Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 185

He saw Lynn's flag.Mackinaw once said to him that as long as he encounters trouble after going to sea, he should contact the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

As long as you explain the relationship with Lynn, you can get help.

Therefore, Lu Fei laughed while escaping, and moved towards the liaison office of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce while avoiding bows and arrows.

In the branch liaison office of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The person in charge was sent by Markino, and her name was Shiryl.

Shiryl and Luffy have met. When she saw Luffy, she showed a surprised expression: "Luffy, you

Why are you here?"I was photographed here by the Bassoromi bear.""

When Luffy answered this question, his expression was dim.

I don't know what happened to my companions

"That's it." Shiryl saw Luffy's sad expression, and she was a little bit sad.

They grew up watching Luffy when they were young, and the village has been favored by Karp.

"Sister Shiryl, did Magino let you come here?"

Luffy is more polite to people with average relationships.

When addressing Mackinaw, he always only said the name.

"Yes, I am temporarily in charge, and at the same time come to train."

Shiryl replied.

The heads of liaison offices in the Lynn Chamber of Commerce are generally men.

It’s not that it discriminates against women, but the sea is too chaotic, and men are safer outside.

Only Daughter Island is special.

It is quite repulsive and resistant to outside men here.

"Oh." Lu Fei replied, without talking much.

At this time, the female soldiers of Amazon Lily have chased to the door of the liaison office

Seeing Shiryl talking with Luffy, she put down her bow and arrow.

After Shiryl’s explanation, the female warrior of Amazon Lily learned of the relationship between Luffy and Lynn

After that, Luffy didn't feel embarrassed.However, because Luffy is male.

Although Luffy and Lynn have a close relationship, they are still restricted.

Shiryl prepared a lot of food for Luffy.

Luffy also started to swallow

It's just that Luffy saw the newspaper by chance.

After seeing that Ace was going to be publicly executed a week later, Luffy was completely confused.

How can this be!

Shiryl sighed as she saw Luffy's appearance.

Lu Fei often talked to the villagers about him, Ace and Sabo.

Luffy has been alone since childhood.

He is always incompatible with the children in the village.

It wasn't until he met Ace and Sabo that he was no longer alone.

Shiryl said to Luffy, "If you want to save him, you'd better go to Lynn, Lyn can

There can be a way."Not only Shiryl, but in the eyes of the villagers in Windmill Village, Lynn is almost like a god. He

Omnipotence 3.7 has created various miracles."Yes, you are right, only Lynn can save Ace.

Luffy now pinned all his hopes on Lynn.

In fact.

While preparing food for Luffy, Shiryl had already informed Lin that Luffy was on Daughters Island.

Soon after.

With Shiryl's help, Luffy used a phone worm to contact Lynn.

Lin En was still thinking about whether to help Luffy enter Propulsion City.

Only after Lu Fei entered Pushing City, it didn't seem to be of much use.

Of course, there is no problem in helping Lu Fei enter the city.

Just ask Moria to do a little favor, and let Moria lead people in.

Chapter 247: Lynn's arrangement!

"Lynn, I want to save Ace."

The phone worm imitated Luffy's expression and voice, with firm tone and expression.

Lynn said: "I know your mood, but it's difficult."

Luffy said: "No matter how difficult it is, I will rescue Ace."

Luffy did not hesitate at all.

This is one of his charms.

Will not be afraid and retreat, even not even if the opponent is.

At any cost.

It’s just... in Lynn’s eyes, it’s no different from a fool

However, it is not impossible to help.

Leen said, "Well, I will make arrangements for you. As for whether you can succeed, it depends on you." Really?Thank you Lynn!"

Luffy was very happy. In his opinion, Ace was able to be rescued.

After finishing the call.

Lynn then contacted Moria.

Moria was sleeping at this time.

"Is there something?" Moria asked lazily.

13 Lynn said, "I have a small favor from you."

"Trouble?" Moria frowned.

"It's not troublesome."

Hancock can easily bring Luffy into Propulsion City. Moria’s figure is so large, it will only be more

Easy to add."Oh." Moria stretched her brows.

Lynn said: "Help me bring someone into Impelton."


Moria was dumbfounded.

Lynn said: "Don't worry, there won't be any problems."

"Okay." Moria thought for a while, but agreed.

After all, it was Lynn's help, and he must also pay attention.

Under Lynn's arrangement, Luffy met Moria.

Because of Linn’s arrangement before, Moria and others didn’t take action on Luffy and returned it.

The shadow of Brooke.

"So it's you." Lu Fei took the initiative to greet Moria.

Because Moria is very plausible

Originally, Luffy wanted to get justice for Brooke.

As a result, Morley Asia-Pacific reasoned and directly returned the shadow of Brooke

So that Luffy doesn’t even have a reason to do it.

"Follow me." Moria didn't have a very good attitude towards Luffy.

Luffy hid in Moriah's body and successfully entered Propulsion City.

I also saw Bucky.

Bucky has played well in the East China Sea these years.

However, he also reached the great route.

It’s just that his hobbies have not changed from those in China and he is still looking for various treasures.

Especially John Treasure

As a result, he was caught by the Navy.

"How will you be here!"

Luffy was surprised when he saw Bucky.

When Bucky was in the East China Sea, he had a very powerful fleet, but Bucky’s behavior was strange

He is not short of money, but is looking for sunken ships and treasures.

After meeting Luffy by chance, he also recognized the straw hat on Luffy's head.

Knowing that Luffy and Shanks have intersections, he didn't deliberately embarrass Luffy.

"I should be asking you this." Bucky roared at Luffy.

Shanks handed the straw hat to Luffy.

Obviously full of expectations for Luffy.

As a result, Luffy actually entered Propulsion City?

Luffy replied, "I'm here to save Ace."

"Ace? Who is he?" Bucky still doesn't know Ace's identity.

"He is my brother." Luffy replied.

"Oh." Bucky didn't bother to ask again.

At Lynn's desk, there was a telephone bug.

At this moment, the phone worm imitated Shanks' voice and expression.

Shanks said: "This time the matter is very serious."

"Will it change the current balance of the sea?" Lynn asked.

In fact, Lynn knew better than Shanks what would happen next.

However, he now needs to pretend not to know anything.

"The problem may be worse than you and I expected."

Shanks contacted Lynn now, and naturally had his plan.

Shanks knew Linn's strength and position.

Shanks knew that Lynn would not easily intervene in this war.

Especially in this war, Guan Ping to the so-called justice'

Pirates and navy, justice and evil.

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