Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 171

People are curious.The young pirate who dared to challenge Shakrokdal.

In this era, there are too few.

Now that the pirates heard the name of Shakrokdal, they were already fleeing in fright.

Out of curiosity, Robin decided to take a look.

Bi Jing Lufei revealed that his full name is Monkey D. Lufei.

This name is related to two incredible characters.

One is Monkey D. Karp.

The other is Monkey D. Dorag

Shark Rockdale learns of the accident at Whiskey Peak.

Lynn also got relevant information at the first time

Lynn also has a liaison office at Whiskey Peak.

"The one who should come is to come."

Lynn muttered to himself with his cigar in his mouth.

In the battle between Luffy and Shaklockdal, the winning rate was 0.001%.

According to the analysis of personal strength, Luffy is absolutely impossible to win.

However, Shakrokdal's personality has a fatal "flaw".

That is to look down on the opponent.

Especially look down on the weak

The country is easy to change and its nature is hard to change.

Lynn treats any opponent, as long as he moves to kill, it is a lion fighting a rabbit, doing his best.

However, Shakrokdal is different.

He is like a cat playing with a mouse, he likes to play, and finally kills himself.

In addition, the rustle fruit is afraid of water's'weakness'

Therefore, Luffy still has the possibility of defeating Shakrokdal.

It’s just that Shaklockdal was influenced by Lynn.

Rise a lot.

Can Luffy really seize the tiny chance of victory?If Lu Fei was killed by Shak Rock Dahl, who should reveal the truth of history?1.

Lynn doesn't expect Charlotte Lingling and Kaido.

The minds of these guys are all placed on the world of hegemony, restraining each other and segregating one side.

Only the straw hat group is on the ocean, the only one who is mainly adventurous and can cooperate with Robin

, The team that uncovered historical truth.

"It seems that we have to intervene in the end." Lynn has already made a decision.

Wan Yifei was defeated. Before he and Robin were dying, Lynn decided to help

Otherwise, Shak Rockdale's character would really kill Lu Fei and Robin.

As for the reason for the intervention, that is too much.

It is impossible for Shaklockdal to give birth to Lynn.

Chapter 227: Robin's'spare tire'!

small garden.

Luffy and others still defeated Mr3 and miss Golden Week.

But what really surprised Weiwei was that Robin actually came in person.

Weiwei met Robin and knew that Robin was the vice president of the Baroque Work Society and Shakrokdal's deputy.

"Is she an enemy too?"

Through Vivi’s face like an enemy, Nami immediately looked at Robin vigilantly

Weiwei said: "She, she is Shakrokdal's deputy and the vice president of the Baroque Work Club!"


Usopp immediately raised his gun and aimed it at Robin.

Sanji was smoking a cigarette and stood by without reacting.

Suo Jiang didn't draw his sword either because he didn't feel the murderous aura from Robin.

Robin is not here to kill.

Luffy just defeated Mr. 3 and miss Golden Week.At this time, he looked at Robin, 13 "Do you want to be our opponent too?"

"Don't be nervous." Robin said with a smile, "I just came to see it out of curiosity."

"Curious?" doubts appeared on Nami's face.

Robin asked, "Do you know who you are offending?"

Nami replied, "Shakhrokdal, one of Wuhai under the king."

"It seems that you don't understand anything."

Robin shook his head and said to everyone in a regretful tone, "No pirates who have entered Alabastan over the years have left alive.

"No one left alive!"

Usopp swallowed subconsciously, he was still a little timid.

"Yes, Princess Vivi should know this best."

Robin smiled and looked at Weiwei.

Shakrokdal became the hero of Alabastan because of his record

All the pirates who plundered Alabastan were killed by Shakrokdal.

Weiwei pursed her mouth and nodded gently.

Nami asked, "So, are you warning us not to enter Alabastan?

"I'm just out of curiosity. As for whether you want to enter Alabastan, that is your choice."

Robin is not here to remind Lu Fei and the others.

But "testing the new

If she is satisfied with the performance of Luffy and others, then she will abandon Shaklockdal

This is her way of saving these years.

Send, parasite on others, until the other party loses the value of use.

Shakrokdal's ambitions were too great.

Sooner or later, more trouble will be incurred.

The world government will not let Shakrokdal find ancient weapons.

Fortunately, Robin will find a spare tire every time he makes a job change.

"So what?" Luffy asked back.

Robin looked into Luffy’s eyes and said, “As long as you enter Alabastan, you won’t be able to live. For your own safety, for the safety of the crew, as the captain, you need to think about it.”

Weiwei was also a little shaken at this time.

In fact, Robin was right. The death rate of being an enemy of Shaklockdal is too high.

There is almost no possibility of survival.

Luffy said, "As long as I can defeat Krokdal, everyone will be safe."

The logic is really incomprehensible.

However, Robin saw in Luffy a courage that no one can intervene, as well as the persistence of looking for the target and never changing.

"Have both Mr3 and Miss Golden Week been defeated?"

Shark Rockdale frowned, the news that Mr3 and Miss were defeated during Golden Week, indeed

Surprisingly.At this time, the phone worm imitated Robin's voice and expression, "I have arranged for M2 to accept

Service."By the way, Mr.3 and miss golden week will be resolved."

Shakrokdal showed no mercy to the agents who failed the mission.


Robin ended the call.

When Mr2 is going to intercept the Straw Hat Pirates

The commercial street in Canola Flower Harbor is undergoing a talent show

"As long as you spend 1,000 Baileys in a shop, you can get a referral ticket and spend 10

000 Bailey can get ten tickets.""The 10 girls with the highest recommended votes will become the image representative of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce this year.

Speakers."The image spokesperson will get a star contract worth 0,235 billion Baileys!""

"All girls who pursue their dreams can participate!"

On the outdoor stage, the host is introducing the rules of the event.

At this time, Zhou Yong has gathered a large number of passersby

This is the talent show just launched by the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

At present, audition will be conducted all over the world. In the era of lack of entertainment, the audition program will definitely

Attract attention.Of course, the goal is also to make money.

The 5 billion Bailey contract alone is attractive enough.

Ordinary girl, became a superstar

The gimmick is too much.

The method is also very simple.

As long as you spend, you can get recommended votes, and girls need to use all means to get votes.

Fan economy, rice circle culture, and flow monetization are Lynn’s new means of stimulating consumption

The location of the draft is in the commercial street, as well as Lynn Square everywhere.

There will be no less natural traffic in a lively place.

Where there are people, it can drive consumption.

As long as he keeps spending, Lynn will have endless money.

Chapter 228: Ace's request!

Ess tracked Titch and came to the kingdom of drums

However, he was still slower.

So Ace came to Alabastan again.

Inside the rape flower harbor.

Ace came directly to the liaison office of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

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