Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 172

"I'm Ace, the second division captain of the White Beard Pirates. I'm here to visit President Linn."

When Ace spoke, he had already taken out the credit card.

A credit card can prove his identity.

"Please wait, this will help you declare."

After verifying Ace's identity, the staff of the liaison office immediately reported the news of Ace's arrival to Nuoqigao.

Nuoqigao told Lynn.

Subsequently, Lynn sent someone to receive Ace from the branch.

"Wow." When Ace came to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce branch, he could only use an eye-opener to describe his current mood.

The tiles on the ground are all gilded.

The elevator has a strong desert style of Alabastan.

It is not only made of pure gold, but also inlaid with various gems.

"You are too rich."

Ace couldn't help but sigh.

"Here, please." Under Webber's guidance, Ace came to Lynn's office

Lynn offered to extend his hand, "Long time no see."

Ace' hum, and after shaking hands with Lynn, he sat on the sofa and pressed

Leather sofa, really comfortable

Lynn asked, "Is there any progress in tracking?"

In fact, he asked knowingly.

If Ace makes progress, he won't come to Lynn.

Ace said, "I just came from Drum Island. Titch now calls himself Blackbeard, and was there more than two months ago."

When talking about this, Ace said with some embarrassment, "Although it is hard to tell, I am really not good at finding people, so I need more help from you

"I will try my best to help you, after all we are friends."

Lynn replied.

"Thank you, then I'll go first."

Ace will stay soon, and he intends to continue to inquire about Titch in Alabastan.



When Lu Fei and others arrived at Canola Flower Harbor, Nami and Usopp heard someone calling her name.

They looked for reputation, and saw Nuoqigao beckoning at her.

"Nami, it's Nuojigo and Keya."

Usopp immediately waved at Nuoqigao and Keya.

Because of Lynn, they all know each other

Nuoqigao and Keya ran over.

"Huh." Na Mei's face was unhappy.

Nuojigo knew that Nami was still'angry.

Because Lynn refused to take Nami on the boat, and also took Nuojigo.

This makes Nami feel unfair.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, Nami-chan."

Nuoji Gao coaxed Nami, and at the same time, she turned into a credit card like magic

This is an SSR credit card.

"This is my card. I have covered all your consumption today."

Nuoqigao coaxed his sister just the same as before.

"It's almost the same." Nami took the credit card.

"Where is Uncle Lynn?"

After seeing Kaya, Usopp asked immediately

Keya replied, "Lynn is busy with the draft recently."

Na asked curiously, "What draft?"

Keya replied, "It seems to be choosing the spokesperson for the Lynn Chamber of Commerce. The top ten can get

Won a contract worth 5 billion Baileys.""50, 5 billion Baileys!"

Only Bailey's symbol is left in Nami's eyes

Nuoqigao added: "Yes, and it is a worldwide audition. Anyone can participate.

"I want to participate!"

Nami raised her hand and said excitedly.

At this moment, Nuoqigao looked at Robin and Vivi not far away.

Robin smiled slightly at Nuoji

"Where to sign up, take me there!"

Nami grabbed Nuoqigao's hand

Usopp complained, "Nami, don't you want to draw a map of the world?"

"But, this is 5 billion Baileys!"

Nami is also interested in money.

"If you want to participate, I have no objection, but this draft has just begun and it will be the end of the year.

In order to win, the contestants have to cooperate with various business performances and roadshows, as well as the corresponding singing and dance training. As Nuoqigao said, he raised his finger to Nami, "Do you have so much time and patience?

Especially patient.

Although Nami is interested in making charts, she has other things.

Nuojigo knows Nami.

"Ah, it will take so long"

Nami lowered her head and instantly lost interest.

Nuoqigao said, "Let’s go to the food court to eat first, and then take you to buy things.


"Eat, eat!"

Luffy said excitedly.

Suo Jiang is looking around

He is looking for Guina.

It's just that Guina didn't show up

This makes Suo Jiang a little disappointed. He has gone to sea to practice for so many years, day and night looking forward to meeting Gu Yi

Na (the money is good) fight again."The food here is too delicious."

"A lot of delicacies are uneaten."

"What is this meat? Why is it so fragrant."

"Ingredients I have never seen before."

Lu Fei and others followed Nuoqigao and Keya to the food court.

The food court in Canola Flower Harbor is quite exaggerated.

Because Rape Flower Port is Lynn’s first industrial area on the Great Sea Route.

Therefore, there are the most new things here.

Ingredients from the New World, as well as high-quality ingredients from all over the world, will be shipped here.

A holiday in Canola Flower Harbor has become a new destination for the rich.

Nuoqigao said: "Ace was here a few days ago."

"Really?!" Luffy immediately stopped delivering meat to his mouth

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine: The Trap of Shaklockdal!

"Yeah, he was looking for a guy named Titch recently.

Nuoqigao continued.

"Then where is he now?" Luffy missed Ace very much.

Nuoqigao said: "It should be in Yoba now. I don't know where it is. If you want to find him, I can ask the Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to you."

"Hey, please trouble you guys."

Luffy is also not welcome.

Because Linn set up the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce in Windmill Village, he and the people in the Linn Chamber of Commerce are still very familiar

Moreover, Lynn brought Nuoji high and others with him, so they all have friendship.

When Nuojigo talked with Lu Fei and others, Robin listened silently.

Judging from the content of the conversation, Luffy and Lynn are very close.

Moreover, it is not generally cooked.

After dinner, Nuoqigao accompanied Nami and others to go shopping.

All the storefronts they passed by had the 1yn logo on all the signs

At this time, Nami asked, "Are all the shops here opened by Lin?"

"Not all, but the stores here belong to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce. If you want to open a store here, you must be a member of the Chamber of Commerce."

Nuojigo walked 947 while answering Nami's question.

"Oh." Nami thought these were all Lynn's properties.

Nuoqigao understands Nami very well. She put Nami on her shoulders and said with a smile, "Every item sold here requires a handling fee, which is at least 12% of the transaction price. In fact, this place is equivalent to Lin En's industry is just handed over to them for operation."

"12% of each item?"

Nami's eyes flashed with Bailey's symbol again.

Robin complained, "Lynn is richer than you and I thought, and he is a greedy vampire."

She goes to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce to reconcile the accounts every quarter.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce issued the task and handed it over to the Baroque Work Society to complete.

It was originally a relatively simple process.

However, if the reward for completing a task is 1 million Baileys, then Lynn will have to take 18%

This 18% is channel fee

In short, it is through the channel of Lynn that the two parties can reach cooperation. Therefore, the channel fee must be paid

Shakrokdal will also draw half, and finally the money in the hands of the bounty hunter is only 410,000 Bailey

Strictly speaking, bounty hunters are also working for Lynn.

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