wu's name is Shuangyue Ieyasu

Decades ago, Sagetsu Kosaburo left Wano Country for the East China Sea with dozens of Wu.

This time Lynn visited Wano country

The first is to reach a cooperation with Kaido, obtain the right to trade, and purchase a sufficient amount of Hailou Stone

The second is to return to the homeland with the will of the teacher as a samurai of the'Shuangyue' family.

Everything is planned.

As early as the moment when Lin En became his teacher Kosaburo, this day was destined to happen.

Lynn believes that his battle with Kaido will surely cause a sensation in the country.

The samurai in Wano will gather around him in order to overthrow Kaido

Because Lynn is a samurai, like Mitsuki Mida, he can cut Kaido's samurai.

However, his intention was not told to anyone.

In Guina's eyes, Lynn was only returning to his hometown for Kosaburo.

When Lin En and others arrived at Fortuna Town, it was already evening.

Compared with the City of Flowers, Fortuna Town is a bit downright.

Especially the former great name Shuangyue Ieyasu has also lost power, unable to resist the rule of the black charcoal snake.

Lynn rented out the hotel as a place to rest tonight.

At this time, Ainilu said to Lynn, "Boss, there are many people spying on us nearby and want to kill.

Are they?"His domineering look has enveloped the entire Fortuna Town.

No one can escape his surveillance in every move.

"Don't worry about them."

In addition to the Kaido people, there are the people from the black charcoal snake or some samurai

Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi, although they have reached a cooperation with Linn, they are not finished with Linn.

Believe it all, this is not surprising.As for the samurai, they wanted to observe Lynn secretly, and then send representatives to pass the samurai’s righteousness

, Convince Lynn.Lynn did not resist this either.

In other words, this is what he wants.

The samurai of Wano country, but a fighting force that cannot be underestimated.

The banquet has been arranged.

Lynn invited the crazy dead man to a banquet, and Xiao Zi also came to accompany him.

The singing and dancing of the wandering girls are indeed wonderful.

However, Xiao Zi and Kuang Si Lang have other thoughts in their hearts.

Xiao Zi hopes Lynn can kill Kaido for her.

Kuang Si Lang wanted to find out about Lynn.

Three rounds of wine.

The crazy dead man put down his drink and asked: "The president's sword skills and the president's sword are all familiar.

I don’t know if the president knows Sagetsu Kosaburo?"Yan Mo and Tianyu Yuzhan were all made by Shuangyue Kosaburo.

And Yan Mo and Huang are very similar.

Plus Lynn's sword skills.

Therefore, Kushiro thinks that Lin En and Sagetsu Kosaburo know Shichi.

Chapter 191: Serve Lynn, Xiao Zi's determination!

Kushiro's true identity is Denjiro.

He is the retainer of the famous name Mitsutsu Mida in the country of Wano, one of the nine knights

After Mitian's death, he was immersed in grief for a long time, his appearance changed completely, his hidden identity appeared as a "crazy dead man", he became the gang boss by force, and the name of the crazy dead man family spread throughout the capital.

Invited to become a guard by General Heitan Orochi.

At this time, when he heard Kushiro's inquiry, Lynn knew his origin, which had aroused Chuanjiro's interest.

Although Mrs. Shi left a prophecy before her death, but after so many years, nothing happened.

And Lynn is different

Although he may not be the person in the prophecy, "107" is related to Lynn and the Frost Moon family.

The flower-like carvings on the scabbard and the three-petal shape of the knife prove these.

"It's true that this knife was made by my teacher."

Lin En directly stated his relationship with Kosaburo.

Kosaburo is Lin En's teacher!

Sure enough!

Kuang Si Lang's heart was beating wildly.

The same goes for Xiao Zi on the side

Because the relationship between his father and the Shuangyue family was unusual.

From childhood to adulthood, the famous sword Yan Mo and the famous sword Tianyu Yu Zhan worn by Guangyue Mitian were all made by Shuangyue Kosaburo.

Even Guangyue Mitian's swordsmanship was inspired by Kosaburo.

The relationship between the two is deep, and the origins of them are really endless!

If Lynn can help them, it might be possible to use Lynn’s hand to eradicate Orochi and Kaido

Kuang Si Lang believed that Lin En had such strength.

Of course, Xiao Zi thinks so too.

At this time, Xiao Zi poured wine for Lin En.

"I don't know why the teacher left Wano country in the first place. He didn't tell me the reason. However, I believe that the teacher would not want to see this country and be so defeated."

When Lynn spoke, he slowly pulled out Huang and quickly retracted the scabbard.

"As the teacher said, black knives were raised. I hope that I can change this country and perhaps fulfill the teacher's wishes."

Lynn guessed that Guangyue Mitian might be affected by Sagetsu Kosaburo.

Therefore, Guangyue Mitian has a special dedication to going to sea.

However, dozens of samurai including Sagetsu Kosaburo left Wano country at the same time and moved to Tokai Shogetsu Village.

There is the helplessness of leaving home.

Moreover, decades after leaving, he never came back.

Of course, Lynn's words strongly implied Xiao Zi and Shi Lang.

Lynn is telling them that he wants to change here, and he also has this ability.

Xiao Zi's true identity is the daughter of Guangyue Mitian.

In order to ensure that Guangyue’s family will be passed on to future generations, there was no crossing 20 years ago.

Difficult, pretending to be the first oiran of Wano country.Now, Xiao Zi has seen the dawn.

"We can rely on him."

Xiao Zi and Kuang Si Lang sat face to face.

She had just heard Lynn's'determination from Linn's words.

Lynn is determined to change here.

Kuang Si Lang's heart was also disturbed.

All these years of lurking, he has been waiting for them to come back.

However, there is no news at all.

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