Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 170

In order to pay back the credit card, the agents are working actively.

For example, Feng Kelei completed 43 single tasks last month.

"Now the situation in Alabastan is bad, and soon we will take this place. If we succeed in taking this country, everyone will have a bonus of more than 200 million Baileys."

In order to capture Alabastan, Shakhrokdal was also willing to make money.

Over the years, he has worked with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, and he has made money.

What's more, in addition to the bounty task of the Baroque Job Club itself, there is also the casino business.

Chapter 225: This matter may involve Lynn!

Alabastan is the capital of Albana.

In the palace, Cobra is worrying about the rebels.

The rebels have crossed the Santo River and have stationed their base camp in Katlea

Katlea is not far from Albana.

The rebels should launch an attack on Gandu soon!

However, the only good thing is that Rape Flower Port has not been attacked.

"Your Majesty, General Dewitt has led the northern army to help the capital."

At this time, Bell walked behind Bra and said to Cobra.

"Hey, if you can, better not go to war."

Cobra has now adopted the advice of the Minister of Military Affairs and is ready to rely on Albana to launch a countermeasure.

At the same time, Cobra mobilized troops from all over the kingdom to prepare for a decisive battle with the rebels

Cobra really did not want to fight the rebels.

Because of this decisive battle, the strength of both sides will exceed one million.

The number of casualties caused is a result that Mibula cannot accept.

Of course, if he can win, Cobra can still maintain his rule.

"Your Majesty, we need more support."

At this time, the Secretary of the Interior Gilbert said.

"Hey, it's a pity that President Lynn remains neutral."

Cobra was in tears. If the Lynn Chamber of Commerce can support them, this war might be avoided.

It only needs the Linn Chamber of Commerce to interrupt the supply of supplies to the rebels.

The rebels did not have enough supplies to conduct long and large-scale battles.

However, fortunately, Lynn is neutral, he sold supplies to both parties.


Lu Fei and his gang met Vivi and learned of the disaster in Alabastan from Vivi.

Alabastan is now in danger.

Luffy's position is not good or evil. He and Weiwei became friends and wanted to help their friends.

Weiwei said, "I suspect that Shakrokdal is behind the rebels."

"Are you talking about Shakrokdal, one of Xiawuhai?"

Nami was the first to react.

She has been paying attention to major events in the world over the years.

"Yeah." Weiwei nodded, "I now have mastered Shaklockdal to support the rebels.

Evidence of weapons."Weiwei is the same as in the past, undercover in the Baroque work agency.

She thought that by finding out the messenger behind the scenes, she would be able to resolve the uprising in Alabastan.

Rockdale and Lynn are a cooperative relationship.It’s that simple, if I remember correctly, Shaq

Nami said, "I didn't think about it. Nami remembered the photo of Lynn and Shaklockdal a few years ago.

At that time Lynn and Shak Rock Dahl were both the saviors of Alabastan

Sanji frowned and asked, "Is this also related to Lynn?"

If Lynn is involved, it will be very troublesome.

Usopp immediately retorted, "Impossible, Uncle Lynn is a good man, so he won’t hurt him.

Things that hurt Weiwei's country."Luffy and Suo Jiang also looked at Weiwei.

Weiwei replied, "Although the Lynn Chamber of Commerce also sells supplies to the rebels, it also sells supplies.

The materials are given to the Royal Army, and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce has always maintained a neutral position, and it has also given Alabastan many employment opportunities."Even Weiwei will not slander Lynn directly.

Because Lynn did a good deed, he brought more work to the people of Alabastan and more

good life.The prosperity of the Canola Flower Port has already surpassed that of Albana.

Weiwei has also been to Rape Flower Harbor for shopping, there is really a world of flowers.

There is no war, it is peaceful and safe.

"I'll just say, it can't be related to Uncle Lynn."

Usopp put his hands on his chest, he would never allow anyone to slander Lynn

Because Lynn is his benefactor.

If there was no Lynn, then his mother Bencina would have died of illness.

