Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 198

Is it finally over?

The navy is relieved

Only the red dog is still unwilling

But what use can you be unwilling to do?

Senior officials crushed people to death.

Akagi is not a marshal, he must obey the orders of the Warring States Period.

This also strengthened his determination to become a marshal.

The navy suffered nearly 60,000 casualties this time

The number of casualties is exaggerated and frightening.

The main casualties came from Baibeard's counterattack before his death.

The earthquake caused by the destructive power of the quake fruit really caused many marines to die in accidents.

The full camp of wounded soldiers is the most authentic portrayal of the Navy.

However, more headaches are still to come.

The death of Baibeard ushered in a new era.

The order of the new world was completely broken.

The territory that was ruled by White Beard in the past has now become the object of competition for pirates.

In the eyes of the pirates, Baibeard is dead, and his territory has become a land of no owner.

As for Ace?And the remnants of the White Beard Pirates?

What could they be without the white beard?

In fact, Ace and others really can’t support the White Beard Pirates

At least for now.

Of course, Malin Vandor killed and injured sixty thousand elites, and the sequelae caused were not just for

Pirate's.No elite naval checks and balances

The revolutionary army developed more rapidly.

Dorag is a commander in command who will seize the opportunity.

Not long after Baibeard’s funeral was over, a new round of uprising broke out across the world

Although it is to overthrow the old world and overthrow the original dark rule, war means chaos

Chaos means displaced people are displaced, it means hunger and death.

Prices continue to rise, and survival is extremely difficult.

In the war, more people became pirates to make a living.

Or, someone who has passed the war joins the war, hoping to survive it.

This is a vicious circle that continues to aggravate the unrest in the world.

But for Lynn and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, it represents new opportunities.

First, land and resources are cheaper.

Second, labor has become cheaper.

As long as Lynn can make good use of this opportunity.

Not only can we strengthen our own power, but continue to reap the wealth of the world.

At the same time, it can also take the opportunity to gain massive fame.

The next stage of Lynn’s plan is to build a country based on “freedom, democracy, and human rights”

It will become the country that people yearn for in troubled times, the existence of dreams and heaven.

Chapter 263: Candidate for Marshal!

Chambord Islands, Lynn Chamber of Commerce branch.

At this time, in Lynn's office, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce were complaining to Lynn.

Except for Dongwai, various problems have appeared all over the world.

"President, the Whitebeard Pirates has lost control of the site, and our fleet has been attacked many times recently."

"Chairman, not only the New World, the number of pirates in the West Sea has also increased, and the navy's escort strength has weakened."

"President, can you discuss with the navy to provide us with an escort fleet.

Businessmen are sensitive. They do smell the business opportunities brought by troubled times, but troubled times also bring high risks.

Lynn looked at everyone and said, "I know what you are worried about. I will communicate with the Navy and I will give you an answer soon."

The delegates all believed in Lynn, so after they got Lynn’s reply, they went back separately

At this time, Bartolomio asked: "Big brother, why don't you let us escort?

In Bartolomio’s view, since the navy is unreliable now, it should be done by themselves.

The security forces of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce have grown to a certain size in recent years.

It's just that Lynn's use of security forces has always been low-key and conservative.

Except when I just entered the West China Sea, I was attacked by Kidd.

Every time the Linn Chamber of Commerce encounters something that allows the navy to come forward, Lynn will look for the navy or Wu Hai.

However, the gun shot the bird

When you can keep a low profile, try to keep a low profile.

Now that the Navy is weak, if the Lynn Chamber of Commerce shows that it is very strong, it is purely asking itself for trouble.

Lynn said calmly, "The members of the White Beard Pirates have the same idea as you, and the result is

Baibeard himself knows to advance and retreat.

Having played with the Warring States for many years, Baibeard still chose to give in when facing the navy, and was unwilling to engage in a head-on conflict.

Because Baibeard knew that his power could not compete with the navy.

What's more, behind the navy is the world government.

Locks Pirates is strong enough, right? The result?

It's just that the white beard was cheated by his sons.

Ace takes the lead in cheating.

Too unscrupulously running wild on the sea, always thinking that he can walk sideways.

Bartolomi seems to understand.

"When you encounter something, use your brain more and use more wisdom."

Lynn laughed and teased.

For Bartolomeo’s loyalty and admiration, Lynn can really feel it

Ainilu is also in the office, listening in silence

Lynn’s words always make sense, and there are arguments that can convince everyone.

Malin Vando is about to be destroyed.

If it is repaired again, it will cost a lot of money, even enough to rebuild a building.

Therefore, the Navy Headquarters is currently discussing reconstruction or restoration.

Once the golden lion made a big fuss with Malin Vandor and almost destroyed Malin Vandor

The Navy has experience in repairing.

It's just that Akinu waits for the hawkish generals to fight, and Akinu wants to transfer the navy headquarters to the new world.

In this way, it can show the determination of the navy to defeat the pirates.

However, before the results are discussed.

The office of the navy headquarters has been temporarily moved to the naval station in the Chambord Islands.

When Lynn came to the naval station, the navy at the door greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman."

"Mr. President, business is booming."

Lynn is a good person.

After the war, Lynn donated 10 billion Baileys to the Navy on behalf of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Most of them are continuing medicines, as well as nutritional products.

In addition, Lynn also gave all Navy a 30% discount for one year.

Lin En said: "The food city has a new batch of Beihai delicacies. If you have time, you must go to the customs.

According to "That will definitely go"

"It must be delicious."

The navy replied.

After a brief greeting, Lynn walked into the office building.

The Warring States Office is on the top floor

Lynn went straight up the stairs.

During the period, Lin met Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin.

After Lynn greeted them, he went directly to the Warring States Office.

At this time, the Warring States Period is making "pre-retirement preparations."

This time he was caught in the trap of Blackbeard, and at the same time he failed to kill Ace, and also caused a lot of

Navy casualties.This is his responsibility.

As a marshal, he has to take responsibility.

The Warring States still decided to resign.

As for the successor, he chose the green pheasant.

The navy is now suffering from heavy casualties and it is not appropriate to use force.

The red dog is too extreme, and it would not be a good thing for the navy to let him succeed the marshal.

As for the green pheasant's alternate candidate for the general after being promoted to marshal.

The Warring States decided to choose one from Taotu and Tea Dolphin

The tea dolphin is too lazy, silly, and has a worse work attitude than the yellow ape.

Warring States is more inclined to peach rabbit

However, these (good Zhao) are the ideas of the Warring States.

Senior government officials in the world are inclined to the red dog.

Moreover, for the performance of the navy in this war, it seems that Ping is not satisfied.


Lynn knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Warring States shouted.

Lin En walked in with a souvenir.

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