Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 197

Although Lynn and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce were very famous in the past, they mainly came from money and charity'.

Now Lynn also wants to use this opportunity to show the world his strength.

This is of great help to Lynn's next plan.

Bi Jing, only if the whole world knows that Lynn is a thigh will anyone come to take refuge

Lin En held the knife in one hand and blocked the Blackbeard Pirates alone.

The black beard was anxious and angry, and the white beard was about to die.

Whitebeard's ability can be grabbed immediately

However, it happened at this time.

"Kill him!"

Blackbeard was so angry that he was murderous.

He didn't hesitate to expose his true strength, but also to kill Lynn.

The black beard pirates swarmed up

Buckis took the lead in attacking Lynn.

"Unsinkable Fleet Elbow!"

Buckis waved his arm in Lynn's direction and sent a huge shock wave to attack Lynn.

Yu Zhixi kept both hands on the knife, and spared no effort to split a slash.

Katrina Diemei and others also attacked Lynn from all angles at this time.

However, Lynn leaped to his feet while avoiding their attacks.

"Reverse Slash Ling Yuan!"

Dive down from a high altitude, the sword is infinitely forward.

As Lynn chopped downward.

Blow down

The already devastated Marin Vatican Square was directly cut into a deep ditch.

And Jian Qi crushes the nearby stratum and turns it into powder

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Buckis and others were beheaded at the same time

"Don't be too arrogant!"

At this time, Blackbeard rushed over, a black spiral vortex appeared on his left hand, and

"I saw."

Lynn saw through Blackbeard's attack.

Blackbeard wanted to use the dark fruit ability to attract Lynn, and the moment he used his right hand to attract Lynn

Grasping to Lynn's eyes.Perhaps, Shanks was scratched like that.

Lynn leaped back, avoiding the dark water of Blackbeard.

Subsequently, before Bakis and others got up and counterattacked.

"Reverse Slash Red Lotus!"

A lotus pattern composed of flames rose under Lynn's feet.

Like hell red lotus blooming, it seems to burn everything.

At the same time that Buckis and others were shaken off, their bodies were on fire at the same time.

Blackbeard rolled on the ground even more embarrassed.

It wasn't until the black smoke came up and the flames swallowed the body that the pain slowly disappeared.

However, Blackbeard is now sweating profusely.

"He is stronger than I thought. I want to kill him on the spot and seize White Beard's ability.

It's impossible!"Black Beard thought to himself. Although he coveted the power of White Beard, he knew

Lynn’s power is no longer inferior to any monster present.0

If he loves the battle, then he will not only fail, but will risk being caught by the Navy.

At this time, the red dog still wanted to pursue the remnant party of the White Beard Pirates.

In fact, as long as the blue pheasant freezes the sea again, none of the white beard pirates can leave.

If Huang Yuan wanted to chase from the air, the White Beard Pirates would also not be able to hide from Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu’s light.

Bullet shot.but……

With Lynn’s shot, everyone’s attention was focused on Blackbeard.

"Titch, you are not the one Roger is waiting for."

The white beard said to the black beard.

Black Beard looked at White Beard, gritted his teeth.

He didn't want to hear Baibeard's last words, he only wanted Baibeard's ability.

Baibeard watched the Warring States again. He knew he was going to do it, so he finished talking with the Warring States.

After Roger's prediction, he exhausted his last strength and shouted: "The unique big secret treasure is real!" After speaking, Baibeard had no regrets and died standing there.



Marco and others were crying at sea, and everyone's face was sad.

Ace was hugged by everyone, suffering endlessly.

All 3.2 blame him for being too impulsive.

If he doesn’t chase Titch, it won’t happen today.

"Damn it! It's too late!"

Watching Baibeard die in front of him.

Blackbeard was anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

However, Lynn is very calm, as long as he holds the current position, he will succeed.

Not surprisingly, the fruit of the shaking will also be in his hands.

At this time, the Warring States issued an order: "Grab Blackbeard!"


Seeing that the situation was not good, Blackbeard turned and ran. He had prepared a boat for escape.

However, the navy chased after the remnants of the white beard first, especially when Ace was still alive.

Chapter 262: Mediating the war!

Although Warring States ordered the arrest of Blackbeard, Ace was still alive.

Therefore, the pursuit target of the red dog and others is still the White Beard Pirates.

Until the appearance of the Redhead Pirates.

"There have been enough casualties on both sides."

"Give me a face, stop doing it!"

"If you still want to keep on fighting, let us be your opponents."

Shanks took the red-haired pirates to the bay.

His appearance actually stimulated the red dog

Is this threatening the navy?

However, Huang Yuan is very cooperative

Isn't this a good opportunity for a truce?

The green pheasant has an indifferent attitude.

Shanks and the others jumped onto the bay and greeted Raleigh

"It's been a long time since I saw the deputy captain."

When Shanks spoke, he had already pulled out the knife.

Raleigh adds Shanks.

And the group of people behind them.

At this time, Lynn came to the Warring States, he had already retracted the knife into the scabbard, and did not pursue and kill the Blackbeard group.

What he has to do now is to help mediate the war.

20 Because Ace is not dead yet, Aka Inu feels lost

The Warring States period is probably not reconciled.

So Lynn needs to enlighten them.

Lynn said: "The navy's casualties are too great. If we go to war with Shanks, the navy will lose control of the sea in a short time."

The navy is indeed very powerful and a well-deserved maritime hegemon.

But the problem is that the navy has too much territory.

There are too many things to be responsible for.

Just being the pirates of the four seas requires a large amount of navy to deal with.

The elite navies from all over the world are now used to deal with the White Beard Pirates

As a result, the white beard is dead, but there is a power vacuum in the new world

Especially White Beard once again promoted the existence of the Big Secret Treasure.

After the death of Baibeard, there will be more pirates pouring into the sea

In the new world, in order to fight for the territory left by the white beard, new wars will also break out.

The Warring States period pondered the pros and cons.

Lynn was right, it's important to preserve vitality.

Lynn added: "Although Ace is still alive, he is not Roger and Whitebeard. The first target of his revenge when he is still alive is Blackbeard. After all, all this is a blackbeard's conspiracy today. Why not take advantage of this. What?"

Warring States nodded, feeling reasonable.

"Take a step back and say that although Ace is threatening, he is not Roger after all, let alone Whitebeard. He doesn't have the potential to be an overlord.

Of course, this is my own neutral position. I personally put forward an analysis. I don't want to be affected too much."

Lynn's words did not look down on Ace.

It's that Ace is too impulsive, too reckless, too ignorant to advance and retreat, too arrogant.

Courageous and unprepared, emotional

Is there a threat to such an opponent?

"You are right" The Warring States approved.

"The war is over

The Warring States immediately ordered to stop the pursuit.

Although Aka Inu was dissatisfied, Karp was relieved

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