In fact, except for Weiwei, everyone on the boat has been blessed by Lin, and they don’t believe Lin.

En Hui is the man behind Alabastan."Well, now is not the time to talk about Lynn."

Nami pulled the topic back and said to Vivi, "Although it has nothing to do with Lynn, but Lynn

He is a collaborator with Shakerlockdale, and Lynn is very concerned about the spirit of the contract. If Shakerlockdale is to be defeated, Lynn can't just sit idly by.Said Usopp, "Nami is right, Uncle Lynn may not leave it alone."

"I won't draw a knife to Lynn."

Suo dropped a direct statement.

Lynn taught him too much.

Usopp said: "I'm even less likely to point my gun at Uncle Lynn."

Seeing them express their opinions, and they were very embarrassed, Weiwei looked dim

Maybe Alabastan is indeed doomed.

Luffy saw Weiwei holding her knees with her hands and burying her head on her knees, scratching violently.

Head, "It’s so troublesome. Just knock him down. After you knock him down, you can think about other things." Luffy’s logic is very simple.

However, this can only be done for now.

If you don’t do anything because you care about Lynn, then Vivi would be too pitiful

Nami murmured, "Is this really okay?"

Lu Fei said, "Weiwei is also our friend.

Believe that Lynn will understand the towel."

Chapter 226: Lynn's arrangement!

Why people feel tired

I always feel many restrictions. In fact, the so-called restrictions are the shackles I put on myself.

Such as favor

Lynn is kind to Suo Jiang and Usopp.

When they heard that the matter might be related to Lynn, they were tied up because of Lynn.

They think they can't take revenge

According to the logic of human relations, they are correct

However, Luffy is different from them.

Luffy is very reckless and does not consider the consequences.

He felt that as long as he defeated Shakrokdal, the problem would be solved.

Solve problems with your fists, simple and rude.

As for whether it will trigger the follow-up question "Five Five Zero"?

For example, it caused a conflict with Lynn and so on.

Luffy didn't think about these things at all, because if he cared so much, then he would not make the choice to help Weiwei.

Shanks chose Luffy for the most part because of the seemingly reckless momentum of Luffy.

Perhaps in most cases it is a kind of "stupid" performance.

For example, in the eyes of Doflamingo, Luffy is an idiot.

However, it was because of so much carelessness that Luffy dared to do some crazy things that ordinary people can't imagine.

This aspect is something that Doflamingo can’t do, which is why Doflamingo can’t reach the culmination.

Rain, in the base camp of Shakrokdal.

After Shaklockdal learned of the Whiskey Peak incident, he sent someone to investigate immediately

As a result, a group of pirates from the East China Sea appeared in his field of vision.

"The Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Where is the kid who popped up, do you want to come and die?"

Shaklockdal had never heard of Luffy's name.

Because of Lynn's intervention, Donghai's appearance has long since changed.

The evil dragon gang that was supposed to be entrenched in Kokoyashi Village was killed, and Colonel Mouse was also killed by the Lynn Chamber

Because of this, Luffy has not been officially rewarded so far.

Robin said: "Maybe I want to challenge you and become famous in one fell swoop."

Since Roger became the Queen of Pirates.

There are more pirates who want to challenge Roger and become the new one-piece king than a crucian carp crossing the river.

After Roger's death, the era was named after White Beard, and there were countless people who challenged White Beard.

And Shaklockdal is one of them

Therefore, Shark Rockdale can understand the reason given by Robin.

If you can defeat Shakrokdal, it will definitely make a sensation in the world.

"Yes." Shaklockdal said disapprovingly, "then count Mr3 and miss

Solve them during Golden Week."Able to eliminate so many bounty hunters from Whiskey Peak.

The strength of Lu Fei's group is naturally not weak.

In order to avoid the task overturning, Shakrokdal decided to send a reliable person

"Yeah." Robin responded and went to arrange the task.

However, although Robin arranged a task for Mr.3, she herself waited for Luffy.

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