Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 146

Lynn's arrival really gave the crazy dead man hope.

If Lynn can really lead them, it is not that the overthrow of the rule of the Black Charcoal Serpent and Kaido

Fantasy dream.It's just that Lynn is currently cooperating with Black Charcoal Orochi and Kaido.

Can you really trust him?

Many years of lurking and disguising, and survive as the gang boss.

Even though Kuangshilang's heart is turbulent, on the surface, it still appears as if there is no wave in Gujing

Seeing that Kuang Si Lang didn't respond, Xiao Zi said, "I want to stay with him temporarily and continue to explore his thoughts."

Xiao Zi believes in her beauty.Men will be addicted to her beauty.

As long as you stay with Lynn, you may be able to influence Lynn's thinking.

With the idea of ​​feeding tigers by the body, Xiao Zi had already realized.

As the daughter of Guangyue Mitian, her greatest wish is revenge.

the next day.

Lynn lets Guina go out to practice alone.

Guina will use her family's swordsmanship to find swordsmen to challenge.

Lynn told the samurai of Shiraito that Frostuki Kosaburo's family had returned.

Of course, this is also for Lynn's own prestige.

Lin En is the disciple of Shuangyue Kosaburo.

This level of identity needs Guina to help promote it.

When Guyina went out to practice, Lin En, Xiao Zi and others went to Yanwu Port and Diving Port.

There are many ports in Wano country.

If a country can be established, these natural high-quality ports will inevitably bring leaps and bounds to business

Progressive development 3.6

Xiao Zi maintained the identity of the oiran and continued to'stick' to Lynn.

But Ya sees all this clearly.She was a little angry, thinking Xiao Zi was seduce Lynn.

However, Lynn was very satisfied.

Because he doesn't mind combining with Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi is the daughter of Mitsuki Mita, who was supposed to be the princess of Wano Country.

If Xiao Zi can become his woman, the country of He will definitely be in his pocket in the future.

Of course, the only obstacle is Kotsuki Momanosuke

It's just such a waste of Kotsuki Momosuke.

Lynn doesn’t need to take action personally, only Kaido or Doflamingo can get rid of him.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two: Lynn's name is spread in the country of harmony!

"Master Lynn, please use tea."

Xiao Zi poured tea for Lynn, and then brought pastries.

She served Lynn very seriously.

Lynn knew Xiao Zi's intentions, so he didn't break it, and let the flow go.

To outsiders, Xiao Zi seems to be infatuated with Lynn.

Including Heitan Orochi, the Imperial Court Fans, who also reported the news that Xiaozi had fallen in love with Lynn at this time to Heitan Orochi.

Upon learning that Xiao Zi had become obsessed with Lynn, the first reaction of Black Charcoal Orochi was to kick the alcohol case.


As the current general of the country of Heitan, Heitan is a tyrannical dictator who adheres to the policy of locking up the country.

As Kaido's ally, he now chooses to cooperate with Lynn for the benefit.

However, Lynn actually took Xiao Zi.

"Go and kill Xiao Zi!"

Destroy if you don't get it.

Black Charcoal Big Snake does not allow Xiao Zi to be Lynn's woman.

However, the Black Charcoal Orochi also understands Lynn’s powerful influence, so he is unwilling to directly contact Lynn

Conflict.In that case, get rid of 06 Xiaozi, so that no one can get her.

As the captain of the Orochi Royal Court Fanzhong, Fu Lu Shou silently nodded and accepted the order.

There are a total of eleven members of the Orochi Royal Court, a ninja force directly under the black charcoal Orochi.

After getting the order of the Black Charcoal Orochi, the ninja forces acted immediately and rushed to Baiwu

At this time, Guina is on her way to practice

Because of the ban on swords by the black charcoal snake, it also restricts the teaching of the swordsmanship hall.

Therefore, if Guina wants to challenge the famous swordsman, she can only learn about the powerful

Location of the swordsman.

For example, she is now going to Jiuli, preparing to challenge the leader of the local band of thieves, the man known as "Jiu Tian Wan".

Guina didn't know that the Asura boy was one of the Scarlet Swords, and he was Mitian's retainer.However, knowing or not knowing is irrelevant.

She wants to challenge powerful swordsmen with swordsmanship, regardless of their identity.

Jiutianwan has a great reputation in Guri, so it is not a hassle to find it.

Guina met them soon.

"Who are you? You dare to block our way!"

Asura Boy's subordinates shouted towards Guina.

At this time, Guina stood in the middle of the road, blocking the path of the thieves.

Guina said, "I’m Shuangyue Guina, the swordsman who came to Baidonghai Frost Moon Village. I want to challenge

Fly "Frost Moon?"

I heard Guina asked

The memory of the past appeared in the head of Asura boy.

Shuangyue's family and Guangyue Mitian make friends.

The Asura boy gasped, "I can't imagine that there are swordsmen in the Shuangyue family who dare to wear swords.

Women."The word woman, Guina doesn't like to hear it.

She doesn’t like her opponent to think she is a woman, and despise her or admire her

The Asura boy held the handle of the knife in his hand, "Don’t worry, I won’t be under the control because you are a woman.

Be merciful."I don't know how many years have passed.

How many years hasn't a swordsman duel!

Asura boy was once a retainer by Mitsuki Mita, and he was a samurai.

Therefore, he respects this duel

"Ihe·Star Flash!"

Guina drew the knife directly

The light of the knife flickered, reflecting on the face of Asura boy.

So fast!

The Asura boy is not an ordinary person.

Even Jack, facing one of the three plagues, has the confidence to overcome him.

Moreover, in terms of cutting objects, the realm of Asura Boy is very high.


Two knives were cut in one place.

"The power of the slash..."

The Asura boy seemed to realize that something was wrong.

Although Guina is a woman, her slashing speed and strength far exceed his expectations.


It is a continuous frontal chop.

It was Guina who launched the attack first.

"Star Flash·Meteor!"

Guina stepped on the meteor, the knife in her hand was faster than one, like a meteor shower.

Asura boy continued to resist, and gradually fell to the wind.

"Taketori·Wind Gin!"

A knife passed through, accompanied by the soft sound of breaking wind, as if the wind was singing.

Asura boy's neck was held by a knife.

Unbelievable swordsmanship.

It was as fast as a shooting star just now, but in an instant, the sword's momentum changed from movement to silence.

The cut just now was also fast, but it was too fast to feel anything.

"567 Thank you for your advice."

Guina retracted the knife and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" The Ashura boy was still immersed in the knife just now.

The change in the sword's strength just now was really unexpected.

Obviously fast as a meteor, but it changes in an instant.

Such swordsmanship and the country are no longer seen.

"Is there anything else?" Guina stopped.

The Asura boy asked seriously, "You just said that you belong to the Shuangyue family."

Guina turned around and replied, "Well, Shuangyue Kenzo is my grandfather."


Asura boy took a deep breath and asked, "I heard that Kosaburo’s disciple and Kaido were

The capital is out of war."The news of the battle between Lynn and Kaido has spread in Wano Country.

Asura Boy's men also inquired.

When he heard the news that Lynn and Kaido were unmatched, the Asura boy stayed up all night.

Moreover, Lynn is still a disciple of the Samurai of Wano country!

Guina nodded, "Uncle Lynn is indeed a disciple of Grandpa, and he does fight Kaido.

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