Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 169

"Sure enough, as pretty as the rumors."

Lynn praised Stracy.

"President Lynn is more handsome than the rumors." Stracy also praised.

"Please sit down." Lynn stretched out his hand and motioned to talk on the sofa.

Lynn and Stracy sitting face to face

Nuoqigao has made coffee.

Lynn asked, "Is there anything wrong with Miss Stracy here this time?"

He knew that Stracy was here to catch his breath.

However, he pretended not to know the identity of the other party at all.

Stracy came here, naturally, has his own'reason'.

Streisey said, "The president also knows what I am doing. In the past six months, the president has been in the New World.

The successful introduction of credit cards made me want to introduce it to Happy Street."Lynn Square, and Tezolo's entertainment city, have introduced the concept of credit card consumption.

Bi Jing, credit card consumption needs to assess personal credit and wealth, and repayment ability

"Welcome to join the consumption system of our chamber of commerce."

Lynn naturally showed welcome.

At this time, Stracy asked, "I recently heard that the White Beard Pirates had an accident. I don’t know the chairman.

Did you get any news?"It's no secret that Lynn and the Four Emperors have a cooperation agreement.

Otherwise, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce will not be able to spread its outlets to the new world, let alone obtain the new world.

The right to trade.Lynn can definitely get news of the White Beard Pirates' accident.

Moreover, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce also has its own intelligence network.

Lynn said, "It is regrettable that Saatchi was killed in the fourth division."

"The big taboo within the White Beard Pirates is that they must never hurt their companions. Now this kind of thing has happened.

Love, the White Beard Pirates must be angry."Strressy followed Lynn's words and continued.

Lynn said, "Yes, the second division captain Ace asked me not long ago, I hope I can mention

For help."Lynn cooperated surprisingly.

This made Streisie frown.

There is no need for idioms at all, Lynn explained it himself?

Does Lynn know his identity.

Lynn asked with a smile, "What else does Miss Stracy want to know?"

Without changing her face, Streisie said calmly, "It seems that the president Xianniu really knows many things."

Don’t be guilty at all, as long as you come to me for help, I’ll help as much as possible so I’ll try

Lin En said: "I'm just a businessman, and I am more sensitive to any movement, so I try to give Lin En's answer. I have already told Shi (Zhao? Zhao) Tracy.

Ace came to him for help, and he promised to help.

Stracy said, "I can understand the position of the president. I want to survive in troubled times.

It's an easy thing, but some things should be kept away as far as possible so as not to be affected."Thank you Miss Streisey for reminding me. I know my position very well, so I won't do stupid things."

Lynn heard Stracy's suggestion.

It’s not so much a suggestion from Streisey, it’s better to remind Lynn on behalf of CP0.

Don't cross the red line to make up.

After watching Streisie leave, Lynn knew that CP0’s bedroom should have appeared inside the Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, as soon as Ace came to Lynn for help, Stracy would come to check it out.

Chapter 224: Agents facing the collection day!


There will definitely be.

Lynn was not surprised by this and didn't bother to investigate.

There are many staff in the headquarters and branches of the Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, the number of security recruits in the chamber of commerce is also very large.

It is very difficult to carry out a large-scale screening first.

Moreover, those who can become undercover agents are all rigorously trained agents.

Agents are good at disguising and hiding identities.

The most typical is the agent of CP9.

Now they are still disguised in the City of Ten Waters, in order to capture the plan of Pluto, they still have to endure the pain of working overtime.

Of course, Stracy came directly to Lynn.

This is also a good thing, which proves that CP0 is more at ease with Lynn.

At least Lynn is not currently showing threat.

Merchants, how big a threat can there be.

Doflamingo and Kaido joined forces to sell weapons and even sold them to the Revolutionary Army.

Tianlong people don't care either.

Because of their cooperation, it is impossible to shake the rule of the Dragonites.

As long as Lynn doesn't touch the bottom line.

For example, don't touch the historical text, don't reveal the blank one hundred years of history.

Or unlike 563 Locks, he didn't take the initiative to attack the Dragonites.

Then, the Tianlong people can feel at ease.

In fact, Lynn has been suspicious of one thing.

Is there anything threatening the rule of the Dragonites on the final island of Ravdell?

If it exists, then Raleigh and others followed Roger to the Rafdel.

Why is it that only Roger's blood is hunted down, while Lei Li and others can retreat smoothly.

Even if Raleigh's identity was exposed, the world government did not pursue it all.

Can it be understood that even if ordinary people know the things on the island, they cannot subvert the world government?

Or, another guess.

Only a family of D, whose name has D’s incognito name and is associated with the Great Kingdom, is qualified to'subvert the world government after boarding Ravdell and knowing the truth.

However, everything is just Lynn's guess.

If you want to verify all this, you need Robin and others to bring (bdbc) more letters

Rain ground.

Shaklockdal called a meeting

The plan to capture Alabastan has never been stopped

Robin wants to stop the darkness and get the historical text

She is conflicted.


However, she is still very selfish, she wants to know the truth of history.

At this moment, Miss. is reading the bill with two fingers.

This is the credit card bill from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

She spent 9 million Baileys last month, and now it’s the repayment date.

"Mr. 1, lend me some money."

Miss·Two fingers said to Mr.1

This is not the first time she was borrowed from Mr.1

Miss. Golden Week folded her face with her hands, and said to Mr.3 with a sad look: "If you can, lend me some too."

There is also a collection note in front of her.

She bought more than 8 million Baileys last month.

Mr.1 sternly said, "This is the last time."

Subsequently, Mr.1 took out one million Baileys and lent two fingers to Miss.

As a partner.

Mr. 1 face cold and warm

"Ah, it's saved."

Miss held a stack of banknotes with both fingers, and he was relieved.


miss·Golden Week blinked, looking at Mr.3 with a pitiful face

Mr.3 took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket with an expression of disgust.

Probably only 200,000 Baileys.

Not even the minimum repayment amount is enough.

"How come there is only so little, your money."

Miss Golden Week said wronged.

"There is only so much, I am also waiting for the boss to pay."

Mr.3 is different from Mr.1, a straight steel man, he will also enjoy life

Last month, he just went to the Water Capital for a holiday and spent a lot of money.

miss·Golden Week looked at Mr.2 again

However, von Krei is poorer than them.

All her money is spent on high fashion and cosmetics

"You should also exercise restraint."

At this time, Robin came over, and at the same time, Robin also took out an envelope and threw it to miss Golden Week

There is a million Baileys in it.

"Thank you Miss. AllSunday, when I receive the big task, I will return it to you

miss golden week holding money and saying happily

At this moment, Shaklockdal came over.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

Shakrokdal has just passed the monitoring device and has heard the conversations of his subordinates.

The credit cards issued by the Lynn Chamber of Commerce are not as exaggerated as loan sharks, but there are always people who spend too much time

Even the agents under Shakrokdal are now Kanu.

However, it is not all bad.

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