Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 163

Moreover, enough water and food need to be stored on board.

"These bastards."

Kirk and the three stole three billion Baileys, which naturally aroused the anger of everyone.

The more irritating thing is the serious water in the bottom of the ship.

Without a boat, what should they do?

Kirk rowed the boat hard.

There are pointers on the boat, there is plenty of fresh water and dried meat, enough for him to return to land

Soon, he will be able to return to his hometown.703

One billion Bailey is enough to live his life carefree.

He can marry a beautiful wife and have two or three children.

However, Kirk’s boat was soon discovered

It was Zefa who found Kirk’s boat.

Zefa led the guerrillas, looking for Kidd's whereabouts.

On the way, they have solved many pirates.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce also got in touch with Zefa and shared the latest tracking information with him

"Stop that ship." Zefa stared at Kirk's ship and gave the order.

Kirk never dreamed that he would meet a strange group of navy here

Kirk wanted to resist, but Binz subdued him in advance.

After the box is opened.

One billion Baileys can be seen.

The money paper bag has the symbol '1n.

There is no doubt that the money belongs to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Kirk was again dressed as a pirate.

"Where is Kidd?"

Zefa grabbed Kirk's neck with one hand.

Kirk was out of breath. He tried to kick Zefa with his foot, but it didn't work at all.

"I, I, I will take you there."

Kirk confessed to survive.

It's the same with Mike Percy

However, his luck was worse.

He encountered a fleet of ghost spiders at sea.

The navy found him far away.

After Mike Percy discovered the Navy, he dived and tried to escape

However, all around are warships.

Even if you dive for a while, you still need to surface to breathe

"Where is Kidd?"

The ghost spider's knife rests on Mike Percy's neck.

At this time, the box on the ship has been opened.

The money in the box belongs to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The physical evidence is present.

Mike Percy answered honestly, "I'll take you there."

at the same time.

Benson Bell’s boat is rowing to the southwest.

However, his luck is also very bad.

He met the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

Facing the huge snake, Benson Bell’s legs were frightened.

Under the leadership of Benson Bell, the Hydra Pirates are also approaching the island where Kidd is located.

"Their ship has been pierced and cannot leave at the moment. We will catch them.

One billion Baileys have been recovered."

Binz is in contact with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce to inform them of the latest situation.

In order to survive, Kirk is not only willing to take Zefa and others to catch Kidd, but also take them to Kidd’s ship.

The piercing matter, while confessing that not all pirates are moral.

Kidd should need a lesson.

However, this is not what he needs to think about now.Because Zefa soon came to the island where Kidd was hiding.

Kidd met Zefa for the first time.

The ex-general who is famous for not killing.

Of course, it's not just Zefa.

The lieutenant general ghost spider of the headquarters also appeared near the island with a huge fleet

The female emperor Hancock, one of the seven martial arts under the king, also took the Nine Snakes and Pirates to go to the island

Face these three people.

Kidd and Kira are unlikely to have any chance of gaining weight.

The end of the road, was forced into a desperate situation!One collection, recommendation, sharing!(Kamivx

Chapter 216: Is it the same no matter how many people come?



After Zefa came to the island, he gave Binz and Ayn a look.

Ain and Binz are Zefa’s disciples and have followed Zefa for many years.

They soon dispersed with the pirate guerrillas.

This pirate guerrilla team is dedicated to hunting pirates by Zefa.

Personal strength, combat experience, and teamwork are not comparable to the West China Sea Navy.

Even for those capable of dealing with them, they also have Hailoushi net guns and Hailoushi melee weapons

At this time, the telephone worm heard a young man's voice, "Kid's boat was found, and the bottom of the boat is indeed leaking. No trace of pirates was found on the boat."

"It seems they are still on the island."

"Five Nine Zero" Zefa looked at the island in front of him, and then gave an order.

"Find out the pirate!"

Ain and Binz, who had already dispersed, immediately dispersed the two thousand guerrillas after receiving the order.

"Who are these strange guys!"

"Is it a bounty hunter?"

"Now don't care what they are, take their ship and get out of here."

Kidd and others were already building rafts.

Now seeing the fleet of Zefa and others on the island, Kidd has a new idea

Grab Zefa's ship!

"Boss, is this crazy?!"

Kidd's men opened their mouths wide.

They are prey now!

How can the prey kill the hunter

"As long as I am here, we can't lose." Kidd's confidence in himself is completely based on his devil fruit ability.

From the day he gained the power of devil fruit.

He thought he was invincible.

Kira looked at Kidd and shook his head at him.

However, Kidd could not listen at all.

Whether it is a bounty hunter or a navy.

In his eyes, it's a bunch of'trash' relying on the number of people

Kidd said, "Kira, you go to take their ship, I am responsible for attracting the front."

After Kidd gave the order, he began to act.

The first cattle and calves are not afraid of tigers.

It's a guy like Kidd.

Kidd’s time to go to sea is also very short, now the reward has exceeded 100 million

In the new generation of Pirates, he is definitely the best.

"My knife, my knife, are out of control."

"My gun is too."

The weapons of the guerrilla pirates, attracted by the magnetic force, flew out one after another

The pistol in Ain’s hand is no exception, she feels a force sucking at her gun

"It's capable."

"Everyone, be careful!"

"Prepare Hailou stone weapons!

Ai Yin gave the order immediately.

A long stick similar to ten hands appeared in the hands of some soldiers.


At this time, Kidd collectively reflected back the attracted knives and guns

The guerrilla soldiers on the ground were overturned in an instant.


After Ayn discovered Kidd, he took a step directly.

Ai Yin approached instantly and attacked Kidd.

"So fast!"

Kidd is still a fledgling young man. Has he ever seen the Navy Six?

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