Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 173

Nuoqigao said: "Lynn is a businessman, so you can't let him not make money."

Nami and Usopp nodded at the same time.

This makes sense!

After Nuojigo and Keya accompanied Lu Fei and the others for a whole day of eating, drinking and having fun, they went back to the branch respectively.

They still have their own work to be busy.

Nuoqigao is responsible for reconciliation.

Keya is going to the hospital for consultation.

Nami wanted to visit the Lynn Chamber of Commerce branch.

However, although they had a great time today, Weiwei’s affairs are urgent and they must

It must be dealt with as soon as possible.Therefore, after they separated from Nuoqigao and Keya, they bought camels and prepared to go to the rainy land.

Go to the rain to defeat Shaklockdal

at the same time.

Shakhrokdal also learned of the contact between Nuojigo and the Straw Hats.

Shaklockdal contacted Lynn directly with the phone worm

"I know what you want to ask."

Before Shakrockdal could speak, Lynn said first.

(Bdee) Shaklockdal said to Lynn, "I don’t know what your relationship is

, However, it was the straw hats who took the initiative to provoke me."

The implication was that Shakrokdal had no reason to lose this time.When you come out, you have the strength to make sense.

Lynn is very strong and is Shak Rock Dahl's collaborator.

They try to be reasonable

Lynn said, "I can understand, and I respect your handling."

Shaklockdal said: "Since you said so, then I won't be merciful."


Lynn ended the call.

In fact, if it’s not for Lynn’s face, Shaklockdal might be in Canola Harbor

Just started with Lu Fei and others.

However, now that he has said hello, Lynn has not made a special statement.Shaklockdal will also solve the people who get in the way in his own way.

At the sign of Shakrokdal, the agents of the Baroque studio put thousands of straw hats forward

Let Lu Fei and the others come to the rain directly.

Shakhrokdahl didn't pay much attention to Lu Fei and others.

Although they successfully defeated Mr.3 and miss Golden Week.

But they have not yet experienced the real horror.

"We need to develop a complete plan."

Usopp has prepared the telescope. He is like a special forces soldier and wants to make

Subordinates of the beheading plan.

However, Luffy didn't even listen.

Suo Jiang also said, "Go straight in and knock them down." "I think so too."

Sanji said with a cigarette in his mouth.

Lu Fei said, "So what are you waiting for."

Led by Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirates rushed directly to the casino.

On the way, monitor the image worms to fully monitor their movements.

Robin was not with them.

Because she has noticed something is wrong.

It's too quiet.

There was no defense at all, as if he hadn't noticed the arrival of the straw hats.

This is too smooth.

Obviously, this is a trap that Shaklockdal deliberately arranged.

Chapter 230: Sure enough, there is a huge difference in strength!

Lu Fei and the others rushed into the casino smoothly and quickly found the elevator to the underground.

"Congratulations on reaching the end."

Shakrokdal sat in the boss chair of the office, watching Luffy, So, Sanji and others who broke into the office.

His gaze specifically fell on Luffy's body.

"It's really touching to be able to do this to help partners."

Shakrokdal said to himself, his expression as if he didn't pay attention to Luffy and others at all.

"But, it's a pity, the game is over."

Shakrokdal has set everything up, ready to give Cobra the final blow and take the country completely

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Luffy clenched his head.

After he came to Alabastan, he saw a very prosperous city in Canola Flower Harbor.

People in other places have a hard life.

These people are old people and children, young people can run, all fled to Canola Flower Harbor.

And Luffy also found dancing fans.

From Robin's mouth, he learned the danger of dancing fans.

Of course, these are not the most important.

Luffy does not have such a strong sense of justice.

He just thinks Weiwei is a friend and a partner.

Friends and partners cry and feel uncomfortable, it is a fact that he cannot accept

"I know I will defeat you here!"

Luffy gritted his teeth, and then rushed directly to Shaklockdal.


Luffy's fist' penetrated Shakrokdal's body.


Shakrokdal looked at Luffy and the others in the Straw Hats.

"Is it only this level?!"

I saw Shakrockdal grabbing Luffy's neck.

Directly absorb the moisture in Luffy's body.

Afterwards, he threw Lu Fei aside.

As for the others.

"I don't have time to play this house game where the brave defeats the devil with you."

When Shakrokdal spoke, his body had already turned into flying sand.

Subsequently, the vent in the office disappeared.

"Don't run!"

Luffy was lying on the ground, still not giving up.


Shakrokdal was already ready.

His office is a trap.

A cage made of Hailou stone.

As Shakrokdal left, the sea tower stone cage in the office fell and Lu Fei and the others were all locked inside.


At the same time, the office began to release water.


Prepare to drown Lu Fei and others directly.

Although there are other ways to kill them, this method is simpler


You can also have the pleasure of crushing the opponent with IQ.

As for the use of force?

Shark Rockdale felt that there was no need to move another finger.

At this point, the car is ready outside the casino.

It is dragged by the F-crocodile whose speed is second only to the fast running duck.

Robin saw Shark Rockdale come out.

"Let's go, go to Albana."

Shakrokdal got in the car.

Robin glanced at the casino.

From Lu Fei and others rushed in, and then came out of Shak Rock Dahl.

This process is too short

Although she felt sorry, she still got in the car with Shak Rock Dahl.

The historical text is waiting for her.

However, this time it was Usopp who saved Lu Fei and others.

Usopp stayed outside cautiously.

After Shakrokdal left, came to the rescue immediately

Shakhrokdal's car was driving fast.

At this time, he took out the phone worm and contacted Lynn

"I have solved them."

After solving the straw hat gang, say hello to Lynn again. This is not provocation, but respect.

Before and after the hands, I told Lynn.

"Really." Lynn's reaction was calm, as if there was no mood swing at all.

Like Ping Lufei's life and death, nothing has to do with him.

This surprised Shaklockdal.

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