Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 178

Seven "I feel it is necessary to explain to you." At this time, the phone worm imitated Dorage's expression

Dorag said: "Please speak."

Lynn asked: "Do you remember the devil's son?"

Dorag replied, "Well, is it about her?"

"Yes." Lynn then briefly introduced him and Spandam.

Because of business needs, we must have a good relationship with Judicial Island

These Dorags are understandable.

The news from Lynn is crucial.

Ming's design drawings are enough to shake the world.

Robin is the key to the truth of history.

The O'Hara incident that year, the world government must be afraid of it before issuing the order to kill demons.

What the world government fears is the direction the revolutionary army needs to work hard on.

"I see, thank you for your notice."

After Dorag thanked him, he ended the call.

Lynn put down the phone worm, and then he contacted Shaklockdal

At this time, Shakrokdal has reached the new world.

Unlike the adventures of Luffy and others, Shaklockdal's purpose is very strong.

He chose to directly get on a cargo ship of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and headed to the New World.

Lynn asked, "There is one good news and another bad news, which one would you like to hear?"

Shaklockdal replied, "Say the good news first."

Lynn replied, "The good news is that the design of the ancient weapon Pluto has appeared."

Shaklockdal asked, "What about the bad news?"

Lynn said: "The bad news is that it was taken away by CP9 with Nicole Robin."

"I am not very interested in ancient weapons now."

Shaklockdal says

It is a shame in life to be defeated by Luffy because of being overly careless.

If it weren't for being rescued by Lynn, Shaklockdal would rather go to jail so as not to be laughed at.

"It's a good thing not to be interested in it." Lynn said with a smile, "but I don't want it to be true.

The birth of, so as not to affect the balance of the world, leading to a crisis in my business."What do you want me to do?" Shaklockdal asked.

Lynn said: "Help me find a way to release some news, you should have done this kind of thing."

"Want to hype this up to attract attention?"

Shaklockdal has also studied Lynn's methods.

"It seems that we all know each other." Lynn replied, "Whether it is Nicole Robin or

The design drawings of the ancient weapon Ming are full of allure. Don't you think it would be more interesting?" Shaklockdal did not answer, but he silently approved Lynn's words.

The revolutionary army will definitely move.

Lynn believed this.

What we need to do now is to make the whole world aware of the importance of Robin.

However, this requires a raid on Judicial Island at Luffy.

And it was Luffy who made trouble on Judicial Island and let Luffy take the limelight.

In disguise, people ignore Robin.

Lynn needs to guide the fishing boat back

Let the monsters of the new world understand one thing.

Robin's existence is related to the ownership of the One Piece Throne.

Just like the Tang monk meat in the Western Heavenly Scriptures, people have the idea of ​​a bite.

Things are just as Lynn expected.

Lu Fei and others pursued the water train, trying to intercept Lu Qi and others.

But they tried their best to prevent Lu Qi and others from entering Judicial Island

Eventually, the Judicial Island War broke out

Luffy became the first person to directly attack Judicial Island

Of course, this seemingly fierce and cruel battle

For Lynn, it was still a farce

Lin En believes that the green pheasant is always watching all this.

However, the green pheasant has no idea of ​​doing it.

The green pheasant's heart is confused and contradictory.

What he is doing now has nothing to do with justice and is completely selfish

The green pheasant not only wants Robin's thing to end on the island of justice, but also hopes that Luffy can create it once


However, the battle on Judicial Island, let them go to 4.2.At this time, Lin was already planning the follow-up.

As a qualified businessman, you must take your own interests as the starting point

After this war.

If there is no accident, Lu Qi and others were hunted down by the Navy because of their defeat.

Lynn didn't mind accepting them.

The strength and potential of Lu Qi and others are good.

Moreover, giving charcoal in the snow is easy to win.

Therefore, under Linn's arrangement, Aini Road has already gone to St. Poplar Town.

Lynn knew that Lu Qi and others would escape from the battlefield to Saint Baiyang Town after they were defeated.

They were in a difficult situation at that time, and it was a good opportunity to receive them.

Chapter 237: That man is here!

The Straw Hat Pirates stormed the Judicial Island. After getting the authorization of the green pheasant, Spandham issued an order to kill the evil

no doubt.

The Demon Slayer Order is an inhumane attack that burns everything.

Conduct an indiscriminate and devastating attack on the signaled area.

Used to completely remove things and people from an area threatening world government rule

Ten battleships, five lieutenants and the elite of the Navy

Each battleship is equipped with a thousand elite soldiers.

The lieutenant generals who executed the magic order are Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, and Stoloberg

"This is the first time to attack Judicial Island."

The ghost spider murmured on the boat.

Not only Luffy attacked Judicial Island, but also the navy attacked Judicial Island and launched a killing order against it.

However, since the order has been issued, it can only be followed.


Naval guns began to bomb Judicial Island.

The caliber of each warship’s gun is sufficient to deal with the Neptune class.13 Under such high-intensity bombing, everything on the Judicial Island was destroyed. It’s not a question at all.

As the'maker' of the Demon Slayer Order this time

The green pheasant watched all this silently.

Until the man appeared and launched an attack.


A warship exploded directly.

"What happened

Stoloberg looked at the warship beside him.

At this time, the warship on his left had caught fire and thick smoke.

In the thick smoke, a figure jumped out.

"how is this possible!"

"It turned out to be him!"

Stoloberg stared at the man emerging from the smoke in amazement.

Known as the most dangerous man in the world.

Monkey D. Dorag

Just the moment when the eye meets.

Domineering release.

The surrounding navy who tried to attack all fell down with rolled eyes


"Don't underestimate us!"

Major General Derek on the warship drew his sword and slashed directly at Dorag

However, Dorag didn't even look at him, and grasped the cut sword accurately.

Then, directly crush it.

At the moment of surprise, Dorag took another strike of Dragon Claw Fist.

One claw hit Derek in the chest.


Derek's military uniform burst, shattered into cloth strips and flew out and plunged directly into the sea.

Why hasn't Dorag been caught all these years?

It's not that he didn't find his whereabouts, but Dorag's strength is too strong.

The agents sent by the world government to arrest were all defeated by Dorag

"Even if the opponent is you, I will not back down."

Stoloberg knows Dorag.

He knew how terrifying the strength of Dorag.

However, as a lieutenant admiral, he has no reason to shrink

However, Dorag jumped up, rushed directly to the sky with a moon step, and then fell rapidly from the sky.

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