Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 164


Ai Yin kicked out and hit Kidd's stomach directly.

Kidd was kicked out instantly.

"Ah!" Kidd clutched his stomach and stood up


Ai Yin said to Kidd coldly.

At this time, the navy, holding the sea tower stone long stick, also surrounded them.

Among them, there are three soldiers with Hailou stone net guns.

"What a joke!"

"Don't think you can attack me a second time!"

Kidd snorted coldly and released the magnetic force again, trying to attract the Hailou stone long stick.

However, it did not work.

Not metal?


Hailou stone long stick directly fell

Kidd drew his knife to resist.

However, although a stick was blocked, there was another one beside it.

Kidd immediately manipulated the magnetic force to attract the surrounding swords, forming a giant mechanical arm to block him.

Although successfully blocked the attack, a large number of vines grew under Kidd's feet

It is Binz's ability to flourish fruit.

The vine quickly bound Kidd's body.

"Sorry, it's coming."

Binz greeted Ain.

Ain looked at Kidd and said coldly: "Handcuff him."

"Yes." Just as a soldier was about to handcuff Kidd.

Kidd used magnetism again to control the rapid rotation of the surrounding swords.

All the soldiers who tried to approach him were pushed back.

"do not underestimate me."

Kidd’s time to obtain Devil Fruit is relatively short, but it has also developed to a certain extent

Not only successfully forced everyone back, but also broke free from the vines of Binz

"No matter how many people you come, don't even try to beat me."

Kidd panted, sweating on his forehead.

However, his expression is as confident as ever.

"Foolish 5.6 guy."

At this moment, Zefa's voice appeared behind Ai Yin and others.

call out!

call out!

A figure appeared on a high place

Kidd looked to the sky.

so big!

A robotic arm that does not match the proportions of the body.

The robotic arm hit Kidd directly.

"go to hell!"

Kidd's huge robotic arm condensed magnetically, blasting towards Zefa.



The mechanical arms condensed by swords were instantly blasted away.

Hailoushi's robotic arm hit Kidd's chest heavily.


Kidd was plunged into the ground.

Chapter 217: Stopped dreams!

Kidd had never suffered such a heavy attack.

He felt like his chest was squashed.

Even breathing is very difficult.

Moreover, his strength seemed to have been emptied.

The kind of powerlessness I have never felt before.

When the ghost spider and Hancock brought people over, the battle was over.

"Teacher Zefa."

The ghost spider greeted Zefa.

Zefa just hummed.

Afterwards, Zefa looked at Hancock again.

Hancock raised his head contemptuously, not looking at Zefa and others at all.

Although Hancock's attitude is bad, she is Wu Hai after all.

Although Zefa also hates the Qiwuhai system, he is still a navy and must accept the existence of Wuhai.

"I have caught people, you all go back to 11."

Zefa said to Hancock and the ghost spider

At this time, the soldiers brought out all the captured Kidd, Kira and others

Kira wanted to take the ships, but Zefa easily killed them.

Although Zefa broke an arm and suffered from injuries, it was easy to deal with Kira and others.

It's still the same as before

None of them died.

The so-called hunting is just taking the initiative to catch pirates.

The ghost spider frowned and said, "Teacher, hand them over to Xihai."

The pirates who committed crimes in the West China Sea were handed over to the West China Sea Navy, which made sense.

Moreover, after being handed over to the West Sea Navy, ghost spiders can ask them to be executed publicly.

Killing chickens and monkeys, in order to be effective.

Zefa said, "They need to receive a just trial."

Isn't Judicial Island just a formality?

However, the ghost spider is not insisting.

Bi Jingzefa is his teacher.

Moreover, the people were caught by Zefa.

"Huh!" Hancock was a little angry and upset. She thought she could catch Kidd with her own hands and hand it to Lynn.

Unexpectedly, Zefa was taken first.

"Kid and the gang have been captured by Teacher Zefa. The 3.5 billion Baileys robbed of your chamber

Return it after the inventory is completed."The phone worm imitated the lazy expression and tone of the green pheasant

"Thank you, General Zefa, for me."

After Lynn thanked him, the green pheasant ended the call.

Arc rush imitated Bartolomio’s unwilling expression, "Brother, sorry, we

Still a little slower."Lynn said, "It's not to blame you, isn't it already caught?""

"However, I failed to kill them myself."

Bartolomeo was still reluctant.

If they were to get to the island first, Kidd would definitely not survive.

"Life and death, it is a good deterrent, you have done a good job."

Lynn didn't worry about Kidd's fate.

Because in a very short period of time, all forces in the world were alarmed and Kidd was captured.

This is already a show, a big show that attracts the attention of the whole world.

Lynn just needs to continue to hype this topic now.

For business people, heat is the most important

Sure enough, the newspapers the next day were all about Kidd’s arrest.

The arrest is second.

How to try and convict, this still needs to go through the judicial island.

However, the people who participated in this arrest are the focus.

Former thousand admiral Zefa.

Head lieutenant general ghost spider.

Hancock, the empress of one of the seven Wuhai.

A pirate who just made his debut was arrested by these people for robbing the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

When I think about it, Kidd is a bit miserable.

And this is also the best warning to warn pirates around the world not to provoke the Lynn Chamber of Commerce easily

Otherwise, they will receive the same treatment.

Kidd's matter came to a close with the trial on Judicial Island.

Lynn did not make a special request, demanding that he must be sentenced to death.

Spandam usually didn't take advantage of Lynn's under-receiving, so he sentenced Kidd and the group to final imprisonment.

In his opinion, Kidd is only 21 years old and sentenced to a life imprisonment, which is more painful than the death penalty.

"This guy named Kidd is terrible."

"I was sentenced to a life imprisonment at the age of 21."

"For those who yearn for freedom, this is not as good as the death penalty."

"what do y'all think?"

A small boat is sailing on the sea.

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