Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 177

Suo Jiang was full of murderous aura, and he has never slackened in pursuit of Guina over the years.

Coupled with the guidance Lynn gave him, he made rapid progress in Kendo.

However, the gap in strength is too great.

The green pheasant just chopped forward with the ice saber, and then chopped the rope down a hundred meters away.

Suo Jiang's talent is not bad, but there are monsters above the genius.

The green pheasant belongs to the monster group.

"I won't let you hurt Robin Sauce!"

Usopp was not entangled with arms, all the domineering bullets passed through the body of the green pheasant.

Did not cause the slightest damage to the green pheasant.

"He is stronger than Shak Rock Dahl."

This is Luffy's evaluation of the green pheasant.

There is just no thought of backing down.

Until Luffy was frozen by the green pheasant

If it’s not for the relationship between Luffy and Karp, the green pheasant can freeze Luffy’s blood vessels, then Luffy will


The green pheasant was still not willing to start.

He didn't want to kill Luffy.

Robin appeared in front of Lu Fei at this time, blocking the green pheasant.The green pheasant pinched Robin's neck with one hand.

You only need to release the frozen air to end all this.

Robin closed his eyes too.


After all, the green pheasant is still soft-hearted, he can't solve Robin himself

Chapter 235: The importance of the son of the devil!

As long as Robin is alive, the knowledge that Robin has may cause even greater disaster.

It's just that the green pheasant is unwilling to do it.

Therefore, he handed Robin's matter to Spandam.

Blue blue

Blue blue

The phone worm called.

Lu Qi rubbed his eyes and picked up the phone bug with a tired look.

It's Spandham.

In an unquestionable tone, Spandam ordered: "Nicole Robin is about to arrive in the city of water

, Catch her for me."I see" Lu Qi ended the call

Then Lu Qi-lay back on the bed.

He worked overtime until eight in the morning yesterday

The shift had just been handed over at nine, and when I returned to the dormitory, I was already very sleepy.

Okay one day and two days

However, in a month, there are at least 20 days to work overtime.

Work overtime at least four hours at a time.

Even an agent trained in devilish horror can't hold it anymore

Because working overtime is scarier than practicing.

However, Nicole Robin's name still awakened Lu Qi's spirit.

The son of the Devil

Her existence is not a good thing for the world.

The Straw Hat Pirates arrived in the City of Ten Waters.

As soon as the ship arrived at the port, I saw a huge billboard with the 1yn' logo.

It used to be the capital of water, now it is the capital of ten waters·1yn

Let people subconsciously think that this is actually the site of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

Sure enough, flags and patterns with the'yn' logo can be seen everywhere.

Whether it’s a street stall or a shop along the street, even the transportation here is 1y

symbols of.

The symbol of 1yn' is everywhere. This is the intuitive feeling of Luffy and others

"This necklace is so beautiful

"Nami, Nami, buy me a book."

Chopper tugged at Nami, trying to take Nami's attention away from the jewelry store

The biggest difference between the City of Seven Waters and Alabastan is the cultural differences between the two places.

The Seven Waters are famous for shipbuilding, so all the goods here are related to ships

For example, the popular necklace is the word for Behemoth

At this time, a man wearing a mask walked by Robin's side.

Lu Fei and the others are some distance away from Robin, and did not hear what the man said.

However, Robin looked gloomy after listening to the man.

The one that should have come is here, she never escaped after all.

at the same time.

Spandam came to the Seven Waters Capital Branch of the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

"Under the construction of the president, the city of water is becoming more and more prosperous. Everyone here is

Thank you Mr. Chairman."

As soon as they met, Spandam praised Lynn.

"Chief Spandam is too polite." Lynn responded calmly.He knew what Spandam was here for.

Then Lynn snapped his fingers.

Nuoqigao took the two boxes of money he had prepared and brought them to Spandham.

Lynn smiled and said, "In the future, I will need the care of Chief Spandam."

Overdue credit cards will still happen.

Lynn needs legal means.

And Spandam did help Lynn a lot.

Those who fail to pay them overdue are sent to Judicial Island for trial.

"Mr. President is too polite. How embarrassing is this."

Spandam opened the box and took out the money, gently sniffing the scent of ink on Bailey.

The money is really good.

Since having money, life has become more and more enjoyable.

At this time, Lynn asked with a smile, "Sir Spandam, I have been in a good mood lately.


"Mr. President is really amazing. I really want to get promoted soon."

Spandam was not hiding in front of Linn, because in his opinion, Linn was his own."

"Could it be that a big man was caught?" Lynn pretended to be tentative.

"Hahaha." Spandham laughed dryly, then lowered his voice and said, "Have you heard of the devil's son?"

Lynn nodded.

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, is here." Spandham said triumphantly. "As long as you catch her, it's a great achievement."

Spandham is as greedy of life and fear of death as his father Spandane, and he also wants to be promoted and get rich

Robin is the remnant of O'Hara.

As long as Robin is caught, no one in the world understands the text of history.

For the world government, there is one less worry.

Five old stars must commend him.

And Spandam is already CP9 chief, and if he wants to go up, it can only be Mary Joa.

After sending Spandham away, Lynn knew that Luffy was about to make trouble on Judicial Island.

For Lynn.

The trouble this time is not big enough.

Lynn needs to be more exciting.

The importance of the son of the devil must always be shown to make sense.

Charlotte Lingling, Kaido and others, even if they get the text of the history, it is impossible to understand it


Since they can't read it, tell them there are people who can read it all.

But this matter cannot be announced by Lynn.

Lynn needs a microphone.The best candidate is undoubtedly the revolutionary army.

Lynn believed that Dorag was also interested in ancient weapons.

Dorag doesn’t want ancient weapons to fall into the hands of the world government.

Chapter 236: They are all bargaining chips!

Robin chose to leave with CP9. She knew there was nowhere to escape this time.

Moreover, she did not want to involve Lu Fei and others.

This is her choice.

However, Robin did not know that her choice would trigger a battle on the Judicial Island

Robin would never know that Lynn regarded her as an important bargaining chip in this game

And this time, she is not the only game chip.

There are also designs of ancient Pluto.

If all are available to the world government, how much impact will it have on the world?

The threat to the revolutionary army and pirates may be deadly.

Lynn took the microphone and said seriously: "I have a very important piece of information."

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