Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 186

No matter how Lynn chooses, choosing which side to stand on will offend the other side.

Therefore, Shanks knew that Lynn might do nothing.

Just do nothing at 527, that can only make things worse.

Shanks said: "I need you to talk to Kaido and let him not get involved in this matter."

"I understand, I will talk to him."

Lynn agreed to Shanks.

However, he only promised to talk to Kaido.

As for Kaido or not, it doesn't matter to him.

Of course, Shanks’ current position is to actively prevent the outbreak of the top battle.

At least one thing can be confirmed.

Shanks didn't want Titch to profit from it.

It can even be inferred that Shanks has guessed that Titch is related to Locks.

Of course, these are Linn's current speculations.

It's Titch's position.

It became a breakthrough for Lynn to intervene in the top war.

Bi Jingtic betrayed the White Beard Pirates and violated the benevolence and justice at sea.

At the same time, Titch played tricks on the world government and navy, and became the object of hatred by both sides.

"Maybe we can talk to the Warring States." Lin En muttered.

Immediately, Lynn prepared the boat and went to Malin Vandor.

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Eighth: First meeting with Aka Inu!

Malin Vandor, Headquarters of the Navy

At this time, the navy headquarters is already in a state of loosening outside and tight inside.

Although there are only scattered warships parked in the naval port, heavy troops have already been deployed.

No matter when White Beard comes, whether it is on the execution day or before the execution day, the Warring States Period is sure to let him come back.

Lynn walked in Yaohan with a souvenir.

From entering the military port to entering the key.

There was no marine obstruction in the whole process.

Lynn's face is the best pass.

The navy has a good opinion of Lynn.

Whether it is hawks or doves.

Even ordinary marines are grateful to Lynn, because Lynn is a good man.

Provide military coupons to the Navy, delayed repayment, and justice apartments, etc.

Lynn provided many benefits for the Navy.

"How did you come?"

Lynn met the green pheasant on the stairs.

The green pheasant looked at Lynn suspiciously.

Lin En replied, "Come and talk to the Marshal of the Warring States Period."

"About Ace?" Green Pheasant asked.

Lynn pretended to smile wryly and said, "Yeah, the waterways have been messed up recently.

The green pheasant hummed softly, "Your merchant only cares about money."


Lynn replied, "This is our position, and only when we make money can we help stabilize the order."

The green pheasant did not refute Lynn, but did not continue talking with Lynn.

Talking about order and stability with businessmen?

These are all pretexts, they are only balancing money and their own interests.

Lynn came to the office of the Warring States Period.

At this time, the Warring States is looking at the document

Seeing Lynn coming in, the Warring States Period asked, "Anything~?"

Lynn said: "It's about Ace."

"Is it here to intercede for him?" Warring States asked with a smile.

"You know my position, and I won't bother myself."

Lynn replied with a smile.

"Hmm." The Warring States had already known Lynn's position, so it was just a joke.

He didn’t think that Lynn would harm the interests of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce for Ace

Bi Jing, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is now alive under the order of the world government.

Lynn said: "Actually, when you mobilized the navy of the Four Seas, I knew there would be big trouble.

The Warring States Period asked: "Has it affected your bullishness?

Lynn said: "It is somewhat influential. After all, the Navy's escort is the guarantee for the normal operation of the Chamber of Commerce."

"That's really sorry for causing trouble to you, but it will be back to normal soon."

The Sengoku apology was only verbal.

For the Warring States period, the navy can sacrifice, let alone Lynn's bullishness?

Moreover, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain as long as it is beneficial to the world.

Lynn knew the idea of ​​the Warring States Period, and he also said, "If the Whitebeard Pirates are eliminated, then my bullishness in Xihai and Beihai will inevitably be impacted, and I need to reduce the loss as much as possible."

Warring States asked: "So, what do you want to do?"

Lynn said, "If necessary, I will make my own judgment, just like I did with the golden lion."

Lynn once helped the navy crusade against the golden lion.

This incident was not disclosed to the public within the Navy.

However, the Warring States Period knew Lynn's strength, and if Lynn could take action when necessary, it would indeed be beneficial to the Navy.

Warring States said: "I will not force you, you can handle it according to your own decision."

"Thank you for your understanding."

After Lynn thanked him, he left the Warring States office.

However, just out of the marshal’s office, I happened to ran into the red dog

The red dog saw Lynn.

Lynn and Akagi looked at each other.

The red dog is really fierce.

The look is not only in the navy, but even more fierce than Kaido!

However, Lynn is very calm

Because Lynn knows the red dog.

The red dog belongs to the guy with a disgusting face.

Unless Lynn openly confronts the navy and the world government, the red dog will not embarrass Lin.

It will not do anything to blackmail and make things difficult for Lynn.

Lynn said, "I'm glad to meet you for the first time, Your Excellency."

Akagi nodded and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"This is a dessert made by my secretary, please accept it."

Lin En took out a copy of the brocade box in his hand and handed it to the red dog

Akagi accepted it.

Then Lynn took out another credit card.

It is UR level.

All these (Hao Zhao) are ready.

Lynn knew that Aka Dog would be in the headquarters today.

Aka Inu also accepted it.

"Thank you for your care. I wanted to talk more with you, but you must be very busy. I hope I will have a chance when we meet again."

After Lynn finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

However, when Linn turned around, the red dog said from behind Linn: "You did a good job. If you have trouble in the future, you can come to my Liang directly."

The Red Dog agrees with Lynn and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

At least, Lynn did much better than Pirates.

With the efforts of Lynn and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, the world economy is developing in a positive direction.

The prosperity of the city has increased, and ordinary people have work to do, which is stable and orderly

Chapter 249: The Four Emperors' Sea Encounter!

The red dog is not right to people.

As long as he thinks something is wrong, it is wrong, and it is useless to reason with him

On the contrary, he thought it was the right thing.

That doesn't need to be too much, he can make his own judgment.

High efficiency, hate to be passive.

Compared with the green pheasant and the yellow ape, the red dog is indeed more competent.

When Lynn went to Karp, he found that Karp seemed to be much older

Karp suffered a lot from the matter of Ace.

If he starts from a personal standpoint, he will save Ace.

However, he is a navy, at the same time, he is also a naval hero.

If he did something to rescue Ace, then the justice of the Navy would be a joke

"Uncle Karp."

Lynn walked into Karp's office.

"Just sit down," Karp said casually

Lynn said, "I am also very sad about Ace, if you need me to do something, then I will help."

This is a polite remark.

Lynn knew that Karp would not involve Lynn in this matter.

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